Isi journal list 2022 tây an, thiểm tây

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  • Freedom Collections 2018-2022

Freedom collection journals

The Freedom Collection Journals is available to academic institutions only who have a current ScienceDirect Complete agreement. Qualifying customers will have access to all non-subscribed Elsevier journal content at a significantly reduced rate.

Electronic-only access starts from the date of your existing ScienceDirect subscription, with access to the current and four previous years of content plus additional content annually. Your access is cumulative as long as you renew your ScienceDirect Complete and Freedom Collection Journals subscriptions. If you cancel your ScienceDirect subscription, the Freedom Collection Journals does not offer continued access rights for material that was not previously part of a full subscription.

Available to Academic institutions having all subscriptions on-line
Content Collection Nearly all ScienceDirect journals except excluded titles as noted.  Begins with current and four previous years of content, with new content added annually. See the title list.
Entitlements Browse and search all journal and books content on ScienceDirect. Download full-text articles and selected book chapters [PDF or HTML] as covered by your subscription.

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Post-termination Access Rights Not available
Subscription Period Calendar year [multiyear agreements also available]
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Eligibility & Purchasing To check your eligibility, learn more, or to purchase, please contact Elsevier Sales.

Freedom collection journals freeze

Every December 1, the Freedom Collection Journals title list is "frozen" for the following subscription year starting January 1. The freeze gives customers clarity and stability because it ensures that new, discontinued or transferred titles are added or removed only at that time.
Freedom Collection Journals pricing is set annually on July 1 to assist you with your budgeting process.

Excluded titles

Some titles are excluded from our discounted packages [including the Freedom Collection Journals] and are available only at the full subscription price because of business model restrictions, legal stipulations, or issues involving electronic rights. The titles excluded are Cell Press titles, The Lancet titles, Seminars, Clinics of North America, third-party-owned titles and some society titles.

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Subject collections

Subject collections offer a cost-effective way for ScienceDirect Complete customers to gain additional access to deep content in a specific field at a significantly reduced rate.

  • Subject Collections 2021
  • Subject Collections 2022

Included/excluded titles

Not all titles are included in various discounted collections due to limiting contractual arrangements. The Included/Excluded Titles list is subject to change as electronic rights for any given title can change as determined by the publisher or society.

  • Titles included or excluded from one or more discounted packages in 2021

Additional information for existing customers:

Customers who subscribed to Freedom Collection prior to 2013 should retain access to The Lancet, The Lancet Infectious Diseases, The Lancet Neurology and The Lancet Oncology for the duration of their subscription. > Resources > Journal Quality List

Presents a collation of 18 journal rankings in the broad area of Economics, Finance, Accounting, Management, and Marketing

Anne-Wil Harzing - Sat 6 Feb 2016 16:10 [updated Thu 14 Apr 2022 10:13]

Compiled and edited by Prof. Anne-Wil Harzing

68th edition, 4 July 2021

Please note: The 48th edition was recalled, because a sorting error resulted in inaccurate entries for the Cranfield and Aeres rankings. Please destroy any versions of the 48th edition.


The Journal Quality List is a collation of journal rankings from a variety of sources. It is published primarily to assist academics to target papers at journals of an appropriate standard. We would be concerned if the list were used for staff evaluation purposes in a mechanistic way.

The list was originally collated while the editor was associated with the Bradford University School of Management [1997-2001]. Since then, the list has been updated and extended periodically to keep it current.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Journal Quality List, we recommend that it be checked before used extensively for evaluation purposes. The editor will not be held responsible for omissions or errors. The current version of the JQL contains 10 different rankings of more than 950 journals.

See also Frequently Asked Questions about the JQL.

The Journal Quality List comprises academic journals in the following broad areas: Economics, Finance, Accounting, Management, and Marketing.

Rankings of a variety of countries included

Where available, the rankings for each journal from the following sources are included:

  • Scopus CiteSc 2020: Scopus CiteScore, June 2021
  • AJG 2021: British Association of Business Schools [ABS] Ranking 2021
  • HCRES 2020: Haut conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur ranking 2020
  • EJL 2020: Erasmus Research Institute of Management Journals Listing 2020
  • DEN 2020: Danish Ministry ranking 2020
  • CNRS 2020: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique June 2020
  • FNEGE 2019: Foundation National pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises 2019
  • Australian Business Deans Council 2019
  • Financial Times 50 Ranking 2016
  • JOURQUAL: Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft 2015

Note - The editor regrets to inform users of the Journal Quality List that Thomson Scientific Inc. have requested removal of the Journal Impact Factor scores from the JQL. Please destroy any previous versions of the JQL in your possession. Thomson Scientific Inc. remind academics and universities that they do not permit any republication or re-use of their Impact Factor lists.

Download information

The Journal Quality List is available for downloading by using the link below. There are three versions of the JQL: by journal title, by subject area, and by ISSN.

Note - The JQL is provided in Adobe® Acrobat® [PDF] format; you will need Acrobat Reader to read the JQL. Acrobat Reader is available free of charge from Adobe's web site

Copyright © 2000-2021 Anne-Wil Harzing. All rights reserved.
Permission to use or copy this list in its entirety is hereby granted, provided that all copies include the title page, copyright notice, and all explanatory notes. All other uses, copying, or other forms of reproduction are prohibited.

Like to support the Journal Quality List?

If you use the JQL often, you might like to consider to support its continued availablity through a small donation for another one of my free resources: the Publish or Perish software.

Related topics

Date Changes
4 July 2021 Removed older rankings [see notes], added separate column for FT2016 ranking, updated Danish Ministry and EJL to their 2020 editions, updated AJG [ABS ranking] to its 2021 edition, and added 2020 Scopus CiteScore.
24 June 2020 Updated the Danish Ministry ranking to its 2018 edition, the CNRS ranking to its June 2020 edition, and the HCERES ranking to its 2020 edition. 
15 Feb 2020 Updated ABDC ranking to its December 2019 edition
22 Jul 2019 Updated FNEGE to its June 2019 edition; updated CNRS to its June 2019 edition
2 Feb 2019 Updated the CNRS to its November 2018 edition.
29 Jul 2018 Updated the CNRS to its June 2018 edition.
3 Apr 2018 Updated British Association of Business Schools [ABS] ranking to its March 2018 version.
23 Feb 2018 Updated the CNRS to its December 2017 edition and the HCERES ranking to its 2018 edition.
14 Sep 2017 Updated the CNRS and the Danish Ministry ranking to their 2017 editions.
24 Apr 2017 Updated the FNEGE and AERES [now HCRES] lists to their 2016 and 2017 editions.
11 Mar 2017 Updated the Australian ABDC ranking to its 2016 edition and the FT ranking to its FT50 2016 ranking.
18 Apr 2016 Updated ESSEC Business School Paris ranking to Jan 2016 version, updated Erasmus EJL ranking to 5th edition [2016]; minor corrections and additions.
27 Nov 2015 Updated CNRS ranking [CNRS 2014] to version 4.05 [November 2015].
23 May 2015 Corrections fo the ABS and VHB rankings [thanks to Heinz Tuselmann!].
16 Apr 2015 2015 update of the VHB list.
8 Mar 2015 Updated British Association of Business Schools [ABS] ranking to its February 2015 version; updated CNRS ranking [CNRS 2014] to version November 2014; updated ESSEC Business School Paris rankings to its January 2015 edition.
11 Feb 2014 Updated CNRS ranking [CNRS 2013] to version 4.01; updated ESSEC Business School Paris rankings to its December 2013 edition.
10 Dec 2013 Update of the ABDC ranking to its November 2013 version.
5 July 2013 Updated FNEGE [Foundation National pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises] ranking to June 2013 version.
8 June 2013 Corrected problems with the Cranfield and Aeres rankings.
5 Feb 2013 Removed SMJ 1999 ranking, updated ESSEC ranking to 2012 version, updated Aeres ranking to 2012 version. Please note: The 48th edition was recalled, because a sorting error resulted in inaccurate entries for the Cranfield and Aeres rankings.
27 Aug 2012 Added new ranking from Danish ministry.
13 July 2012 Added new French ranking by HEC Paris.
1 Apr 2012 Added new French Ranking by FNEGE [Foundation National pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises].
5 Mar 2012 Updated Cranfield ranking to the 2012 ranking [9th edition].
1 Jan 2012 Updated ESSEC Business School Paris rankings to its 2011 edition.
16 Oct 2011 Added the updated CNRS ranking [CNRS 2011] to version 3.01.
20 Jul 2011 Added the new Erasmus Research Institute Ranking [EJL 2012].
17 Jun 2011 Updated the FT-40 list to the FT-45 list. Added the new UQ/ERA 2011 list.
23 Apr 2011 2011 update of the VHB list.
4 Feb 2011 Minor corrections to subject area and Cranfield ranking.
27 May 2010 Updated the Australian Business Deans Council, Association of Business Schools and ESSEC Business School Paris rankings to their 2010 editions. Added the AERES 2008 ranking.
6 Feb 2010 Minor corrections, updated the Cranfield ranking to the 2010 ranking [7th edition]
18 Dec 2009 Minor corrections to journal titles, classifications, rankings and the accompanying notes.
3 Jul 2009 Updated the CNRS ranking to the 2008 ranking [version 2.1] and the Cranfield ranking to the 2009 ranking [6th edition]
4 May 2009 Updated the Association of Business Schools 2008 ranking to the new 2009 ranking.
26 Sep 2008 Added the new VHB and Wien rankings; removed two old lists [University of Nottingham [Not95] and Virginia Commonwealth University [US98]].
31 May 2008 Added the Australian Business Deans Council 2008; Updated the Aston University journal ranking the Association of Business School to the March 2008 versions
28 Dec 2007 Minor corrections and additions to the CNRS ranking
19 Nov 2007 Replaced the 2004 CNRS ranking with its 2007 ranking
12 Sep 2007 Added the European Journal of Information Systems 2007 [Mingers & Harzing] ranking; removed some 80 journals that were no longer published and/or only had one or two very low rankings
23 Jul 2007 Replaced University of Queensland 2003 ranking with its 2007 ranking
5 Mar 2007 Added the new Association of Business School 2007 ranking to replace the Harvey-Morris Business Journals ranking
1 Feb 2007 Updated the Aston University journal ranking to the Oct. 2006 version
23 Nov 2006 Added the Erasmus ranking; removed two old lists [VSNU list [NL94] and the Bradford appendix to this list [Bfd97]]
12 Oct 2006 Added the Theoharakis ranking; updated Cranfield University School of Management ranking, added a range of real estate journals
6 Aug 2006 Updated Financial Times ranking
23 Jun 2006 Updated Aston University journal ranking
6 May 2006 Added the Harvey-Morris Business Journals ranking
7 Mar 2006 Updated Hong Kong Baptist University ranking
6 Jan 2006 Added CNRS ranking
4 Dec 2005 Minor corrections and reclassifications
12 Nov 2005 Added ESSEC Business School Paris ranking
23 Jul 2005 Updated Cranfield University School of Management ranking
28 Mar 2005 Removed SSCI impact scores
10 Jan 2005 Minor corrections and reclassifications
13 Nov 2004 Added VHB 2003 list; removed Lancaster 1994
11 Jul 2004 Added Cranfield University School of Management June 2004 ranking and Social Science Citation Index 2003 impact scores
9 Jun 2004 Added journal ranking based on UK RAE 2001
6 Apr 2004 Updated Aston University journal ranking
9 Jan 2004 Added University of Queensland journal ranking [100+ new journals]
26 Oct 2003 Minor additions and corrections
16 Jul 2003 Added Social Science Citation Index 2002 impact scores
15 Feb 2003 Added Social Science Citation Index 2001 impact scores
17 Nov 2002 Added ISSNs for all journals
2000-2002 Various earlier editions

  • Frequently Asked Questions about the JQL

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Copyright © 2022 Anne-Wil Harzing. All rights reserved. Page last modified on Thu 14 Apr 2022 10:13

Anne-Wil Harzing is Professor of International Management at Middlesex University, London and visiting professor of International Management at Tilburg University. She is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business, a select group of distinguished AIB members who are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the scholarly development of the field of international business. In addition to her academic duties, she also maintains the Journal Quality List and is the driving force behind the popular Publish or Perish software program.

Anne-Wil Harzing's profile and contact details >>

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