Laptop charging port loose

Have you ever had to twist and turn your charging pin just so your laptop will charge? If you’ve ever lost progress on an important task due to a faulty power jack, you’ll know how frustrating it can be to have your power flicker on and off.

If your power jack is broken,  you may be wondering if it’s possible to fix it without soldering. 

Here’s what you should know:

There is no one way to fix a DJ power jack. 

The solution will depend on how the DC jack is connected to the motherboard.

If the DC jack is connected to the motherboard with a wire, it is possible to repair the damage without soldering. However, if the power jack is soldered on the motherboard, it is impossible to repair completely without soldering.

The good news is that making the fix with a soldering iron is straightforward –– you don’t even need the help of an electrician.

Keep reading to find three easy ways to fix a laptop power jack without soldering.

What does a laptop power jack do?

The DC power jack is a vital part of your laptop, allowing you to charge your battery and provide a steady power source. If it’s faulty, your laptop will lose power, and you won’t be able to turn it on.

What are the causes of power jack damage?

To successfully solve your power jack issue, you need to identify the cause of damage and type of damage:

Common causes of power jack damage

  • Not enough reinforcement within casing and motherboard, causing stress to the system
  • Loosening of parts over time
  • When the charger is dropped or pulled
  • Power jack was not soldered well

Types of power jack damage

  • Internal pins of power jack are damaged
  • Entire jack is damaged
  • DC-in jack generates sparks or gets hot
  • DC jack came out of the laptop
  • Loose pins on charger
  • Connection between jack and circuit is burnt

What are the signs that my laptop power jack is bad?

Since there are many types of power jack damage, you’ll find that there are also many symptoms of DC power jack failure.

  • Power flickers on and off
  • Switching between battery power and adapter
  • Need to wiggle or support the charging cable in the socket
  • DC power jack only works at a certain angle
  • Battery won’t charge
  • Unable to run the laptop on AC power
  • Produce sparks after inserting the adapter into the power jack
  • Laptop shuts down suddenly

You must solve these problems immediately because these power jack symptoms can result in a serious electrical issue. 

Can I repair a laptop power jack without soldering?

Repairing a power jack is only possible if it’s connected to the motherboard with a wire connector.

However, if the power jack was soldered directly into the motherboard and it came loose or broke off completely, you cannot fix it without soldering.

3 Solutions to Fix Laptop Power Jack Without Soldering

Now that you know there isn’t one answer to repairing laptop power jack damage check out how you can figure out the problem and fix it.

Power Jack Problems due to Physical Damage

If your power jack’s pin or the entire part is damaged, it is impossible to fix it. The only solution is to replace the entire power jack.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy solution when you’re out of town or on a business trip, you can attach the power jack temporarily with a glue gun. 

Solution 1: If the power jack breaks off

However, make sure that you replace it with a new power jack when you get the chance. Loose power jacks and adapter pins don’t provide a steady flow of electricity, causing sparks or heat. It can even damage your charger pin or damage the motherboard.

Check out this video on how to attach a power jack with a glue gun:

Find a compatible power jack for your laptop is simple, look up “[your laptop model] dc power jack]’ on Google or Amazon.

Here’s one of the top-selling power jacks for the Dell Inspiron 15.

Power Jack Problems due to Motherboard, Pins, or Wires

If the power jack seems physically sound, there are two ways to repair it and restore power to your laptop, depending on how the jack is attached to the motherboard.

Solution 2: If the power jack has a separate connector

First, check the power jack voltage.

  1. Unplug the power jack connector from the motherboard.
  2. Attach the adapter to the DC jack
  3. Check the power jack voltage. It shouldn’t have the expected voltage.

Now get started on repairs.

  1. Reattach the power jack while applying pressure.
  2. Attach heat shrinking tubes as reinforcement.
  3. Recheck the voltage, and it should appear.
  4. Reconnect and reassemble the laptop.

Solution 3: If the power jack is soldered on the motherboard

This solution will require a bit more technical skill since you will be dealing with the motherboard. If you’re a bit wary of proceeding, it might be better to hire a technician.

There are two types of situations that can happen:

Wobbling power jack

Dry welding causes this issue to worsen. You will need to do some soldering to fix this problem.

  1. Apply flux to all the pins.
  2. Solder the jack to protect it.

Motherboard track is burned, or pins are damaged.

Making a wrong connection with the pins can make your laptop irreparable, so practice caution before proceeding:

  1. Identify which track is burnt: +VE, GND, or sensing signal?
  2. Solder the wire directly from the jack pins to where the track will reach.
  3. Apply hot glue or epoxy mixture to reinforce the connection to the motherboard.


Laptop power jacks encounter many problems, and not all fixes will apply to your laptop.

If the power jack is physically damaged, you can replace it entirely without soldering in some models.

If your power jack is connected to the motherboard with a wire, it’s possible to fix the issue by reattaching it to the motherboard and reinforcing it with a heat shrink.

If your soldered power jack is wobbling or has damaged pins, you will have to use solder to fix the issue.

Let us know if these tips were helpful to you!

Computers have advanced dramatically over the years, but has the average laptop charger port repair cost changed? What happens when they malfunction? How much does it cost to replace a laptop charging port? Can you fix them? Is it better to replace them?

How Much Does It Cost To Fix A Laptop Charger Port?

If you have decided to take the machine to a technician, it could cost you anywhere between $50 and $150. But some models are expensive and you may spend as much as $500 or over $1000.

Laptop Charging Port Replacement Cost

Port Cost
Technician Cost
Average Replacement


The laptop charger port repair cost will vary depending on your location and the model of your laptop.

If you have decided to fix the computer yourself, the process will only cost you the price of the laptop components you need to replace.

It isn’t enough to replace the broken part. Once the technician replaces it, they have to test the machine to determine whether or not the charging port is working.

Sometimes, the charging port refuses to work even after you replace it. Some technicians can spend hours or even days troubleshooting a faulty charging port before they finally discover the problem. Such extensive work will obviously cost you more.

Does A Laptop Charging Port Need To Be Replaced Or Can It Be Fixed?

If you have an ordinary PC, you can forget about replacing the charging port if it is integrated with the motherboard. You can either fix the power jack or replace the entire motherboard, which is a very expensive option.

At the end of the day, it is cheaper and easier to replace the charging port because the entire process, including the labor, is unlikely to cost you more than $150.

Macbooks are notoriously difficult to fix because Apple wants you to send them back to the manufacturer whenever they develop a problem. This is why replacement parts are so difficult to find. In that regard, you might not have a choice in the matter.

Most people cannot fix laptop charging ports. The process is very complicated because it typically requires the user to desolder so many connections on the motherboard. Ultimately, it will depend on your skill level and the laptop brand.

Related Post:

Some Charging Port Issues – How Can You Fix It?

Laptop Charger Port Not Working

Disassemble the laptop and replace the power jack. If the plastic mount is broken, you can use glue to fix it. With an HP laptop, rather than removing and replacing the power jack, you can just replace the printed circuit board to which the jack is mounted.

Laptop Charger Port Is Loose

It is easier and more efficient to replace a loose charging port. Though, depending on your skill and experience, it is possible to solder a loose connection.

Laptop Charger Port Is Broken

The best option is to remove and replace the power jack. You can also use tweezers and prongs to reset the port connectors.

How Do I Know If My Laptop Charger Port Is Broken?

A broken charger port isn’t difficult to spot.

  • First of all, it is going to cause charging problems. The battery will either refuse to charge or it will discharge whenever you switch the laptop on, even when it is connected to a power source.
  • Some people have laptops whose batteries can never charge to completion. They cannot charge beyond a specific percentage.
  • In other cases, the laptop won’t boot up in the first place. Of course, it is worth noting that a broken charger can cause all these problems as well.

To rule out the charger, connect it to another laptop. If it works just as you expect, the charger port is at fault.

What To Do If My Charger Port Is Broken?

You have to start by identifying the problem. The same charging problems that a faulty charging port causes can be blamed on defective or damaged chargers and batteries. Therefore, you must eliminate all the other potential causes before you turn your attention to the charging port.

Fortunately, that is a simple matter of using the charger and batteries on other laptops to determine whether or not they work. You should also check the charger pin. Once you have determined that the charging port is the only possible cause of your charging issues, you can start working to resolve the issue:

1). Replace The Power Jack

Look at the power jack. If it is connected to the motherboard through conventional means, it won’t take you long to remove it. But if it is soldered to the motherboard, you need a desolder to remove it. Either way, if you have the skill and experience, you can replace the power jack.

2). Restore The Shape Of Port Connectors

If your investigation has revealed that the port connectors are the problem, you can restore their shape using prongs, tweezers, and screwdrivers.

3). Get Assistance From Technician

In most cases, you cannot diagnose or fix a charger port without disassembling the laptop. I don’t want you to do this if you have a warranty. If you have decided to disassemble the laptop but you cannot find the problem, get help. Call a technician that knows what they are doing.

How Can I Charge My Laptop With A Broken Charger Port?

You have to be careful with laptops. Some people think that they can charge laptop batteries directly by connecting them to a power source. But that is a bad idea. You could start a fire. Some safe alternative charging options include:

1). Use Second Laptop To Charge The Battery

If your laptop’s charging port is dead, take the battery out, place it in a second laptop and charge it. Once the battery is full, move it back to the first laptop. You can do this again and again until you fix the charging port.

2). Use USB Type C To Charge The Battery

Believe it or not, you can use the USB Port to charge your computer. But you cannot use USB Type-A. It cannot transfer enough power. According to HP, the best option is USB Type C. Make sure the charging cable has an adapter.

3). Use a Power bank

Buy a power bank for your laptop. Again, make sure the power bank uses USB Type C. If you don’t trust power banks, you can achieve better results with a charging dock.