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Our Live Football Manager Data Update is the biggest and most unique Transfer Update giving you all the latest squads for Football Manager 2023.

  • Latest Release: 19 Oct 2023 03:58:35
  • For Game: FM2023
  • Changes: 66,085
  • Downloads: 1,047,513
  • Contributors: 421

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Football Manager 2023 isn't just one of the best sports simulation games out there, it's also among the most complex and hardest to grasp for newer players who are looking to get into the genre. To get good at this game, you'll need to have some degree of technical knowledge about football and management sims in general.

In FM23, you'll be able to control almost every aspect of the team you choose. This is by no means an easy task and things can get a bit complicated at first, but following a few helpful tips should help you navigate the game as a newbie manager during your first few saves.

Maintain A Game Speed Of At Least Three Stars

Before you start a new save, you'll be allowed to choose the size of the database you can source players from by going to the Advanced Setup page while picking the team you want to start with.

The larger the database, the more players from around the world you can scout and recruit to your team. However, picking the largest database can also slow down your loading times, which negatively affects the quality of your gameplay.

To avoid this, make sure your Game Speed is set to at least three stars, as this will allow FM23 to run smoothly on your machine. Moreover, keep in mind that the Game Speed rating also depends on your game's video quality and resolution.

Optimize Your Tactics Based On Your Team's Strengths And Weaknesses

The best thing you can do as a beginner when setting your tactics is to take your team's strengths and weaknesses into account before making decisions.

Using the tactical style recommended to you during the in-game tutorial is completely fine if you've just started playing the game, but making slight adjustments to your tactical style as you continue to play is ideal.

For example, if your team has weak pressing, using tactics like Tiki-Taka that rely on good pressing can lead your team to not perform as well as they should during matches.

You can see your team's strengths and weaknesses by visiting the Squad Planner > Report > Assistant Report.

Participate In Friendly Matches

Participating in friendly matches doesn't just give your team extra income, it'll also let you learn how to micromanage players to ensure your victory in some of the tougher matches in the future.

In the beginning, try to experiment with how your shouts, instructions, and pep talks affect your players to improve their performance during friendly matches.

Losing a few friendly matches has little to no effect on your team's success in the long run, so feel free to tinker with the controls and try to coach your team as well as you can early on.

Keep Your Players Happy

Keeping your players' morale high is necessary if you want them to perform at their best during matches, support your decisions as head coach, or stay on your team.

There are several levels of morale in the game, and you should aim to get all your players to at least “Okay” morale—especially the ones you often send out in matches.

You can increase your team's morale by doing well in press conferences, winning matches, keeping your promises, conducting team meetings successfully, and other things that prove your worth as the head coach.

The easiest way to get a quick boost to your players’ morale is to talk to them individually by clicking their name and selecting Discuss > Praise Player > Praise Conduct.

Always Check Your Inbox

If you're struggling to figure out which tasks to prioritize as a beginner, your best bet would be to check your Inbox often.

Your Inbox will show you anything from scouting reports, injury updates, training results, player transfers, and even critical issues that need your immediate attention as the team's head coach.

It'll even give you pre-game analyses about your upcoming opponents that you can review to improve your chances of winning matches, so keeping tabs on it is pretty much an essential part of the game.

Don't Fail Your Club Vision

Achieving your Club Vision is incredibly important if you don’t want to lose your job as your team's head coach. It is a list of tasks that your team's board members expect you to accomplish during your career as their team's manager.

Club Vision tasks have four different priority levels:

  • Required [Highest]
  • Desired [High]
  • Preferred [Medium]
  • Favored [Low]

You can check your Club Vision tasks by going to your Club Vision > Overview. Here, you'll be shown what types of players you should recruit, the championships you are expected to win, the level of reputation your team needs to have, and many more.

The easiest way to know which tasks in the Club Vision you're currently doing right or wrong is to check your Notable Highlights and Notable Criticisms that are also listed on the Club Visions page.

Failing to achieve your Club Vision tasks can result in your contract being terminated and you being fired, so make sure you're keeping track of them while managing your team.

Learn Your Supporter Culture And Expectations To Earn More Money

Securing a healthy cash flow is crucial in Football Manager 2023 if you want to improve your team, as the money you earn via ticket sales, sponsors, merchandising, and so on can be used to build facilities, scout players, send your team to training camps, and most importantly, please your board members.

The best way to keep the money coming in is to encourage your supporters to watch your games. You can do this by going to your Club Vision > Supporters > Supporter Culture And Expectations and making sure you're managing the team according to the expectations listed there.

Your Supporter Culture and Expectations have the same priority levels as your Board Vision tasks and have a large influence on the amount of income you earn every month. Your supporters' expectations mostly consist of things like playing the style of football they want to see in matches and beating rival teams you come across.

When In Doubt, Delegate Your Responsibilities

One of the best features of Football Manager 2023 is its Delegate function, which lets you pawn off your responsibilities to other AI-controlled staff members.

Even veteran players take advantage of this feature, so feel free to use the Delegate function for tasks you either don't want to do yourself or don't know enough about.

As a beginner, it is advisable to delegate most of your responsibilities to other coaches at the start of the game, then slowly take on some of the more important responsibilities yourself as you gain more experience.

You can also delegate the coaching of your team during practice matches to other coaches. But again, learning how to coach your team manually in the early game by participating in low-stakes practice matches is highly recommended instead.

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