Giáo an Tiếng anh 8 theo CV 5512

Kế hoạch bài dạy môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 theo công văn 5512

Mẫu giáo án môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 theo công văn 5512 là mẫu giáo án theo Công văn số 5512/BGDĐT-GDTrH được đăng tải với mong muốn giúp quý thầy cô lên kế hoạch giảng dạy môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 chương trình mới hiệu quả.

Date of preparation

Date of teaching





Period 55


Lesson 1: Getting started

I. OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson, Ss will

1. Knowledge:Use the lexical items related to the topic “Pollution” to talk about type of pollution.

Vocabulary: Aquatic; Dump; Poison; Sneeze; Illustrate

Grammar: Conditional sentences.

2. Skills: listening and reading, finding a word, reading and answering the questions, deciding true or false, writing under the pictures, sentences completion, spoken interaction.

3. Attitude: Ss will be more responsible for protecting environment.

4. Competence development: Teamwork and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence


Teacher:Textbooks, computer accessed to the Internet, projector



1. Checking:During the lesson

2. New lesson:

Teacher’s and studentsactivities

The main contents

1. Warm up.

Aim: To attract Ss’s attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson

Ss have a small talk about pollution.

T: Introduce the lesson about the new lesson..

2. Presentation

Aim: Help students listen, read and do some exercises about the conversation

T: Ask some questions about picture.

+ Where are Mi and Nick?

+ Where are they doing?

+ What are they talking about?

Ss: Answer the questions

T: Play the recording.

Ss: Listen to the tape [twice] and then check the guessing.

T: Give some new words

Ss: Read in chorus and individually

And copy all the words.

T asks the Ss to read the conversation again and do exercise a.

Ss do it.

T asks them to compare their answers with their friends.

Ss do it.

T asks them to read the answers.

Some Ss read, the others give comments.

T checks and corrects.

SS take notes.

T asks the Ss to read the conversation again and answer the questions.

Ss do it in pairs.

T asks them to compare their answers with their friends.

Ss do it.

T asks them to read the answers.

Some Ss read, the others give comments.

T checks and corrects.

Ss take notes.

T asks the Ss to read the conversation again and tick True[T] false [F] or no information[NI].

Ss do it in groups of 4.

T asks them to compare their answers with their friends.

Ss do it.

T asks them to read the answers.

Some Ss read, the others give comments.

T checks and corrects.

Ss take notes.

I-Listen and read

New words:

Aquatic: dưới nước

Dump: đổ xuống

Poison: chất độc hại

Sneeze: hắt hơi

Illustrate: minh họa

a. Find the word/ phrase that means.

1- dead 2- aquatic 3- dump 4- poison

5- polluted 6- to come up with

b. Answer the questions

1.They are in Mi’s home village.

2.It’s almost black.

3.She’s surprised because she sees the fish are dead.

4.It’s dumping poison into the lake.

c. True[T] fale [F] or no information[NI].

1.1-F [ It’s polluted by the factory]

2,4,5 T

3. NI

3. Practice

Aim: Ss can use the words related to the topic ‘pollution’

T asks the Ss to do task 2.

Ss do it.

T asks them to compare their answers with their fiends.

Ss do it.

T asks some Ss to read their answers.

Some Ss read, the others give the comment.

T checks and corrects.

T asks Ss to do task 3.

Ss do it.

T asks them to compare their answers with their fiends.

Ss do it.

T asks some Ss to read their answers.

Some Ss read, the others give the comment.

T checks and corrects.

2. There are different types of pollution.

A. radioactive pollution

B. noise pollution

C. visual pollution

D. thermal pollution

E. water pollution

F. land/ soil pollutio

G. light pollution

H. air pollution

3. Complete the sentences

1.thermal pollution

2.Air pollution

3.radioactive pollution

4.light pollution

5.Water pollution

6.Land pollution / Soil pollution

7.Noise pollution

8.visual pollution

4. Further practice.

Aim: Complete the correct adjectives to describe some leisure activities

T asks Ss to work in groups to talk about pollution in their neighborhood.

Ss do it.

T asks them to present in front of the class..

Ss do it.

4. Work in groups.

3. Guides for homework

- Talk bout pollution

- Learn new words/ workbook: B1, 2, 3

- Prepare : A closer look 1

Trên đây là Mẫu giáo án PTNL môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 theo CV 5512. Mời bạn đọc tải trọn bộ nội dung tại đây: Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Unit 8 lớp 8 English Speaking Countries. Ngoài ra, luôn cập nhật liên tục tài liệu Ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 8 khác như: Để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 8, Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 8, Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 8, Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 8 theo từng Unit trực tuyến,... Mời bạn đọc tham khảo, download phục vụ việc học tập và giảng dạy.

Bên cạnh việc tương tác với VnDoc qua fanpage, mời bạn đọc tham gia nhóm học tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 cũng như tiếng Anh lớp 6 - 7 - 9 tại group trên facebook: Tiếng Anh THCS.

Kế hoạch bài dạy môn Tiếng anh lớp 8 theo Công văn 5512

Mẫu giáo án môn Tiếng anh lớp 8 theo công văn 5512 là mẫu giáo án theo Công văn số 5512/BGDĐT-GDTrH: Xây dựng và tổ chức thực hiện kế hoạch giáo dục của nhà trường. Mời các thầy cô tham khảo.

Mẫu kế hoạch bài dạy môn Tiếng anh lớp 8 mới nhất


Lesson 1: Getting started & Listen and read


1. Knowledge.

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know what they would do in the situations which require first - aid.

* Language structures.

+ future simple.

+ modal will to make requests ,offers and promises.

* Vocabulary: towel, handkerchief, cotton ball, bandage, alcohol, tiger balm, medicated, oil...

2. Ability:

- Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in communicative situations.

- Students form and develop competencies: the ability to autonomy and self-study, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create.

- Students have a general understanding of the first-aid actions; has a positive attitude toward subject and learning English.

3. Quality:

- Students have serious learning attitude; love learning English, energetically and actively participate in learning activities.

- Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect themselves, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for themselves, their family and the country associated with the content of the lesson.


- Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers…

- Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools,… ready for the lesson.


1. Activity 1: Warm up: [6’]

a] Objective: Help students identify the language materials, understand the situations given and create the excitement for students before entering the new content of the lesson

b] Content: Students discuss on how to make a first aid. Work in individuals, in pairs or work in groups. Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson.

c] Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned and havethe excitement before joining in the new lesson.

d] Organization of implementation:

Teacher's activities

Students' activities

- Let students discuss on what they should do as the first aid actions.

- Ask student to present in the class.

- Lead in the "Getting started"

- Students discuss on what they should do as the first aid actions.

- Students present the things they should do as the first aid actions in the class.

- Students join in the "Getting started"

2. Activities 2: Getting started [10’]

a] Objective: Help students identify, understand the situations related to the first - aid activities.

b] Content: Students work in individuals, in pairs or in groups; actively and enthusiastically participate in activities according to the teacher's suggestions, instructions and requests; understand the situations related to the first - aid activities and use language materials explain about the first - aid activities simply.

c] Products: Students mobilize their own available vocabulary, structure and knowledge; create excitement and willingness to participate in learning, discovering new lesson content.

d] Organization of implementation:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


- Introduce the content of the lesson.

- Set a situation.

“ A girl has a burn on her arm => What will you do ?”

- Call some sts to answers.

- Correct the mistakes and pronunciation.

- Ask sts to copy.

I.Getting started.

+ I will use cold water to ease the pain.

+ I will take her to the nearest clinic.

+ I will get her an ice bag.

3. Activities 3: [16’]

a] Objective: Let students identify and know how to use the vocabulary, structure, and knowledge they have just learned. Students know how to complete assignments in the textbook and according to the teacher's request. From there, students understand the content of the lesson.

b] Content: Students work individually, in pairs or in groups. Students actively and enthusiastically participate in activities according to the teacher's suggestions, instructions and requests.

c] Products: Students can use vocabulary, structures and the important knowledge of the lesson. Students are able to complete their learning tasks, present the results of their tasks andexperience in the first-aid situations.

d] Organization of implementation:

Lưu ý: Do nội dung giáo án rất dài, nên mời các bạn bấm vào nút Tải về để xem đầy đủ Mẫu giáo án môn Tiếng anh lớp 8 theo công văn 5512 nhé.

Mời các bạn tham khảo các giáo án khác trong phần Dành cho giáo viên của mục Tài liệu.

Bạn có thể tải về tập tin thích hợp cho bạn tại các liên kết dưới đây.

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