Daban strike freedom metal build review

AT LAST! The much awaited LARGE IMAGES of the 1/100 MG Strike Freedom MB ver bootleg by Dragon Momoko. Been planning on posting this some time ago, but I was having second thoughts [or was being lazy]. Now that I started, might as well go on with it.

I’m putting this up so that you guys can have a look at what you’ll be in for if you buy this kit.Somebody said it’s a waste of time, but I like wasting my time and yours, so. Prepare to burn these images into your retinas because there’s a LOT of ’em.

NOTE: I didn’t buy this kit. Credits are at the bottom of the page.

The MB ver Strike Freedom without the wing unit.

Front View

Rear view

The Strike Freedom MB ver with the wing unit and stand.

Front view

Rear view

Other views.

The inner frame is made of gold color plastic much like what Bandai used in the new Hyaku Shiki and the RG Strike Freedom.

The inner frame is not shiny!? Bummer…

Cool, sharp details!

Head Swivel from right to left

Upper body joints and articulation.

Shoulder joint

Waist movement up and down

Skirt armor details, side rail cannons can be folded to the back.

Elbow and shoulder articulation:

The kit comes with six pairs of manipulators [just like the metal build figure].

Comparison of the Strike Freedom’s manipulators with the previously released Gundam Destiny MB ver

The Destiny’s manipulator isn’t as detailed. Shame…

Leg details and articulation:

Wing unit details:

Weapons detail:



More money shot of the Strike Freedom MB ver with armaments and shield.

Wing unit compatibility:

It seems DM did that extra effort in making their stuff compatible with each other, the Strike Freedom comes with adapters for the Destiny wing unit and vice-versa. Does Daban has this nifty perk? I don’t think so…



Action base is a direct copy of the one that comes with the metal build figure, with slight modifications to the markings.



Wing unit effects parts and dragoons:

Alrighty then! This is what many of you guys are waiting for, so I hope you find this segment enlightening. Are you sure you still want to buy this kit? Anyway, if you guys can read Chinese you can see the full review of this kit from the credits link below.

This kit was mentioned to me by my client last month of November 2016 and I was really excited because this is of one of the kits included in my “wish list”. After setting the schedule, I hurriedly picked it up. But there were certain problems to deal with on my side so it took some time before I got started. The PG Unicorn from Dragon Momoko was on its way as well but meeting up with the seller was a bit hazy. The PG Unicorn was supposed to be finished by the end of January, but it seems the PG SF will take the lead. With the consent and suggestion from my client, I started building up the kit.

A reminder though that just because the model is already finished doesn’t mean the article or my post is just as fast the same time I built it. Personal problems and other things to deal with always hinder my activities here in my blog.

The feeling was weird though [LOL]. I’m supposed to be happy because I got the chance to build it but I was somehow envious my client got it first. It felt like I was building a statue made out of kryptonite. But instead of getting disappointed, I just focused on building the kit.

And again, I would like to apologize for the not-so-good picture quality and the typos you might notice. Corrections are welcomed and I will fix them up when I see them. :]

EDIT [2021-01-23]: There was a confusion regarding on how I talk about this kit, and that led to a certain reader who thought that I was saying this is Bandai. Let me point out that Daban Model copied Bandai's kit, runner by runner, piece by piece. So basically, you're looking at a replica of what Bandai HAS TO OFFER or at least what are the things you can possibly expect on what Bandai already has. It was never my intention to say that this was Bandai to begin with. I also added LONG LONG LONG TIME AGO in the middle of the article about this matter too as a reminder. Either they skipped reading the article or just scrolling down really fast. Seriously, my reviews looked like a novel. LOL [Minsan kasi, may mga mahusay magbasa pero mababa comprehension eh :/ sad life].

Another thing, I mentioned halfway about this issue. So the person was just trying to find flaws against me. [sige lang. dyan ka masaya eh :v ]


The box was really nice and Daban Model sure did copied most of the basics. Of course, they changed the word Gundam to Fighter which is a noticeable factor when someone tries to be a troll and says the kit is a Bandai one. Unlike the previous kits, this one has a handle on top. And I think the box of PG 00 Raiser is bigger than this one.

There are 2 manuals inside – one for building the whole unit and the other is some kind of background info about the Strike Freedom. But the second manual has the instructions for the markings or seals. The kit has 54 sprues [55 if you include the base or pedestal].

The next images will be the runners and the other contents of the box.


Sorry if some of the shots were blurry.

You also get a lot of springs that will be used on the 8 beam cannons, the effect part for the shield, and the usual clear stickers. There’s a gold foil sticker as well and this is needed to add those gold detailing on the beam cannons and some portions of the wings. I also noticed that only Sprues A have 4 runners [black, yellow,white, clear].

Compared to Bandai, Daban was kind enough to include a pair of metal connectors [replacement for S1 parts]. These connectors are inserted on the main backpack unit. Before, it was an issue in Bandai because the plastic connectors can’t handle the weight of the wings so there’s always an incident where it breaks in half. I can’t remember and I’m not sure either if Bandai didn’t released metal connectors. I’m thinking they did since Daban Model is just copying what Bandai has.

So back to the topic, the kit also throws in a pair of LED and 2 pairs of button cells or batteries for your LED. It was another issue before that the LED’s color was green same with PG 00 Raiser. Fortunately, it was yellow or more like an orange color. And this is the correct color for Strike Freedom’s eye sensors. One of the things I also noticed here is that the gold plated parts are not fully undergated. I was worried that they will show up when I move some of the parts or joints. Turns out that Bandai designed it nicely that at least 95% of the nub marks won’t be visible. So Daban Model of course, copied the same issue. Like I said, it’s not fully undergated. So there were still very few parts that received the undergate treatment. Probable factor is that these sections will be seen when you move some of the joints.

If you also noticed, the 2 connectors were the only parts that are metal. Unlike the Strike and the Wing Zero Custom, this one will not use any metal parts for the leg or the waist.

Leg Unit:

I think I need a bigger cutting mat if I continue this routine in showing the exploded parts of each body segments. Well as you can see, I already built the other side or the leg and I will do the same thing for the arms. I just thought it would be faster to do this knowing what parts should be sanded or not. But I am not leaving those parts with nubs. I will just cut them with my hobby knife.

Okay so here are your parts for the leg. I’m sorry if it’s still blurry even though I am already using a half-decent phone camera [probably just a setting issue]. Anyways, I love the parts separation and the combination of the 3 set of gold parts. The gold or yellow color of the main inner frame parts is somewhat dull when you look at it. Bandai may have a better or sharper color, but it still not that good. On the bright side, I think Bandai thought it would be a waste to put most parts in gold plated and just end up being covered by the armor parts.

Here you see what I mentioned earlier regarding the undergated parts. This specific piece will be visible if you bend the leg so it was smart of Bandai to place the gate under it and not on the edge.

The issue however is that if the Strike freedom is just standing still, you won’t see them. But if you bend the leg to a certain degree, you will see the nub mark as shown in the picture. I don’t think it’s a big deal because this portion is covered by the skirts which Bandai might have probably figured out firsthand.

There are no snap fitting issues here. It was a nice experience to build one of the hardest body parts without any troubles. I added some Uniball Signo Gold on those “semi vents” to add some extra gold color that will compliment Strike Freedom’s usual color scheme.

Articulation is great! No parts pop off and everything was still in place. There’s this flap behind the leg that you can pull outward. The feet can be folded down instead of the usual bend upward. I have no issues on how it works though. So again, there are no problems here.

Waist Unit:

Nice parts separation here in my opinion, but Bandai could’ve at least separated those…ermm.. I’m not sure what to call them. :v But if you look at the upper part of the front skirt, it’s already molded to look like that. Bandai shouldn’t have done this . The waist unit has more parts compared to the other PG kits I have built personally. The obvious reason was the rail guns built in the side skirts. Like I mentioned in the Unboxing segment, there are no metal parts for this kit. All parts in the Inner Frame will be your usual dull yellow plastic.

I forgot to add these red parts. LOL xD

The waist also has a lock that will hold the leg’s peg on certain angles. I’m not sure how strong this lock is thinking how heavy a single leg is. :/

I didn’t sand-clean any of the pegs but it keeps on showing that visible seam even though I snapped them firmly. Might as well put some adhesive here but I will leave this be as it doesn’t show any bothersome issues.

LOL! I don’t have any action base that I can use to hold the waist so I used an empty bottle of pickles and my cotton buds container to place the waist unit on top. The rail guns are quite long. >_

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