icp là gì - Nghĩa của từ icp

icp có nghĩa là

icp is short for Insane Clown Posse

They are a rap duo from Detroit [ whos stage names are Violent-J and Shaggy-2-Dope ], who have made themselves infamous for a number of reasons

1] thier striking appearance
2] thier fanbase
3] thier wigger-ness

lets look at these reasons in detail.

1] The icp wear face paint, a base coating of pure white all over thier faces, and then their respective patterns painted on in black, sometimes with an extra colour to match thier outfits. For a while, both of them had long dread locks aswell. Nowadays, Violent-J has bleached spiked hair, while shaggy has braids.

2] Thier fanbase [refered to as "Juggalos" for guys, and "Juggalettes" for chicks] are the biggest reason this band is as hated as they are. Juggalos and Juggalettes are all dipsh!ts... thats what it boils down to. You can be damn sure that anyone who refers to themself by this term, is a total loser. Juggalos will wear face paint, all day. Its one thing to wear the paint for an ICP event, but Juggalos will walk around all day with the stuff on.

They are all incredibly defensive when it comes to icp, which is admirable, if they didnt have the debating skills of a head of lettuce. For an example of a Juggalo's argumentative skills, see below

There is nothing wrong with ICP, but the average member of thier fanbase is a moron, which in turn will reflect on the band themselves

3] Shaggy and J both talk like a pair of wiggers, and really, they are...

BUT !!!!!!!

Dont just hate them because its the trendy thing to do. I suggest getting a copy of one or two of thier albums, because to be brutally honest, they are a good band...

im not a Juggalo, I would never dress like every day is marilyn manson's funeral, i would never wear six litres of face paint, nor do i walk around giving out about society and normal people.

but credit where credit is due, the ICP has some kickass songs. And from what ive heard, they put on a great live show.

the ICP also has strong ties with the world of professional wrestling [ the two of them have appeared in "the big 3" of ECW, WCW and the WWf/WWE, they also periodicaly run thier own promotion, JCW ], and they have thier own production company too [ psychopathic records, or something like that ]

to sum up, the ICP is a rap duo. They are pretty goddamn good, but thier fans are all morons...



guy-"eh, im not really into icp"

juggalo-"fuk yall hataz, i is down wit de wikid clownz, yall playa hataz!"

guy-"go away you thirteen year old wigger"

icp có nghĩa là

Insanely Comfortable Pants


Joe: dude i got some icp's on today

icp có nghĩa là

Insane Clown Posse - horrorcore rap group that are proud to be the most hated band around. They don't care if you hate them because they'll always have the juggalos.


I'm a juggalette. I can spell just fine. I don't show people my breasts. I'm not a drug addict. I listen to other music not just psychopathic records. I'm not dirty. I'm not depressed. You should really stop judging people by their taste in music. I don't hate you for what you listen to, why do you have to say ignorant things about me?

icp có nghĩa là

Often used nickname for Insane clown Posse fans, but really the word for Internet Child Porn.


Juggalo: Hey, you like ICP??

Human: Fuck no, damn pedophile!!

icp có nghĩa là

A rap/hip-hop duo consisting of two Caucasian males from Detroit. Their fans, known as Juggalos, are very defensive but can't seem to type very well. Their detractors sometimes have a problem spelling as well, but the general opinion of this band is that you either hate them with a passion or love them with a passion.


I saw a line of people waiting outside the ICP concert and lost faith in humanity.

icp có nghĩa là

An untalanted horrorcore rap group that has 3 major flaws.
1] they rap about the grosest freakiest crap that no one but perverts and pedafiles like to listen to. 2] they have the most annoying voices ever not really squeaky but high pitched and nasiating to listen to. 3] even if they did not have annoying voices and didnt rap about sick stuff they would still suck because they can NOT rap when they try to they sound simply like a bunch of fucked up whiggers.


Dave: Why do you have this ICP cd Mark
Mark: When I'm in trouble instead of getting grounded I get locked into a room with this screwed up music playing.
Dave: I'm suprised your still alive

icp có nghĩa là

a group of fat kids n queers that dident make the foot ball team at school so thre pissd n think thre cool cuz they smoke weed and dont give a fuck about anything n act hard becuse thre with thre homies [sounds like sum gay shit to me] what im tryin to say is fuck ICP n all the queers that rep it if u dont like it write a comment pussy


kid1.whoop whoop juggalo

kid2..wtf is a juggalo a swingin ball sack

kid1.no dude its this band icp

kid2.get the fuck away from me

icp có nghĩa là

A band called Insane Clown Posse, or ICP. They are a rap/metal hybrid that have created an occult-like religion. Whos followers are refered to as Juggalos/Juggalettes.


Ok this is my opinion. I don't see the point in this band, group, whatever. I consider myself a music enthusiast and know talent when I hear it. Now I know you might say "Just because they are not mainstream and they are different, you think they have no talent." Well this is untrue, I am a musician myself, and these two guys in ICP have hardly any musical talent. Now you are probably thinking "Just because they are not on MTV you hate them." Actually I HATE MTV with a passion. I don't listen to "popular music",all music today has lost it's talent. I listen to many different genres: classic rock,blues rock,blues,jazz,folk,southern rock,phycadelic, pre-80's pop,rockabilly,classical, and reggae. So I think I know what I'm talking about. And in my opinion all rap and hip-hop is just a disgrace to its Reggae and R&B roots. And the juggalos that I have seen are not the most intelligent people. And the guys in ICP are pro-wrestles for God's sake! Ok so people that follow this "religion". What evidence is there of your religion? What is the purpose of it? Also ICP's lyrics are pointless,rude,and vulgar. Cussing every sentence doesn't give your songs meaning. This band spreads a horrible message, I mean look at what they call there music, "Wicked Shit". And their stage presence. There make-up is just a cheap immitation of Kiss make-up. I mean look at it! Now I know you may call me a "hater", but you know what I don't care. I believe firmly in equality and peace, I am a firm enviromentalist and vegan. And all your music does is spread messages of hate. So all you "Juggalos and Juggalettes" please go find some pleasant and constructive music. May I suggest folk?

icp có nghĩa là

eminem x 2 + makeup + slightly less crappy music = ICP


I don't think music was supposed to ever get this crappy... save the music? it's already dead.

icp có nghĩa là

ICP [Insane Clown Posse] Are without a doubt, the most hated band on the planet. Some juggalos/lettes on here have said that this is because people have misconceptions about ICP being satanic or homophobic. In accuality, its just that people think they're gay, because they're gay. Their fans are all idiots who butcher the english language with shitty wigger vernacular, and type by smashing their faces into the keyboard. And any lo/lette who is not actually mentally retarded, has no excuse for listening to ICP [or any group on psychopathic records. [Not to be confused with Psycho+logical records, which has some decent stuff.]


Reasons why ICP sucks : Relatively shitty production. Their beats are wack. They have no flow. They are two of the worst lyricists ever. Their voices are annoying. They look annoying. Their fans try to make them sound deep "on the surface it seems as if shaggy is saying this. . . . but . . .violent j is really talking about SHUTTHEFUCKUP. They have nothing to say. Seriously. . the worst lyricists ever. I mean, really, I cant emphasize that enough. I thought it was a joke when I first heard their shit. One good thing to say about Violent J, and Shaggy 2 dope is that they are both business geniuses. They have found a relatively untouched niche in the "awkward pissed off white kids, who live in trailer parks across the midwest." Everyone knows that ICP blows nuts. . .even in an interview from '97 with 'Gay Times',[issue #69] Shaggy 2 dope says [quote] "We suck cock like it was going out of style, yet retards keep buying our horrible shit,. . . . . . we're laughing all the way to the fucking bank man!" [unquote].

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