Listening booking form

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Questions 1-4


Venue booking form !

Number of people [1] approximately

Date of party [2]

Name of room The [3]

Time [4] from to 9pm

Drinks Licensed only for soft drinks

Questions 5-10

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Contact details

Postcode [5]

Address Flat [6] , 35 Beeches street


Landline 223279

Mobile 07897 [7]

Booking fee

Cost of room hire £115 with [8] and chairs

Disco system hire Optional. Fee £25 with no technician.

Deposit [9] £

Insurance £9 for 24 hours. Covers cancellation , damage and [10]


Questions 11-15

Label the diagram below.

Write the correct letter A-G next to questions 11-15 below.

[11] Waste container

[12] Slurry

[13] Water inlet

[14] Gas

[15] Overflow tank

Questions 16-20

Complete the flow chart below.

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G next to questions 16-20.

A Identity sequence.

B Ask questions.

C Copy.

D Demonstrate meaning.

E Distribute worksheet.

F Draw pictures.

G Present sentences.




Teacher: Introduce word

Pupils: look and listen

Teacher: [16]..

Pupils: look and listen

Teacher: [17]

Pupils: [18] and expand

Teacher: Display pictures

Pupils: [19]

Teacher: [20]

Pupils: write


Questions 21-23

Choose THREE correct letters.

Match the THREE speaker [21-23] with the background information below [A-G].

[21] Anna

[22] Veronica

[23] Chris

A has done film reviews

B currently in third year

C gaining course credit for festival project

D has made films

E enrolled in Media Studies

F works as a journalist

G has film club experience

Question 24

Circle the correct letter A-C.

[24] The total number of films in the festival each year is

A five

B three

C twelve

Questions 25-28

Circle the correct letter A-C.

[25] Who chooses the films for the festival ?

A the committee members

B the International Students Society

C independent distributors

[26] Who is interviewed on camera ?

A journalism students

B members of the audience

C the organizing committee

[27] Of the films shown in the festival

A none is in English.

B most are dubbed.

C many have subtitles.

[28] The festival did not make a profit last year because of

A poor water.

B high price of admission.

C lack of publicity.

Questions 29-30

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Task: Completed by:

[29] 1 March

[30] 31 March


Questions 31-32

Choose TWO correct letters.

Paul Stange

A Paul Stange is the of the course

B Paul Stange is the course coordinator.

C Paul Stange is the author of the two textbooks

D Students could get the textbooks from the university

Questions 33-34

Circle the correct letters A-C.

[33] What is the purpose of this lecture ?

A To tell the students where to buy the textbooks

B To introduce himself

C To make the new students familiar with a new situation

[34] Both reading materials are very important because

A help develop a clearer understanding of each other.

B they help gain better sensitivity to the differences between the various cultures.

C they help reinforce understanding of the two countries.

Questions 35-40

Complete the summary below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Course Structure:

Main course focus is on [35] of southeast Asia.

Influences from [36] and [37] .

These influences have been both [38] and social.

The emphasis is on [39] between past influences and present cultural patterns.

Relation to other courses:

Later courses focus more on political and economic aspects of modern period.

This course serves as [40] to later courses.

ANSWERS Ielts listening practice test 103

  1. 70
  2. 15th September
  3. Mandela Suite
  4. 3.30
  5. PA5 7GJ
  6. 40
  7. 293381
  8. tables
  9. 30/thirty
  10. injury
  11. C
  12. G
  13. A
  14. E
  15. F
  16. D
  17. G
  18. C
  19. A
  20. E
  21. G
  22. A
  23. C
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. B
  28. A
  29. select films
  30. design program
  31. B
  32. D
  33. C
  34. B
  35. [cultural] history
  36. the Chinese
  37. the Indian
  38. cultural
  39. links and connections
  40. basis or background

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Er. Nachhattar Singh [ CEO, blogger,youtuber,Motivational speaker]


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