Delisted Shopee meaning

Sell on Shopee to grab attention from the massive amount of visitors [ 21.26 million monthly] on Shopee that makes it top e-commerce site in Malaysia. In addition, Shopee is the leading platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan. Another solid reason to focus on how to sell in Shopee.

As a result, geographies it operates in are Indonesia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore. Moreover, it has traces of similarity to the Taobao model, in which buyers and sellers can communicate and transact directly.

Above all, selling on Shopee also unboxes opportunity for cross-border sellers from China and Hong Kong for selling to Southeast Asian and Taiwanese customers.

Streamline your Sell on Shopee Journey with Experts

It’s great to have you on board as a seller! But first, ensure that the product you intend to sell is not under Shopee list of Prohibited Products to avoid any awkward situation.

Giving more power to WooCommerce Sellers, CedCommerce enables retailers to outreach their products’ in the SEA market.

WooCommerce Shopee Integration is now live on Official WooCommerce Marketplace

Why should you sell on Shopee?

  1. Shopee is Mobile only and highly socially eccentric. Here sellers give extra attention towards Shop reputation and accumulating fans, that purveys great shopping experience for buyers.
  2. No commission fee, and no listing fee which means no financial burden. However sellers can opt for native advertising and purchase paid ads at their own will.
  3. High potential platform with tremendous fast growth. As a result, achieved $1.8+ billion GMV in just first year of launch.
  4. It has strong hold in Taiwanese and Indonesian market. Moreover, Malaysia and Thailand are also growing strongly and hold high potential.

Check out our SEA bundled TRIO offer for you and fly high on sales on all the prominent eCommerce platforms like Shopee, Lazada, and 11Street!

Facts about Shopee:

  1. Operates in Seven Markets in Southeast Asia with covering geographies, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia.
  2. Truly Multilingual experience with operations in 6 languages. Hence, successful on global level
  3. Fashion, Beauty, Home and Living are top categories amidst buyers. Moreover, you planning to sell on Shopee must try selling products falling in these categories.
  4. Enables synchronization with Instagram account, and popular hashtags are #fashiontrends #freeshipping #supportlocal #giftforgirls #streetstyle

Start Selling Your Magento Products on Shopee Marketplace

How can you Start Selling on Shopee?

To start selling on Shopee, sellers need to submit an application form on and follow their wechat public account: Shopee泛东南亚跨境电商;

For English language registration, visit Shopee’s Malaysia site at //

Phone inquiries, for cross border sellers: +0755-21537015, for Taobao sellers: 0755-21537016


After the Approval

Once you have the approval [means account registration completed using phone number], the remaining process for how to sell in shopee is simple and starts with downloading the app . Follow the step-by-step process as below

Note: Use your phone number for account registration, else Shopee doesn’t allow you to sell the item.

Step by Step Process for How to Sell on Shopee

  1. In the Shopee app navigate to the Me page. Here click on the Start Selling.

Add Your Product

2. Next step in how to sell in Shopee is to add the product. You need to click on “Add Product”. Product images are critical to e-commerce. Therefore, it must be high definition and never upload a blurred image.

To put a new photo of your product, tap the Camera button. For choosing an existing picture from your album/gallery, tap the Photos button. Moreover, filters and photo editing tools are available in the process.

Sellers are enabled to import photos from Instagram. Up to 9 photos can be added for each listing. Enough for enticing a purchase.

Edit Product Details

  1. Here [as seen in the below screenshot] you get three options to choose for adding a new product on your Shopee store. These are Camera, Photos, and Instagram.

Now, edit the product using several options at the bottom. It will help you enhance it to easily grab customer attention.  Product images are critical to e-commerce. Therefore, it must be high definition and never upload a blurred image. You can upload a maximum of 9 images for every product.

Above all, more product images keep customers engaged for a long time. Thereby, increasing likelihood of purchase and easing your sell on Shopee journey. Hence, always an important criterion to consider for how to sell on Shopee.

Finally, add important product details like Category, Price, Stock, Variation, Variation, Weight, Shipping Fee and Days to Ship. These details enable customers to better understand the product. Above all, it answers the questions below enabling good customer experience.

  • How would the product help them?
  • Is there any unique or wow feature?
  • How many days will it take to be delivered?
  • Isn’t the product too bulky?
  • Will it be available if a customer comes after sometime?
  • Is free shipping available?

Therefore, chances of customers leaving the store without purchase due to lack of information is significantly reduced.  Moreover, this way sellers can amplify the conversion rate and it will eventually help him sell on shopee like a pro merchant.

How to List the product from Shopee Seller Center

Let’s first understand what is Shopee seller center? It is a user friendly platform to manage selling on Shopee and list the products. It enables sellers to smoothly manage and monitor various aspects of selling on Shopee.

A Shopee seller can do/get to know the below,

  • View the orders received, shipped, to be shipped, cancelled, and more
    Ship the product individually or in group
  • Settle product return/refund
  • Add new products
  • Manage marketing campaigns and ads
  • Store performance in form of business insights [units sold,page views, conversion rate, visitors, orders and more]
  • Top performing products of your store
  • Data about late shipment, overall rating, customer chat response rate,non-fulfillment, listings violations
  • Types of penalty along with explanation
  • Customise the look and feel of the store by adding the banners, carousel, videos
  • Highlight specific products.
  • Set up the shipping channel for your store.
  • Update your account info and view the income.

It seems Shopee seller center is a jack of all trades with tonnes of awesome features to smartly manage the selling and marketing process in an organised manner. Thereby, saves a lot of time.

Steps to upload/add product via Shopee seller center

#1- Add Product

Click on My Product  followed by another click on Add a New Product.

#2- Fill product details

Enter the product name. Based on it, most appropriate product category will be suggested.

#3- Product Description

Write a compelling product description followed by adding details about the brand.

#4 – Price and Stock

Next input the price and stock of the product

#5- Shipping Info

At last, details about product weight and courier service for product shipment is to be added.

Finally click on the save and publish button.

To Add [after “ever like to ignore” under How to become a Shopee preferred seller?] – After all, receiving a Preferred badge from Shopee on your store and listings showcase you as a reliable seller.  Therefore, an excellent way to boost trust  between seller and buyer. Cementing the relationship with customers on behalf of trust means you step closer to customer loyalty.

A loyal customer is an important asset to encourage you to sell on Shopee by increasing sales figures.

Shopper suggest to meet below criterion to qualify for Shopee preferred seller

Performance in Below How Much
Last 30 days Net Orders ≥ 75
Last 30 days Unique Orders ≥ 75
Overall Shop Rating ≥ 4.7
Chat Response Rate ≥85%
Authentic products 100%
Seller penalty points ≥1

This will help you measure how close you are to become preferred seller and sell on Shopee


  • Net orders mean completed orders excluding the cancelled, returned, and refund
  • Physical shipment of products is mandatory to qualify for the Shopee preferred seller program.

How to become a Shopee preferred seller?

  1. Add recent listings on the carousel to increase chances of getting them displayed at top of the page. As a result, visitors following your store will be notified as soon the new products are listed. 

    It will boost the chance of sales and regular sales can be considered as an important criterion to get you listed as “Recommended Seller”  by Shopee

  2. Adhere closely to Shopee Community Rules. Shopee Team closely monitors Shopee Shop activities. Therefore, you will be terminated from Preferred Seller program once identified to have violated the terms and uploaded a counterfeit/fake item.
  3. Comply strictly with Shopee Policies by ensuring you apply and are familiar with Shopee return/refund guidelines. Cancellation, late shipping and non-shipping of orders will affect Shopee performance as a preferred seller and determine your stay in it.
  4. And that you become a source of pleasant shopping experience for buyers.

Note: To maintain highest degree of standards in Preferred Sellers program, sellers who fail to comply with listed requirements get their Preferred Seller status removed. Above all, Shopee holds all rights and sole discretion to remove sellers from preferred seller program without further notice.

How will you achieve Shopee Preferred Seller Criterion

You can definitely achieve the criteria mentioned by Shopee for becoming a preferred seller. Focus on the following parameters.

  • Add high quality images to grab customer attention in first impression
  • Product description must be optimised and not very long or too short. Use simple words [no jargons] to convey how the product will help you solve the problem. Highlight any extra value offered in it, explain how to use the product and add other relevant information to ensure customer questions are answered.
  • Ensure your store is mobile friendly. This will boost your store visibility. After all, Shopee is most downloaded e-commerce app in the Southeast Asia region.
  • Boost Now feature enables you to create ads for specific products. These ads will be run by Shopee on different webpages. Therefore, an opportunity extend the product reach to maximum number of customers

Explore in detail about the above tips and few do’s and don’ts. This will increase your chances of attaining the criterion for qualifying as a Shopee preferred seller.

Above tips will fetch you this

How can I be featured in the Recommended Sellers list?

Marketplace is always under the radar of Shopee team that scans it every week and hand-picks few outstanding sellers to be featured. In addition, they have a selection criteria with these parameters.

  • Popularity [number of Likes, Views, Follows, Comments, Orders]
  • Good Service [low Return Rate, low Seller Cancellation Rate, positive Ratings and Reviews]
  • Adherence to Shopee Community Rules
  • Add recent listings on the carousel to increase chances of getting them displayed at top of the page. As a result, visitors following your store will be notified as soon the new products are listed.

    These all will boost the chance of sales and, regular sales can be considered as an important criterion to get you listed as “Recommended Seller”  by Shopee

Enjoy Free Shipping to Sell on Shopee

Free shipping is among top factors customers consider before finalizing the purchase. In addition, it also can be leveraged to increase sales. After all, Customers tend to buy more products that fall under free shipping.

Simply provide a valid pickup address and you are notified on how to activate free shipping. But the address must be in an area that is covered by the partner couriers of Shopee. It is a mandatory condition to qualify for free shipping.

How do I add the Pickup Address

1- Navigate to the Account Settings and click on it [under the Me tab] followed by clicking on the Add New Address.

  1. Go to “Me page” > “My Account” > “My Addresses”

2. Now input the necessary details of the pickup address.

Step 3- At bottom you get the option to Set as Default Address. Simply turn on the toggle.

Please take note of the following Terms & Conditions:

  • Sellers must enter a valid pick-up address which lies within serviceable areas covered by Shopee  partner couriers [Xpost Integrated, Black Arrow Integrated, Zoom Courier and Ninja Van]. Therefore, he qualifies for the Free Shipping program.
  • Sellers’ products must fit within the official packaging provided by Shopee partner couriers to qualify for Free Shipping.

How to get more views on my Shopee product?

  • To get more views for your products you can use “Boost Now” function.
  • Go to “Me” page > scroll down to view your products as listed. Select the products for whom you need more views, and tap on “Boost now”
    • Frequency – You can boost up to 5 product every 4 hours!
    • Run Shopee ads to extend the reach of your target audience. There are two types of ads: keywords ads and targeting ads. 

      Image credit: 

  • Optimize your keywords ads with search terms that buyers are likely to use when searching for products on Shopee. As a result, your product will appear at the top of the Shopee search option and customers will first interact with them.

    Using the targeting ads bid for the similar products feature. As a result, it will get your ads placed on those product detail page that are related to your product  

    The Pro Tip: Shopee Ads is an affordable way to achieve high ROI. 

    Increase Visibility

  • Use the Boost Now function. It is an excellent feature by Shopee to boost the product for getting more views. Moreover, it also positively impacts the product ranking on Shopee. If products are ranked on the top, it makes selling on Shopee easy. 

    Navigate to the Me” page > My Shop > My Products

    Here you select the products to boost. Click on the More drop down followed by clicking on the boost option in it. 

    Now this product is all set to get extra views. Maximum of 5 products can be boosted in every 4 hours.

  • Leverage campaigns and promotions by Shopee to grab customer attention. After all, it features products on Shopee to the potential audience. Therefore, your product visibility increase by significant amount. It is free to participate in the campaign. Fair pricing, detailed information, and discount are important considerations for getting the product chosen for the campaign.  

    •  More customers and qualified leads on the store

    •  Engage new customers an opportunity to boost customer loyalty

      Follow the steps, Shopee>Seller Center>Marketing Centre>My Campaigns to participate in the campaign.

What is Seller Assistant? How do I make use of it?

Seller Assistant is an approach towards enhancing seller experience. Moreover, it helps to organize your products, keep track of orders and manage your customers. It is accessible from Me page.

You can access the Seller Assistant by navigating to My Shop on the Shopee app followed by Seller Assistant .

Important features of seller assistant app

  1. My Products – Allows you to view and manage all the products listed on Shopee. Therefore, making it easy to organize these products using the Recent, Popular, Stock and Sold Out options. As you increase the quantity of products in the store then these options will help you smoothly organize  them. As a result, it saves a lot of time and ease your selling on Shopee.
  2. My Customers – Keep a track of all the customers. Here you can view the customers name and products they have purchased from your store. A simple tap on customers username will reveal products bought by customers.
  3. Shop Profile – Here you can update your store name and description. Additionally, it allows you to add a promotional banner or upload a video. Hence, an awesome feature to highlight your shop identity and grab customer attention. Therefore, your store stands ahead from the rest of sellers.
  4. Shop Settings – A useful feature to allow different shop settings like buyer-seller Self Arrange, Allow negotiation, Allow Buyers to Call and Show pick-up address.
  5. Shop Categories – Based on your store requirement using this option, you can create different categories

Benefits of Seller Assistant

The Seller Assistant helps you in multiple ways. It includes store customisation, performance monitoring, exploring customer details, and more. The key features are below

  • My products enable you to keep track of sales and inventory without need to access the Seller Centre. Hence, you can take data driven decisions that are in favor of your business
  • Shopee feed for creating immersive shopping experiences You can leverage it to share valuable content based on the buyer persona. Sharing free and valuable content keeps them updated and they feel valued. As a result, it will fetch you lots of customers and boost your brand awareness
  • Product video upload to present your product in a very engaging manner by uploading video on the product detail page.
  • Shopee seller chat will keep you connected with customers so you respond to them without delay. Moreover, Ability to set auto-replies and message shortcuts means quick response time.

Chat Response Rate Calculation and Importance

Chat response rate is the average time a seller takes to reply to a customer’s chat message. It’s value depends on the below parameters:

  • Average of response to chats and offers received in the last 90 days with more importance to recent 25% of chats during this time period.
  • 2 chat threads in the last 90 days is the minimum criterion to be fulfilled for chat response rate calculation.
  • Chat messages received after vacation mode is enabled are not considered for calculation.
  • Auto-replies and chat broadcast [including games] don’t qualify as responses. Hence, no role in chat response rate calculation.

Chat response rate is updated everyday. Every seller must ensure to resolve customer queries through chat messages. Above all, it marks successful completion of conversion which is an important parameter for correct chat rate calculation.

Image credit: superoffice

It is evident that a good chat response rate occupies the top most spot in the list of important factors for delivering delightful customer experience. Therefore, focus on improving it with the tips below.

  • Implement customer service software to keep response to minimum
  • Take help of email responders. It will ensure customers the message is taken care and a solution is underway.
  • Prioritize your customers. It will help you keep the chat response as less as possible for loyal customers. After all, decreasing response rate for customers who ping you more will be key to improve your chat response rate.

The Pro Tip: Customers want you to respond within 15 minutes and might lose interest if they have to wait  beyond 60 minutes.

How to Enable Vacation mode?

It is simple to switch on the Vacation mode. Navigate to Basic Setting and using toggle switch it on. 

Gif – sell on shopee – vacation mode

What if I Enable Vacation Mode

  • All products in your store will be displayed as Sold Out within 1 hour . Therefore, buyers won’t be able to browse/search them.
  • No new order as long vacation mode is on
  • You won’t be able to edit, or update products

What if I Disable Vacation Mode

  • All products will become active and show back in the stock. It will take 1 hour
  • Customers will be able to place orders
  • The products will start appearing in recommendation
  • You will be able to edit and add products

Enjoying holidays, no problem. Shopee enables to change your status to vacation mode 

Selling on Shopee | vacation mode | Image Source: Shopee

When in vacation mode:

  • All your product listings will appear as “Sold out” within 1 hour. Moreover, these are invisible to browse or search by other users.
  • You cannot place new orders in the shop
  • Though you still are responsible for fulfilling previously placed orders
  • Editing or adding products is disabled.
  • The processing time for enabling Vacation mode can take up to 1 hour, and cannot be disabled while being processed.

Upon exiting vacation mode:

  • Your product listings will regain their previous stock count within 1 hour
  • New Orders easy to place again on your Shop.
  • It may take time for your products to reappear on recommendations
  • You gain all control on products to edit or add new ones.

To fully disable the Vacation mode might take up to 1 hour. Moreover, to activate it again you will have to wait for another 24 hours.

Summing it Up – Sell on Shopee Hassle Free

This post about leading shopping platform in Southeast Asia is meant to ease your sell on Shopee journey with various which, what, and how’s about the selling on Shopee. Moreover, we have developed Shopee Marketplace API Integration Extension that helps you completely integrate your e-commerce platforms like Magento, Magento2, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, OpenCart etc. with Shopee Marketplace.

As a result you will embark on a journey of hassle free selling on Shopee.

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