mac & cheese là gì - Nghĩa của từ mac & cheese

mac & cheese có nghĩa là

a pimp or playa or mackin on sumone to put your moves on her

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damn son ur a mak daddy

whatch me mac on dis gurl

mac & cheese có nghĩa là

compact and reliable submachine gun popular in miami in the 80's.

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damn son ur a mak daddy

mac & cheese có nghĩa là

Media Access Control address- hardware address that identifies each node on a network consisting of4 8 bits expressed as 12 hexadecimal digits. Unique to each network card

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damn son ur a mak daddy

mac & cheese có nghĩa là

A very easy to use computer. It doesn't crash all the fucking time like P.C.'s do. It is alot easier to work with and gets better results and is MUCH faster than a pc. You can't play many games on it, but its best for its internet capabilities.

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damn son ur a mak daddy

mac & cheese có nghĩa là

British short/slang for a long overcoat; a MacIntosh. Created looong before the computer age.

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whatch me mac on dis gurl

mac & cheese có nghĩa là

compact and reliable submachine gun popular in miami in the 80's. "I used to drive an ac and kept a mac in the engine." Media Access Control address- hardware address that identifies each node on a network consisting of4 8 bits expressed as 12 hexadecimal digits. Unique to each network card 12:34:56:78:9A:BC May I please have the MAC address of your modem therefore to diagnose your problem. A very easy to use computer. It doesn't crash all the fucking time like P.C.'s do. It is alot easier to work with and gets better results and is MUCH faster than a pc. You can't play many games on it, but its best for its internet capabilities. "I'm a retard. I use a P.C. It crashes all the time and I think I'll have to buy a new computer because this one sucks so much. Maybe this time I'll be smart and take a mac." British short/slang for a long overcoat; a MacIntosh. Created looong before the computer age. From "Substitute" by the Who..."I can see right through your plastic mac" Piece of overpriced shit computers, by a company targeting the computer illiterate community by showing fancy looking [but crappy] programs that users could find alternatives for without spending an arm and a leg for something small [such as creating a movie].

Even with the Intel processors, Mac's are still gigantic resource hogs that most professionals still refuse to use.. disagree with me on that or not, but more companies i know of run a Windows OS or Linux, however most companies look for more features than looking pretty. While Windows Vista is still a very new and has bugs, there are still more features and it doesn't look too shaby itself. Windows OS is one of the most user friendly operating systems, most compatible with most software/hardware, and is not the douchebag from the "get a life" commercials.

Mac's and their users are basically the Paris Hilton's of the computer world, they aren't too smart, are full of bugs/security threats not yet known, and the only action being get from pussy's in prison and at their computer desks.

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-the douchebag pansy cheerleader from the movie Dodgeball: the mac from the "get a life" commercials

mac & cheese có nghĩa là

Mac's can easily get viruses, don't say they cannot, most scripters and hackers don't bother creating a virus or exploit for the mac os because, first of all, the users suffer enough from mental retardation and smacking themselves once they see the gay pinwheel of death, and two, most users are smart enough to get a working operating system [WINDOWS BABY!]

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FOR ALL GAMERS!! rất quan trọng:

mac & cheese có nghĩa là

DO NOT BUY A MAC, even dual booting windows on mac is garbage. Unless you enjoy playing solitare and a a narrow selection of games, yes they have games.. just not nearly as many [any1 up for quake?].. nor are they good for games. Unless you purchase the top of the line mac, paying with an arm and leg, you would probably be able to run more with half of the specifications of a mac on the pc.

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All in all, as Macs may seem fancy, they are too much for show, less for performance. The reason they seem real good is because they can't run much crap in the first place. While they did come up with some good ideas, windows vista has taken some of those features, so why buy a mac?

mac & cheese có nghĩa là

-the douchebag pansy cheerleader from the movie Dodgeball: the mac from the "get a life" commercials

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A computer that costs two to three times the price of an equally powerful PC

mac & cheese có nghĩa là

Hipster #1- Dude, I have too much money in my pocket and know nothing about computers.
Hipster #2- Dude, you should get a mac.

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The best makeup out there. Makes lipgloss, eyeshadow, foundation, eyeliner, mascara...Comes in a variety of bold colors...Shimmer and non-shimmer...Don't let the price get to you, it is definately worth it. =]

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