Link Word drop down list to Excel

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I have a document template made in word that is filled with all the desired information. I would like to create a drop down box to select a contractor and fill in the contractors name, and address in the top left of the documents in a specific place.

How can I accomplish this. The idea is that the seperate excel file can be updated with new contractors and then the form in the word file will update with the new data and the drop down will ONLY be the contractor, after selecting the contractor it would then fill in the address.

Can this be done?

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2 Replies

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cduff May 30, 2013 at 20:12 UTC

I have no clue how to do what you want, but I think that this might help you on your way: //

In fact, I am going to bookmark it for myself.

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Jun 7, 2013 at 09:01 UTC

I would use access and word with vba to do this. The end-result will be the same, I just think it's more easy to make an connection to your database to do that then to excel and you will find more resources to get you going.

For example:



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