Multiple Choice Questions on network topology with Answers PDF

This set of Data communication and Networking Multiple Choice Questions and Answers [MCQs] focuses on Network Topology.

. _______ refers to the way a network is laid out, either physically or logically
  • Line configuration
  • Topology
  • Transmission mode
  • Modulation mode
B. Topology
. Which of the following is a basic network topology?
  • Star
  • Mesh
  • Ring
  • all of the above
D. all of the above
. Which of the following is a basic network topology?
  • Tree
  • point-to-point
  • multipoint
  • all of the above
A. Tree
. Which of the following is a basic network topology?
  • half-duplex
  • multipoint
  • ring
  • all of the above
C. ring
. In a _______ relationship, the link is shared equally between devices
  • peer-to-peer
  • point-to-point
  • primary-secondary
  • master-slave
A. peer-to-peer
. In a _______ relationship, one device controls traffic and the others must transmit through it
  • peer-to-peer
  • point-to-point
  • primary-secondary
  • full duplex
C. primary-secondary
. Devices in a ring or mesh topology are usually configured in a _______ relationship
  • peer-to-peer
  • primary-secondary
  • master-slave
  • multiplexed
A. peer-to-peer
. Devices in a star or tree topology are usually configured in a _______ relationship
  • peer-to-peer
  • primary-secondary
  • multiplexed
  • mesh
B. primary-secondary
. The line configuration between devices in a mesh topology is _______
  • point-to-point
  • multipoint
  • duplex
  • any of the above
A. point-to-point
. Seven devices are arranged in a mesh topology. _______ physical channels link these devices.
  • Seven
  • Six
  • Twenty
  • Twenty-one
D. Twenty-one
. Forty-five physical channels link _______ devices arranged in a mesh topology
  • Nine
  • Ten
  • Forty
  • forty-five
B. Ten
. When nine devices are arranged in a mesh topology, each device needs _______ input/output ports
  • Eight
  • Nine
  • Ten
  • thirty-six
A. Eight
. When _______ devices are arranged in a mesh topology, each device needs six input/output ports
  • Five
  • Six
  • Seven
  • twenty-one
C. Seven
. In a mesh topology with n devices, if a new device is added, _______ new links are needed
  • n 1
  • n
  • n + 1
  • 2n
A. n 1
. In a _______ topology, a dedicated link connects a device to a central controller.
  • Ring
  • Bus
  • Mesh
  • Star
D. Star
. In a _______ topology, a device [non-central controller] needs only one input/output port
  • Ring
  • Bus
  • Mesh
  • Star
D. Star
. A _______ topology is a variation of a star topolog
  • Ring
  • Bus
  • Mesh
  • Tree
D. Tree
. In a _______ topology, a secondary hub can connect to a central hub
  • Ring
  • Bus
  • Mesh
  • Tree
D. Tree
. The central hub in a tree topology contains a _______ to regenerate the received data.
  • Repeater
  • secondary hub
  • passive hub
  • bus
A. Repeater
. A secondary hub in a tree topology can be _______
  • Active
  • Passive
  • Connectionless
  • a or b
D. a or b
. A bus topology has a _______ line configuration.
  • point-to-point
  • multipoint
  • passive
  • None of the Above
B. multipoint
. In a _______ topology, drop lines and taps are used to connect devices to a backbone
  • Ring
  • Bus
  • Mesh
  • Star
B. Bus
. In a bus topology, a _______ is a link between a device and the backbone
  • drop line
  • tap
  • hub
  • port
A. drop line
. Signal reflection at the taps can cause signal degradation in a _______ topology
  • Ring
  • Bus
  • Mesh
  • Star
B. Bus
. in a _______ topology, each device has a dedicated point-to-point connection with exactly two other devices
  • Ring
  • Bus
  • Mesh
  • Star
A. Ring
. There are n devices arranged in a ring topology. A device is deleted. There are now _______ links of cable
  • n 1
  • n 2
  • n
  • n + 1
A. n 1
. A _______ topology is a combination of several different topologies
  • Tree
  • Hybrid
  • Duplex
  • Tertiary
B. Hybrid

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