high boi là gì - Nghĩa của từ high boi

high boi có nghĩa là

The Male Gender Disease's highest point. The victim becomes a shallow jerk who likes to break hearts and have sex with every slut he sees. They dress like idiots and act the same way. Some are worse affected than others. But 99.9% of guys have this disease. There is no cure for the disease but their are various ways to handle it....evil ways....... MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
John Tucker Must Die is a very good movie to watch to see the best way to handle these diseased creatures.


NO i will not have an example of High School Boys!! Screw you!

high boi có nghĩa là

A shithole school full of dumb faggots who rape girls and end up as plumbers or gay prostitutes later in life.


Haha look! its one of those faggots from Christchurch Boy's High School

high boi có nghĩa là

A dance which is open to any year nine or ten students [year nines are high school freshmen] at all-girl schools in Christchurch, and year nine or ten female students at St Andrew's College [STAC] and any for year nines and ten Christchurch Boy's High students. The tickets for these are very highly in demand since this is probably the biggest meeting place for potential boyfriends/girlfriends. Because of the high temperature in the gym where they are held, girls wear very little clothing, but yet guys manage to wear jeans and hoodies and not overheat. Weird. The dances are highly sexually charged occasions, with most of the participants having very low standards of privacy and/or hygiene- don't go near any of the walls, and always wear socks. Some other high schools hold them but they're not as good.
NB- The year 11, 12 and 13 [year 13 is the last year before university] 'supervisors' think nothing of hooking up with an innocent year nines. Be careful.


Girl 1: Omg, Tom hooked up with someone else at the boy's high dance!
Girl 2: Well, what do you expect? You know how those slutside hookers dress!

high boi có nghĩa là

Normanhurst Boys High School, also referred to as Normo, is a fully selective day school for boys located on The North Shore of Sydney. Ruled over by the all-seeing Mr Anderson, known as Big Ando, Normo is pretty much run as a private school but with public school facilities. Why? Uniform is strictly enforced and arvos are handed out like benefits in Western Sydney; there is also one functioning air conditioner in the whole school and the bins have probably existed since the Vietnam War. To fix this? The toilets were painted red and the drama room, which is used by a grand total of two students per year, was given a multi-million dollar upgrade. *clap* But this doesn't stop Normo from being the best school in Sydney. A boy cannot spend his time at Normo without hearing the phrase "holistic education", pushed in his face by Ando at every school assembly. And holistic the boys are. They are the very definition of successful young men: surprisingly eloquent, mostly athletic and outgoing, Normo is unlike any other nerdy selective school in Australia. Not only are we intellectuals [we ranked 12th in the HSC in NSW] but social geniuses. And with over 82% of boys from the top quarter of society, boys from the school are richer than their nearly all of their private counterparts up the road and in fact in Sydney, specifically PLC, Knox Grammar and Barker College. This is surprising since no boys ever pay their fees and perhaps why the school forever remains a shit hole.


Person 1: What school did you go to?
Person 2: Normanhurst Boys High School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Person 1: Where's that? Prefect: WHEN I SAY RALLY, YOU SAY HURST! RALLY!
800 alpha males: HURST!

high boi có nghĩa là

A rich student that feels the need to wear suits to school, and really gay scarves. They live off "daddys" credit card and prey on young Norwich girls school student [a simple equation...1/2 own age +1 =their girlfriends. To put it bluntly, they are snobby pricks.


"hello im gay"

high boi có nghĩa là

A really good youtuber who uploads good movie recaps while acting like an idiot while he explains the movie in the right logic.


Brad: "Hey have you heard of this really good youtuber called high boi?"
Jake: "Yeah, I have, he's really smart".

high boi có nghĩa là

Christchurch Boys' High School is a shit-hole in Christchurch full of cunts who think they are top shit. As soon as you enter the school, the stench of semen, soggy biscuits, and screaming of locked up girls from CGHS is overwhelming. The headmaster could easily be mistaken for a wet tissue and is too pussy to try and get his shithole of a school under control. Bullying at the school is a common daily occurrence, the average year 9 is lucky to make it through the entire year without having a toothbrush shoved up their ass, or beaten up for not eating a soggy biscuit. Common career paths for students after leaving the school include, tradies, gay porn, or death from drug overdosage.


Student 1: What did you get up to today? Student 2: Just had an orgy with the Christchurch Boys' High School headmaster and 3 girls CBHS Student 1: Did any give consent? CBHS Student 2: Of Course not! Hahaha!

high boi có nghĩa là

Christchurch Boys High is a zoo located in Christchurch, New Zealand, and consists mainly of primitive apes. Sometimes the animals will attempt tricks in order to obtain food from visitors and zookeepers. Please come and visit some time as i'm sure the boy- I mean apes would love a visit from someone. Please note: this is just a joke to payback boys high for what they put for Christ's College, so definitely don't take it personally


Newspaper article: "Chch Boys High School has recently been visited by zoo critics and was rated 8/10. I would highly recommend taking a visit sometime". Ape: "8/10! We could do better than that..."

high boi có nghĩa là

Boys with the smallest dicks.


You have a small dick like the boksburg high boys.

high boi có nghĩa là

The boys at Grand Ledge are weird as hell.
The white boys act black And the Black Boys act white And the mixed boys act like both


Girl these Grand Ledge High School Boys weird as hell!!!

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