Bài tập tiếng anh lớp 11 unit 9, 10, 11 có đáp an

Hướng dẫn soạn, giải bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Review 4: Unit 9, 10 chi tiết đầy đủ các phần theo nội dung Review 4: Unit 9, 10 lớp 11 giúp học sinh làm bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 dễ dàng hơn. Tài liệu còn có từ vựng, ngữ pháp, bài tập trắc nghiệm có đáp án theo từng unit giúp học sinh học tốt môn Tiếng Anh 11

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí ÔN TẬP TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 UNIT 9 - 11 - REVIEW 3 CÓ ĐÁP ÁN I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. a. subscribe b. finite c. prohibit d. wild 2. a. exhaust b. anxious c. exist d. exact 3. a. weather b. growth c. wealthy d. geothermal 4. a. eradicate b. habitat c. endanger d. panel 5. a. pleased b. raised c. practiced d. used II. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others. 6. a. geothermal b. environment c. alternative d. pollutant 7. a. scientist b. industry c. agriculture d. potential 8. a. interference b. consequences c. electricity d. entertainment 9. a. preserve b. devastate c. endanger d. release 10. a. fertilize b. deliver c. imagine d. destroy III. Choose the word or phrase [a, b, c or Ii] that best fits the blank space in each sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase. 11. Several rare species are dying ______ owing to human beings' deforestation and careless hunting. a. up b. out c. away d. down 12. They are all at work doing some research ______ alternative sources of energy. a. for b. in c. on d. with 13. If you have anything important to do, do it straight away. Don't put it ______. a. on b. off c. over d. up 14. The headmistress is very competent. All the teaching staff look ______. a. up to her b. her up to c. at her up d. for her up 15. He wouldn't have failed his exam ______ he hadn't been ill. a. unless b. if c. in case d. although Trang chủ: ht t p s : / / v n d o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 42 61 8 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí 16. We should responsible for the ____ humans are doing to the environment. a. destroy b. destructive c. destruction d. destructibility 17. She lost her balance when she ______ to reach out for the balloon. a. had tried b. was trying c. tried d. had been trying 18. He suggested ______ a jumble sale to try and raise money for the scouts. a. me to hold b. me that I held c. holding d. to hold 19. They are excellent students ______ I have complete confidence. a. who b. that c. whom d. in whom 20. The students in this class, ______ are from the provinces, are having trouble finding decent accommodation. a. most of whom b. many of them c. some of who d. all who 21. You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the ______ of wildlife. a. extinct c. extinction b. extinctive d. extinctions 22. Cameron, ______ directed ‘The Titanic’, is one of the leading faces in Hollywood. a. that b. whose c. whom d. who 23. The population of the earth is increasing at a tremendous rate and ______ out of control. a. it will be b. soon will be c. have become d. are soon going to 24. The teacher gave some suggestions on what could come out for the examination a. effects b. symptoms c. hints d. demonstrations 25. While southern California is densely populated, ______ live in the northern part of the state. a. a number people b. many people c. few people d. a few of people 26. Mohandas K. Gandhi, ______ Mahatma, lived a noble life of fasting and poverty in order to work for peace and independence. a. that was called b. was called c. called d. calling 27. Your failure is the consequence of not studying hard enough for the test. a. cause b. motive c. result d. status 28. She ______ to study more English before enrolling at the university. Trang chủ: ht t p s : / / v n d o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 42 61 8 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí a. was recommended b. recommended c. has recommended d. recommends 29. The teacher asked those who ______ their tests ______ in their papers. a. completed/ turn b. completed/ turned c. had completed/ to turn d. completed/ turns 30. Historian Barbara Tuchman was the first woman ______ president of the Academy of Arts and Sciences. a. whose election as b. to elect d. to be elected c. was elected 31. There are believed ______ over 300 species of trees in EI Yunque rain forest in Puerto Rico. a. to be b. being c. they are d. there are 32. Rarely ______ last longer than an hour. a. do tornados b. tornados c. tornados that d. tornados do 33. ______ for the fact that he was working abroad, he would willingly have helped with the project. . a. If it had been b. If it hadn't been c. Had it been d. Hadn't it been 34. New words are constantly being invented ______ new objects and concepts. a. to describe b. a description of c. they describe d. describe 35. A home computer ______ an opportunity for convenient and efficient work at home. a. provides IV. b. to be providing c. which provides d. providing it Choose the underlined word or phrase [A, B, C or D] that needs correcting. 36. Liquids take the shape of any container which they are placed.[in which] A B C D 37. Winslow Homer, who had no formally training in art, became famous for his paintings of the sea and seacoast. A B [formal] C 38. Because of habitat loss, there are less Asian elephants than African elephants. A B C [fewer] D Trang chủ: ht t p s : / / v n d o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 42 61 8 8 D Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí 39. Even though they are among the smallest carnivores, weasels will attack animals that are double their size. A B C D [twice] 40. All of the mammals, dolphins are undoubtedly among the friendliest to human. A [Of all] V. B C D Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d – that best fits the blank space in the following passage. By 1984, nonrenewable [41] ______ fuels, such as oil, coal and natural as, provided over 82 percent of the commercial and industrial energy [42] ______ in the world. Small amounts of energy were [43] ______ from nuclear fission, and the [44] ______ 16 percent came from burning direct perpetual and renewable fuels, [45] ______ biomass. Between 1700 and 1986 a large number of countries [46] ______ from the use of energy from local sources to a centralized generation of hydropower and solar energy [47] ______ to electricity. The energy derived from nonrenewable fossil fuels has been [48] ______ produced in one location and transported to another, as is the case with most automobike fuels. In countries with private, rather than public [49] ______, the age of nonrenewable fuels has created a dependency on a finite [50] ______ that will have to be replaced. 41. a. clean b. unleaded c. fossil 42. a. used b. produced c. supplied d. stored 43. a. produced b. derived c. extracted d. released 44. a. resting b. leaving c. restricting d. remaining 45. a. as b. therefore d. solid c. such as d. for 46. a. shifted b. transferred c. obtained d. applied 47. a. saved b. reformed c. delivered d. converted 48. a. actually b. increasingly c. gradually 49. a. transports b. transportation 50. a. reserve b. material d. consequently c. transporters c. resource d. transportable d. power Trang chủ: ht t p s : / / v n d o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 42 61 8 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí VI. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer. Scientists believe they now have scientific evidence to prove that ecosystems work better when there is greater variety of species within them. This biodiversity is being lost destroying natural mechanisms that could repair the damage caused by man. Findings show that losing plants and animals is not only reducing our quality of life but actually endangering our very existence. We cut down rich rainforests and replace them with one species plantations, such as pine and eucalyptus. We plough up meadows rich in different grasses and herbs and replace them with one grass, for instance rye or wheat. When a natural ecosystem is simplified the basic processes in the ecosystem are altered and even damaged. Without their biodiversity they are not able to serve as the natural clearners of our planet. No longer are they able to absorb the carbon dioxide that is being produced in excess. The result is global warming, caused by the increase in the 'greenhouse effect', and ultimately, or even 'sooner, there will be' a change in the world's climate. 51. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? a. How Ecosystems Work Better b. The Loss of Biodiversity c. The Variety of Species d. Natural Mechanisms 52. Which of the following is not a species used to replace a rich ecosystem? a. Herbs b. Pine c. Eucalyptus d. Rye 53. What is the purpose of paragraph 2? a. To show natural mechanisms at work. b. To give examples of the loss of biodiversity. c. To give example of variety of species. d. To show how ecosystems can work better. 54. What, according to the passage, might be the final result of the simplification of natural ecosystems? a. The basic processes are altered c. There is global warming b. There is loss of biodiversity d. There is a change in the climate. 55. What is the author's attitude to the loss of biodiversity? Trang chủ: ht t p s : / / v n d o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 42 61 8 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí a. Indifferent VII. b. Negative c. Positive d. Neutral Choose the answer - a, b, c or d - that is nearest in meaning to the printed before it. 56. She has always got on well with her colleagues. a. She has always had poor relationship with her colleagues. b. She has always been on good terms with her colleagues. c. Her colleagues have always put up with her. d. She is trying to establish a good relation ship with her colleagues. 57. Julia didn't listen to what her doctor told her. a. What the doctor told Julia was not worth listening to. b. Julia couldn't hear what the doctor told her. c. The doctor told Julia to listen to what he said, but she didn't do so. d. Julia took no notice of what her doctor told her. 58. John Smith is a farmer. I bought his land. . a. John Smith, whose land I bought, is a farmer. b. John Smith, who is a farmer, whose land I bought. c. John Smith, whom I bought his land, is a farmer. d. John Smith, a farmer, bought his land. VIII. Choose the answer- a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence. 59. ______ who made Thanksgiving an official holiday in the United States. a. Abraham Lincoln b. He was Abraham Lincoln c. Abraham Lincoln was d. It was Abraham Lincoln 60. Four miles off the southeastern coast of Massachusetts ______, a popular summer resort. a. lies the island of Martha's Vineyard b. the island of Martha's Vineyard lies there c. does lie the island of Martha's Vineyard d. where the island of Martha's Vineyard lies Trang chủ: ht t p s : / / v n d o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 42 61 8 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí UNIT 9: THE POST OFFICE [Tiếp] READING Exercise 1: PRONUNCIATION Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. facsimile B. transfer C. spacious D. fax 2. A. ready B. friend C. telephone D. speedy 3. A. subscribe B. facsimile C. pride D. provide 4. A. spacious B. courteous C. document D. technology 5. A. commune B. security C. punctuality D. distribute Exercise 2: Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words from the box. compete distribute transmit space post courteous transfer subscribe deliver satisfy 1. All mail ……………...... were suspended during the strike. 2. It's only common ..................... to thank someone when they help. 3. Do you wish to take out a full twelve-month .................. to the journal? 4. We offer a wide range' of goods at very ................ prices. 5. If you are ................ with our service, please write to the manager, 6. This ticket is only used by the person who bought it. It is not …………....... 7. Fax …………...... has now become a cheap and convenient way to transmit texts over distances. 8. White walls can give a feeling of .................. 9. The newspaper is ...................... free. 10. How much was the …………….... on that letter? Exercise 3: Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition. 1. We take great pride .......... offering the best service in town. 2. This post office is equipped ……..... advanced technology …...... transaction. 3. What is the Messenger Call Service used ............? Trang chủ: ht t p s : / / v n d o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 42 61 8 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí 4. Let us take care ............ your postal and telecommunication needs for now and ever. 5. We subscribe ............ all the main medical journals. 6. This computer isn't capable ........... running this software. 7. She seemed satisfied ............. the results. 8. She was fiercely proud .......... family traditions and continuity. 9. I was useful ............ them because I could speak French. 10. I am living away ............ my family and my relatives. Exercise 4: Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best fits the blank space in the following passage. A major revolution for the automated office is electronic mail. The customary [1] ...... system requires message written on paper to be [2] ...... physically from one location to another. With electronic mail, messages are converted [3] ..... electronic signals, transmitted [4] ..... in the world, and then changed back into the original written form, all in several seconds and minutes at [5] ....... Through the use of video screens in company offices, a single [6] ...... can be transmitted to hundreds of people in dozens of branch offices at the same time. Thus, electronic mail, along with [7] ......, can be an important asset in teleconferences. Furthermore, the use of electric mail in the form of a 'mailbox' [8] ...... to a telephone is also of great value. Since in offices many telephone [9] ...... go uncompleted on the first attempt, with electronic mail, two-way conversion is not essential, so it [10] ...... telephone use and saves time. 1. A. post B. postal 2. A. transformed B. transferred 3. A. from B. by 4. A. wherever B. anywhere 5. A. most B. all 6. A. data B. instrument 7. A. programs B. graphics 8. A. attached B. transmitted C. postage C. transacted C. into C. somewhere C. least C. document C. websites C. extended D. posting D. transmitted D. with D. everywhere D. last. D. information D. databases D. spread Trang chủ: ht t p s : / / v n d o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 42 61 8 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí 9. A. bills B. calls C. uses 10. A. increases B. receives C. reduces D. services D. transfers Exercise 5: Read the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true [T] or false [F]. THE POSTAGE STAMP Before the invention of the postage stamp, it was difficult- to send a letter to another country. The sender paid for the letter to travel in his or her own country. Then the person in other country paid for that part of the trip. If the letter crossed several coutries, the problem was worse. Rowland Hill, a British teacher, had the idea of a postage stamp with glue on the back. The British post office made the first stamps in 1840. They were the Penny Black and the Twopence Blue. A person bought a stamp and put it on a letter. The post office delivered the letter. When people received letters, they didn't- have to pay anything. The letters were prepaid. Postage stamps became popular in Great Britain immediately. Other countries started making their own postage stamps very quickly. There were still problems with -international mail. Some countries did not want to accept letters with stamps from another country. Finally, in 1874 a German organized the Universal Postal System. Each country in the UPS agree to accept letters with prepaid postage from the other members. Today the offices of the UPS are in Switzerland, almost every country in the world is a member of this organization. It takes care of any international mail problems. Today post offices in the every country sell beautiful stamps. Collecting stamps is one of the most popular hobbies in the world, and every stamp collector knows about the Penny Black and the Two pence Blue. 1. Before postage stamps, two people paid-for letters to travel in two countries. 2. A teacher invented the postage stamp. 3. The first two stamps were colored black and blue. 4. A stamp shows that the postage is prepaid. Trang chủ: ht t p s : / / v n d o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 42 61 8 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí 5. Postage stamps solved all mail problems immediately. 6. Members of the UPS accept prepaid letters from other countries. 7. Stamp collecting is a popular hobby. GRAMMAR Exercise 1: Choose the best answer. 1. Post office is a place ...... you can buy stamps, mail letters and packages, and receive mail. A. that 2. B. in which B. who B. whom C. whose D. that C. that D. when B. whose C. whom D. whoever B. whose C. what D. whom Oxford, ...... attracts many tourists, is often crowded in the summer. A. that 9. D. to whom The paintings ………Mr. Flowers has in his house are worth around $ 100,000. A. which 8. C. whose Regina, ...... you have never met before, is a genius in painting. A. that 7. D. when These adults, ...... come to my night class, are very eager to learn. A. whose B. who 6. C. on that The council is in discussion with Lord Thomas, ...... land most of the village is built on. A. who 5. D. in which My uncle ...... you met yesterday is a lawyer. A. which 4. C. where Do you know the date ...... we have to hand in the essay? A. which 3. B. which B. which C. whose D. where It's the best film ...... has ever been made about madness. A. which B. whom C. whose D. that 10. She cycled from London to Glasgow, .... is pretty good for a woman of 75. A. that B. what C. which D. where 11. Most folk songs are ballads ...... have simple words and tell simple stories. Trang chủ: ht t p s : / / v n d o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 42 61 8 8

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