Funny Disney movie reviews

Funny Disney movie reviews
Photo: Courtesy of Disney

50.Mary Poppins Returns (2018)

  • Film
  • Family and kids

Disneys improbable sequel coming a full 54 years after the original fantasy is a risk that pays off, magically. Mary Poppins Returns is a backward-glancing musical,setin its gaslit 1930s London. Still, this is a treat for audiences of all ages, wth flashes ofhumor sneaking through in Emily Blunts side-eye wink of a starring turn, purring through her impeccable pronunciation. One never discusses a womans age, she snaps at the mystified now-grown-up family she all but re-adopts as her new personal project when, a generation later, her nannying is needed. Marys umbrella-assisted descent from the heavens is a stand-up-and-cheer moment (as is a fleet-footed cameo by 92-year-old Dick Van Dyke), but theres a deeper satisfaction in the song and dance.Rated PG.

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