middlebrooke là gì - Nghĩa của từ middlebrooke

middlebrooke có nghĩa là

Describes the phenomenon whereby the female residents of Middlebrook Hall at the University of Minnesota have a tendency to be approximately one standard deviation less attractive than the rest of the campus. Additionally, there is a lack of awareness of this effect among those affected which leads to unattractive girls acquiring boys who would not otherwise be attracted to them. Applies to all floors not taken up by Arts students on the 11th and 12th floors. Exceptions are rumored to exist, but are as of yet unconfirmed.


Guy 1: Dude, I got with such a fine bitty last night. Guy 2: No way man, we saw her and she was Middlebrook hot, you were so trashed.

middlebrooke có nghĩa là

The prestigious honors dorm of the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Middlebrook is basically a collection of frail, pale, sheltered midwest white kids, who, for some inexplicable reason, the University decided to place within a five minute walk of the Riverside projects. Muggings and other assorted petty crimes occur roughly once a week in the Middlebrook area, mostly due to the fact that half of all Middlebrook residents couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.
The seventh floor of Middlebrook Hall seems to be home to the highest concentration of the aforementioned pale, frail, Midwestern white kids. It's a strange and fickle place, where up is down and awkward is normal.


Halloween was confusing. It was entirely unclear whether a given MIddlebrook resident was wearing a costume or if that was just their normal attire.

middlebrooke có nghĩa là

The classier, less cocky version of Middlebrook Hall Sixth Floor.


I'm bored should we go to Middlebrook Hall Sixth Floor? No, they are obnoxious, lets go to Middlebrook Hall Seventh Floor.

middlebrooke có nghĩa là

Middlebrook is a large concentration of pale and frail kids; however, there are not just white kids. There are many Asians that live in Middlebrook as well. Most of the people that live in Middlebrook probably couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag, but most can probably do calculus or something else that's hard in circles around a lot of the University of Minnesota's students living in other res halls. There are many Honors kids, because it is the honors dorm; as well as acting students who probably could not kick the shit out of most people, but could verbally abuse even a professor. It most definitely is a strange place, not what you would expect out of a typical dorm in a place of Higher Education.


So the acting students were giving shit to the honors kids and calling them wimps so the honors kids built a catapult device that chucked water balloons at the actors while they were walking back to Middlebrook. [True story unfortunately...]

middlebrooke có nghĩa là

A dorm at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities on the West Bank isolated from the rest of the undergraduate population. This dorm is inhabited by honor students and art students alike. Upon entrance, hotness of females is skewed due to the lack of hot females.


Superblock bro 1: Did you see that chick I hooked up with last night at the Middlebrook Dance Party Round II? Superblock bro 2: Woah bro, Becky? She was Middlebrook hot, easily a 3 on the outside world scale. Superblock bro 1: For real? Middlebrook hot got the best of me again... Superblock bro 2: She's really good at the studying the sciences.

middlebrooke có nghĩa là

Built in 2001, the East Wing of Middlebrook houses some of the finest men/women on campus. While most assume living in Middlebrook defines one as an honors or art kid, the East Wing is quite different. The East Wing is filled with people that actually know how to have a good time and don't mind making fun of kids in the Tower. East Wingers are the elite few that can put up with Tower kids and still be considered cool. Lastly, the East Wing has the best rooms on campus, perfect for partying! Also referred to as East Wing, Beast Wing


Woman: Dude, you are so awesome! Lets go back to your place!
Guy: Okay, but it's all the way over in Middlebrook.
Woman: You're in Middlebrook?! I thought you guys couldn't find your way out of a paper bag!
Guy: Oh, that's the Tower kids. I live in the Middlebrook East Wing.
Woman: The East Wing?
Guy: Yeah! Everyone there is great and we have outrageous parties!
Woman: That sounds awesome! Lets go!

middlebrooke có nghĩa là

The quality of Middlebrook Dining Hall food, such that it is sometimes warm, but never hot


Sanford Kid 1: Dude have you eaten at Middlebrook yet?
Sanford Kid 2: Ya, kinda disappointing, all the food was Middlebrook Hot

middlebrooke có nghĩa là

Phenomenon in which Middlebrook residents at the University of Minnesota are slept on, but are often more attractive than the rest of campus. This excludes any member of the Art LLC. These folks are also less likely to have STDs due to their isolation from the cesspool of Super Block. Again, excluding Art LLC.


Person A: He's from Middlebrook? Rough!
Person B: Nah, he's Middlebrook hot, look at this pic!
Person A: Dang! He IS Middlebrook hot.

middlebrooke có nghĩa là

In reference to the lack of rowdiness experienced in Middlebrook Hall on the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus. It is home to the honors students and arts students, meaning most weekends are spent cooped up in the rooms studying


Superblock Kid 1: Did you go out last Friday night?
Superblock Kid 2: Nah, this weekend was totally Middlebrook Lit

middlebrooke có nghĩa là

A rather large middle school located in the center of Wilton, Connecticut. Middlebrooke is populated mostly of stuck up rich kids that belong to country clubs and teachers that wish they were as rich as their students. The school does not possess a uniform, however basically all of the students wear the exact same fucking thing. The principal of the school is Maria Coleman, but she's super hot so everybody just wants to fuck her. It is not uncommon to find fat 7th graders jerking off to pictures of her in the bathroom. Coleman has dealt with her distracting sexiness by sending far less attractive people to enforce the bizarre Middlebrooke rules. Mrs. Cuarez is not be of these individuals. She is an asshole. Dr. Leanard was another one of these people. But he had gay sex with one of the students in a Macy's parking lot, and now he's not here anymore. The cafeteria food in Middlebrooke is the equivalent of reaching up your ass, pulling out the first thing you touch and shoving it down your throat. It either tastes like plastic, dog shit, human flesh, or all of them at the same time. It is unclear why the rich kids of Middlebrooke stand for such a horrifying cuisine. The walls in the bathrooms/lockerooms in Middlebrooke are covered with crude drawings of the human anatomy, specifically dicks. Janitors are frequently spotted in the bathrooms/lockerooms attempting to remove the penises from the walls, but it is no use, as there will only be more tomorrow.


Wiltonian Middlebrooke student: " Great I just drew the 789th dick in the boy's lockeroom." Student from another school: "You must go to Middlebrooke."

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