list.add c#

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  3. Add List to Another List in C#

Add List to Another List in C#

Csharp Csharp List

Created: March-21, 2021

This tutorial will discuss methods to add one lists elements at the end of another list in C#.

Add a List to Another List With the List.AddRange[] Function in C

The easiest method for appending one lists elements at the end of the other list is to use the List.AddRange[] method in C#. The List.AddRange[x] method adds the elements of the collection x in the list. The following code example shows us how to add one list to another list with the List.AddRange[] function in C#.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace add_list { static void Main[string[] args] { List first = new List { "do", "rey", "me" }; List second = new List { "fa", "so", "la", "te" }; first.AddRange[second]; foreach[var e in first] { Console.WriteLine[e]; } } } }


do rey me fa so la te

We created and initialized 2 lists of strings, first and second, in the above code. We appended the second list elements at the end of the first list with the first.AddRange[second] function. In the end, we displayed the elements of the first list.

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