Laptop can t shut down

Laptop wont shut down on Windows 10? Heres the fix

driver, emi, errore spegnimento, fix it, Intel Management Engine Interface, problem, shut down, windows 10, windows 10 bug 2 min read

Manyusers who have upgraded theirPC to Windows 10 orperformed a clean installation of the O.S., complain about a weird problem:their laptop wont shut down on Windows 10and doesnt wake up from sleep.

In particular, once theyclick on Start Shut down, the screen goes black (it completely turns off), but the PC is actually turned on, with the LEDs on and the fanspinning.
The only way to turn off the computer is toforce theshutdownpressing the powerbutton.

Laptop can t shut down

It seems that laptopswhichare experiencingthisissueareHP and Asus ones, but we do not exclude that devices from other manufacturers also showthis bug. The Geeks Lab has found this bug ontwo Asus laptops and, after many headaches,hasfinally found the culprit!

The problem is actually not related to Windows 10 itself. Your laptop wont shut down on Windows 10 because ofanIntel driver issue!
The bugged driver is the Intel Management Engine Interface (EMI), version11.x. Thedriver can be found on Device Manager System Devices.

The solution,therefore,is to manually downgrade the above driver, waiting for Intels fixofthis weird bug.

Laptop wont shut down on Windows 10? Heres the fix Guide

  • Download Intel driver (any 10.x 9.x might be fine). Dont worry if they donot appear as versions for Windows 10, we installedversion without problems.
  • Click on the name of the driver, then on the name of the .zip file. Finally, accept the license terms you will find at the bottom.
  • Wait for the download.
  • Open the zip file and the folders inside it, until you find SetupME.exe. Double click and install the driver. You will be asked to replace the existing driver with an older version, accept and goon.
  • Restart the PC and testif it shuts downand sleepsproperly.

DONE! If after many shutdowns this problem no longer occurs, you can say, as we can, to have it fixed!

NOTE: Some users suggest to disable the fast startup: Control Panel Power Options Choose what the power buttons do Change settings that arecurrently unavailable.
We think, however, that this is not the solution to the problem, because ithad noeffect on our laptops. Leave it as a last resort if the downgrade of the driverhasno effect.

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Laptop can t shut down