Live well labs garcinia cambogia reviews

In addition the results of its expert testing, ConsumerLab uses only high-quality, evidence based, information sources. These sources include peer-reviewed studies and information from agencies such as the FDA and USDA, and the National Academy of Medicine. On evolving topics, studies from pre-print journals may be sourced. All of our content is reviewed by medical doctors and doctoral-level experts in pharmacology, toxicology, and chemistry. We continually update and medically review our information to keep our content trustworthy, accurate, and reliable. The following sources are referenced in this article:

  • PDF versi
  • Heymsfield, JAMA 19
  • Badmaev, JAMA 19
  • Mattes, Physiol Behav 20
  • Kovacs, Int J Obes 20
  • Westerterp-Plantenga, Int J Obesity 20
  • Chung, Nature 20
  • Adiga, Kidney Week 2019 Abstract SA-PO2
  • Downs, Mut Res 20
  • Loe, Anal Biochem 20
  • Downs, Mutat Res 20
  • Lunsford, World J Gastroenterol 20
  • Sharma, Case Rep Gastrointest Med 20
  • Yousaf, World J Hepatol 20
  • Lopez, J Med Tox 20
  • Hendrickson, Prime Care Companion CNS Disord 20
  • Saito, Food Chem Toxicol 20

Alphabetical list of Garcinia [HCA] supplement brands compared in this review

Absolute Garcinia Cambogia

Bio Nutrition Garcinia Cambogia

Futurebiotics Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia Select

Garcinia Cambogia XT

Genesis Today Garcinia Cambogia

Healthy Clip Pure Garcinia Rapid

Jarrow Formulas HCActive

Labrada Nutrition Garcinia Cambogia

Miracle Garcinia Cambogia

Molecular Research Labs Pure Garcinia Cambogia

Nature’s Plus Citrimax

NutriGold Garcinia Cambogia Gold

Nutritional Sciences Garcinia Lean

Pure Health Garcinia Camboigia

Puritan's Pride Super Citrimax

Vitamin Shoppe Garcinia Cambogia Extract

Vitamin World Super Citrimax

Garcinia cambogia extracts are popular weight loss supplements, but few products on the market actually provide the amounts of hydroxycitric acid [HCA] typically used in clinical trials and most don't even contain the amount of HCA listed on their labels.

Among 13 Garcinia cambogia supplements which selected for review, seven contained only 14% to 81% of the listed amount of HCA, a plant compound believed to be important to Garcinia's biological effects. Even among products which contained what was listed, the amount of HCA in a suggested daily serving ranged from as little as 250 mg to 3,150 mg of HCA, while the dose typically used in clinical studies is 900 mg to 1,500 mg of HCA. Two of the products which failed testing provided less than 100 mg of HCA per day! Unlike OTC products and prescription medications, where dosing must be approved by the FDA, dietary supplement companies set their own suggested serving levels, which may or may not correspond to what has been shown to work.

Among the six products which passed testing, the cost to obtain an equivalent amount [1,500 mg] of HCA ranged was as low as just 74 cents, but among products which did not contain what they claimed, this cost was as much as $21.41 based the amounts of HCA actually found. You can use this information to find the best Garcinia cambogia supplement at the lowest cost and avoid getting ripped-off.

You must be a member to get the full test results for Garcinia cambogia supplements along with's recommendations and quality ratings. You will get results for 13 Garcinia cambogia supplements selected by and for four others which passed our voluntary Quality Certification Testing. You'll also get information about a product similar to one that passed testing but which is sold under a different name.

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Does Garcinia cambogia make you lose weight?

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association [JAMA] said, "Garcinia cambogia failed to produce significant weight loss and fat mass loss beyond that observed with placebo."

What are the negatives of Garcinia cambogia?

What Do We Know About Safety?.

Cases of liver damage associated with the use of garcinia cambogia products have been reported. ... .

Other side effects associated with garcinia cambogia include headache and nausea, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal symptoms..

How much Garcinia cambogia is safe per day?

Dosage Recommendations You can also purchase garcinia cambogia supplements online. Choose one from a reputable manufacturer that contains 50–60% HCA. Recommended dosages can vary between brands. Generally, it is recommended to take 500 mg, three times per day, 30–60 minutes before meals.

Is it good to take Garcinia?

It might prevent fat storage, control appetite, and increase exercise endurance. But it's unclear if these effects occur in humans. People commonly use garcinia for obesity, athletic performance, joint pain, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.

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