Outlook web app vs desktop Reddit


I used to love the Outlook desktop application but was always frustrated when trying to file away an email from the Inbox to a subfolder. If you had not used it recently, you had to know exactly how to find target folder. In the modern web version [M365], you can "Search for a folder" when clicking "Move to." I have found this to be the most useful feature of web Outlook, hands down -- so much so that I almost never use the desktop version.

My question is: is there a way to search for a folder in the desktop application? Maybe that feature has been added recently. Or maybe I've just missed it all these years.


Microsoft has turned Outlook into a Progressive Web App from microsoft

I have noticed that when I use the desktop Outlook software and sort by From and A-Z, I can press the 1st letter of the name I want to go to and it will bring me there. Ie, pressing "M" goes directly to senders stating with "M". I don't even have to scroll to get there.

There is no such thing in Outlook online. Or is there?

I've got a problem, it's not really a problem as a bad habit. I'm switching on a daily base of using Desktop apps and the other day i'm using the web apps and everything due a browser.

It's the modern look of the web apps that's always getting me back to web apps. But it's the more features that keep getting me back to dekstop versions of office.

How do you handle that? Any recommendations? Where do you use your:


Office Apps


Onenote [real crappy due to a browser]

Thanks for your opinions.

Hi everybody

Does anybody have any idea if Microsoft will ever integrate the look and feel of the calendar / todo's like Outlook Web?

I really like the calendar / to-do in Outlook Web, but enjoy to work on Outlook Desktop.

What's your preferred way?

Hi Folks

Whats your go to platform? Is it Outlook Desktop or is it Outlook on the Web?
I love the calendar on the Web, but i like to write emails much more on the desktop....

Why can't they be equal? Whats your go to point für your Outlook needs?

Tell me your opinion..


Are there any published numbers [or estimates] of how many people are accessing their email via the Outlook web app vs using traditional Outlook desktop?

I dug around a little and could not find anything online. Any suggestions welcome.


Hi all! Recently, I was hired to a new job that uses both Outlook and Teams. I've never used these before, and I've been a lil slow with familiarizing myself with both of them. My current set up is an old Chromebook, so I'm using both of these through Chrome, and I find it's kind of clunky and slow, but that could just be due to the fact that this thing is a dinosaur.

My question is this: I have a new laptop coming in the mail, a Surface Pro 7, and was wondering if you find it to be worth it to purchase the desktop version of Outlook [and/or Teams]? Would really appreciate any insight as to why or why not. Thanks!

It blows my mind how different experience desktop Outlook on Windows is compared to Outlook in browser. I ditched desktop version as an experiment I am amazed how well done online version is. I rely Outlook for my business, it’s a workhorse tool to pay my bills.

Disclaimer: all the below is MY experience. I realize there are use scenarios where desktop Outlook is a necessity.

Desktop was always too slow, too cumbersome, too buggy and often hang up on me, despite O356 and exchange subscription and a laptop that is more than capable.

I mean sure, you can configure desktop Outlook to look kinda similar to online version, but the functionality is just different.

- Search on the web is crazy fast and accurate. It allows me go to messy, without folders and rely on search. Just like in Gmail.

- In web version, I can do my work in a people-centric, natural way. See a person’s name and see all activity with that person. Emails, files, everything. Desktop Outlook used to have something similar, but it is no longer available.

- I can see my email attachments right in Outlook on the web. If the attachments are office files, I can edit them or comment, mark up right away.

Work on web outlook is crazy enjoyable for me. Everything works in a snap. In desktop version, all those tiny delays are breaking my focus and add friction.

Sure, there are couple of things missing. Like copying a file from File explorer and pasting it to email body to attach it. Or desktop Outlook spellchecker, which uses Word engine and detects language. In web version it only works in a set language.

I never realized how ancient desktop Outlook was, compared to modern web apps. I know it is comparing apples and oranges, but still. I suspect desktop Outlook is only around so that corporate Microsoft customers have easily scalable, manageable email solution with support for all the legacy features.

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