Cannot change part of the merged cell là gì năm 2024

Hôm nay mình thấy có một comment từ bài viết “Khóa một cột, một dòng, một ô hoặc một vùng trong Excel” với câu hỏi :

Mình có một file dữ liệu gồm cột A [đơn giá], B [số lượng], C [thành tiền], trên 3 cột này mình merge 3 ô lại đặt tên là “Thông Tin”. Mình muốn khóa cột C nhưng hệ thống không cho vì bị vướng ô bị merge, giờ mà bỏ merge thì bản tính không đẹp và không bao quát, để thì lại bị vướng không khóa được.

Sẵn đang mở file Excel chứa số liệu thu chi của tumlumshop nên thử nghiệm luôn :]] ,quả nhiên là không thể. Bạn không thể merge nhiều ô với nhau nếu như một trong các ô đó thuộc vùng bị khoá. Trước giờ, để gộp nhiều ô lại với nhau thì mọi người hay nghĩ tới tính năng merge cell của Excel, nhưng vẫn còn một cách khác 🙂

Thực ra thì vẫn merge được nhưng phải…đúng qui trình. Đầu tiên bạn unlock toàn sheet > khoá cột > merge > khoá toàn bộ sheet. Như vậy sẽ khoá được. Chi tiết vui lòng xem video bên dưới. Còn một cách khác để làm ra kết quả “y như merge”, đó là sử dụng tính năng canh chữ giữa các cell. Tức thay vì merge các ô lại thành 1 ô duy nhất và chữ “Thông tin” nằm ở giữa thì giờ mình sẽ sử dụng tính năng canh chữ giữa các cell. Chữ “Thông tin” vẫn nằm ở giữa nhưng các ô vẫn riêng lẻ với nhau ! Cụ thể, trước khi tiến hành khoá nguyên cả sheet [vui lòng xem bài viết “Khóa một cột, một dòng, một ô hoặc một vùng trong Excel“], các bạn gõ chữ “Thông tin” ở ô đầu tiên, sau đó chọn các ô cần “merge” > nhấp chuột phải chọn Format cells > cửa sổ hiện ra chọn thẻ “Alignment” > ở phần “Horizontal Alignment” chọn “Center Across Selection” > OK.

Chi tiết hơn, vui lòng xem đoạn clip sau :

Trong file Excel nhiều lúc xảy ra một số vấn đề mà nguyên nhân do xuất hiện những ô hợp nhất [Merged Cell] , ví dụ như phép lọc không được hoàn toàn , dịch chuyển cột dữ liệu bị lỗi …

Làm thế nào để nhận biết và đánh dấu những ô đang Merge Cell ?

Bấm tổ hợp phím CTRL-F để mở cửa sổ Find and Replace , chọn tab Find > Options > Format

Chọn tab Alignment , đánh dấu tích vào Merge cells , bấm OK

Lúc đó quay trở lại Find and Replace , bấm Find All . Khi đó tất cả những ô Merged Cell sẽ được liệt kê

Microsoft Excel is a popular spreadsheet software that offers various features to make data processing easier. One of these features is merging cells, which allows you to combine two or more cells into a single cell. While this feature can be helpful in creating visually appealing tables, it can also create issues when copying merged cells in Excel file. In this article, we will discuss common issues with copying merged cells and provide solutions to overcome them.

What are Merged Cells in Excel?

Merging cells is a formatting option that allows you to combine two or more adjacent cells into a single cell. This feature is useful for creating a more organized and visually appealing layout of data.

However, it is essential to note that merging cells changes the structure of the worksheet and may cause issues when manipulating data.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Merged Cells in Excel

Merging cells in Excel can be beneficial in creating a professional and organized appearance of data in your spreadsheet. By merging cells, you can create headings, subheadings, and labels that span multiple columns and rows.

However, cells you want to merge can also cause problems when performing data analysis or manipulation. It is challenging to sort and filter data in merged cells, which can hinder data accuracy and efficiency.

Types of Merged Cells in Excel

Excel offers three types of merged cells: horizontally merged and vertically merged. Horizontally merged cells combine cells in the same row, and vertically merged cells combine cells in the same column.

It is essential to understand the types of merged cells to avoid issues when copying data from merged cells.

Related Article: How To Add A Header in Excel?

Common Issues with Copying Merged Cells in Excel

Copying merged cells in Excel can create issues that hinder data processing and manipulation. The following are some common issues you may encounter when copying merged cells:

Error Message: “Cannot change part of a merged cell”

This error message occurs when you try to edit a merged cell by typing data into one of the cells in the merged range. Excel prevents editing merged cells because it disrupts the integrity of the merged cell structure.

Resolving the Cannot Change Part of a Merged Cell Error:

You can resolve this error by unmerging the cells or split merged cells excel. Unmerging cells will separate the cells in the merged range and allow you to edit each cell independently. Splitting merged cells will create new cells for each cell in the merged range and retain the data in the original cells.

Error Message: “Cannot copy merged cells”

This error message occurs when you try to copy merged cells using the regular copy and paste command. Excel treats merged cells as a single cell, making it challenging to copy only the data in the merged cells.

Resolving the Cannot Copy Merged Cells Error:

You can resolve this error by copying merged cells using the Format Painter or VBA macros. The Format Painter allows you to copy the formatting of merged cells to other cells. VBA macros can automate the process of copying merged cells.

Error Message: “We can’t do that to a merged cell”

This error message occurs when you try to perform an operation that cannot be done on merged cells, such as inserting or deleting cells. Excel cannot perform these actions on merged cells because it would disrupt the structure of the merged cells.

Resolving the We Can’t Do That to a Merged Cell Error:

You can resolve this error by unmerging cells or splitting merged cells. Unmerging cells will separate the cells in the merged range, allowing you to perform operations on them independently. Splitting merged cells will create new cells for each cell in the sheet.

Related Article: How To Copy Formula Down?

Copy Merged Cells to Another Sheet in Excel

Copying merged cells to another sheet in Excel is a common task, but it can be a bit tricky if you are not familiar with the process.

Copying Merged Cells to Another Sheet Using the Copy and Paste Commands

One way to copy merged cells to another sheet is to use the copy and paste commands. Do this by selecting the merged cells you want to copy, right-click and select “Copy”. After that, navigate to the sheet you want to paste the cells into, right-click and select “Paste”.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C to copy data and Ctrl+V to paste.

If the cells do not retain their merged format, you can select the cells and click the “Merge & Center” button in the “Alignment” section of the “Home” tab.

Copy and Paste Single Cells to Merged Cells in Excel

Copying and pasting single cells to merged cells in Excel can be tricky. When you copy a single cell and try to paste it into a merged cell, Excel will only paste the contents of the top-left cell of the copied range. This can lead to data loss and other issues if you’re not careful.

In this section, we’ll explore why copying merged cells into a single cell is important, techniques for copying and pasting single cells to merged cells, and tips for working with single cells copied to merged cells.

Why copying merged cells into a single cell is important

When working with merged cells, it’s important to ensure that data is entered into the correct cell. Copying and pasting individual cells into merged cells can lead to data loss or data being entered into the wrong cell. To avoid this issue, it’s important to copy merged cells into a single cell before pasting data.

Techniques for copying and pasting single cells to merged cells

There are a few techniques you can use to copy and paste single cells to merged cells in Excel:

  1. Copy the cell and use the merge command: Select the cell you want to copy, then use the “Merge and Center” command to merge the cell with the merged cell you want to paste into.
  2. Use the “Paste Special” command: Select the cell you want to copy, then use the “Paste Special” command to paste the value of the cell into the merged cell. Be sure to select “Values” as the option in the “Paste Special” dialog box.
  3. Use the “Fill Handle”: Select the cell you want to copy, then drag the fill handle over the merged cell you want to paste into. This will copy the contents of the cell into the merged cell.

Tips for working with single cells copied to merged cells

Here are a few tips for working with single cells copied to merged cells in Excel:

  1. Always double-check the cell reference: After copying a single cell into a merged cell, be sure to double-check the cell reference to ensure that the data is entered into the correct cell.
  2. Use formatting to indicate merged cells: Apply a specific formatting to merged cells to make it clear that they are merged cells. This can help prevent issues when copying and pasting data.
  3. Avoid using merged cells whenever possible: While merged cells can be useful in certain situations, they can also lead to issues when working with data. Try to avoid using merged cells whenever possible.


Copying and pasting single cells to merged cells in Excel can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques and tips, you can avoid data loss and other issues. Always be sure to double-check the cell reference and use formatting to indicate merged cells. And remember, it’s best to avoid using merged cells whenever possible to prevent issues when working with data in Excel.

Learn more about Excel and Google Sheets hacks in other articles. Stay connected with us on social media and receive more daily tips and updates.

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