Page public content access app review năm 2024

Facebook announced a new list of updates to its app development platform today, a regular occurrence since the company suspended Cambridge Analytica for using an app to exploit and harvest user data.

Per today’s announcement, apps now must undergo a new review process before getting access to Facebook’s Marketing API, the tool that allows developers to build advertising functionality and automation into their apps. It is also modifying the Marketing API from a three-tier to a two-tier structure to “simplify” it.

The Lead Ads Retrieval and Live Video APIs will also have a review process before app developers are given permission to use the two APIs. [Facebook first announced in April that it was planning to make the Live API available only to approved partners.]

Facebook is also shuttering a number of APIs. Starting today, the Graph API Explorer App that allows developers to run test queries will be deprecated. Ime Archibong, Facebook’s VP of product partnerships, says developers will now have to use their own apps’ access tokens to do test queries.

After already shutting down the Trending API and Trending Topics, Facebook is also deprecating the Topic Search, Topic Insights, Topic Feed and Public Figure APIs on August 1. According to the announcement, these APIs are being shut down because of low usage, along with the Profile Expression Kit — a tool that allowed developers the ability to let people share photos and videos created in their apps as Facebook profile pictures.

“We’re deprecating this tool on October 1 due to low adoption,” writes Archibong regarding the Profile Expression Kit.

The Media Solutions APIs — a family of APIs used by developers building apps for Facebook’s media partners — are also getting new limitations around accessible content. From now on, public content discovery APIs will be limited to Page content and public posts from certain verified profiles.

One small tweak that works to developers’ advantage is Facebook bringing back the ability for developers to search across Facebook Pages via the Pages API — a feature that was removed while Facebook audited its app review process.

“This will enable [developers] to more easily find similar Pages in a Facebook ad for co-branding purposes,” writes Archibong.

The difference now is that developers must receive special permissions to “Page Public Content Access” — something that can only be granted through the app review process — before getting access to the search capabilities within the Pages API.

These latest updates follow a series of modifications Facebook has made to its app development platform after news broke that Cambridge Analytica had exploited user data via an app all the way back in 2015. Facebook halted the addition of any new apps to the platform at first but has since reopened the app review process with stricter limitations to the amount of data apps now have access to. Facebook also launched a tool to let users delete apps in bulk from their profile settings.

In May, Facebook says its audit and investigations into over 1,000 apps on the platform resulted in 200 more being suspended.

Opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily MarTech. Staff authors are listed here.

It appears that due to the recent changes to the Facebook API, the Facebook feed no longer works without getting Page Public Content Access approval for your app. My understanding is that this shouldn't be required for simply displaying feed items, since I am the admin of the Facebook app and page. Is there any way around this, or is it required now that I submit my app for review to display my feed with this module? Any info is appreciated.

Helpful stackoverflow topic on this: //

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Yes , Page Public Content Access is required for using facebook feed but how can we show screencast if facebook feed is not working at all I am also stuck this problem. Here is the screenshot of error I am getting

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Facebook's states:

While you are testing your app and before you submit it for review, your app can access content only on a Page for which the following is true: The person who holds the admin role for the Page also holds a role in the app as app admin, developer, or tester. If you want the app to be able to access public content on other Pages, you must submit this feature for review. After the app goes to live mode, the app will not be able to see any Page public content without this feature.

However, I've been unable to access content for a page and app which meet the guidelines listed above.

A facebook bug was reported here, though it seems it may have been closed prematurely: //

Edit: This bug report may be more relevant, and is still open: //

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Status: Active » Closed [works as designed]

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drupalfan2 CreditAttribution: drupalfan2 as a volunteer commented 27 November 2018 at 09:34

Status: Closed [works as designed] » Active

Still not possible to get this module working.

How or when are the facebook post fetched? On cron run? Why is there no documentation????????? Which facebook permissions are needed? manage_pages? Page Public Content Access?

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I fear that the new facebook policy require the approval of any app for manage_pages... This is bad but not related to the module. Anyway I'm still confused and can't understand if the "Page access tokens" is required to show the feeds, and if so, if the module need a patch or it can simply calculate the token using app ID + secret key


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drupalfan2 CreditAttribution: drupalfan2 as a volunteer commented 5 December 2018 at 19:40

How can we find out which permission we really need to read/import the posts of the own facebook page?

You think manage_pages is the right permission? I tried to get it in my review process, but FB denied it [maybe the screencast was not perfect, but I can not create a good screencast if there is NO way to test the application [Drupal module] using a testuser or in similar way. I could not find any way to test it and make a good screencast].

How can we find out the right way and solve it?

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Well, I think that facebook doesn't mean that we need an approval for public content [except if they want force us to use their ugly stream plugin].

Maybe we are following a wrong path... we probably have to look into the "access token" thing. working on the explorer tool I can get the JSON feeds from my page submitting the lines: GET / v3.2/MY_FACEBOOK_PAGE-ID/published_posts

no approval required.

We need a developer helping us to understand if the module needs a patch: if we need a new field "access token" in FB settings, or something like that.

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solved the issue for me. It adds a new facebook "User access token" field in facebook web service settings.

I think this issue can be closed and marked as duplicate. Documentation should be updated with two lines about User access token: you can get the token browsing // selecting your app and clicking on "Receive User access token".

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Thank you very much!

I installed the patch [without problems] and added a Default Facebook User Token at /admin/config/socialfeed/facebook.

And now I am testing the module, but nothing happens. There is no error message anymore.

I placed the Facebook Block on in my content region. The block is there but no facebook posts appear.

What is the page public content access feature on Facebook?

The Page Public Content Access feature allows an app access to the Pages Search API and to read public data for Pages for which you lack the pages_read_engagement permission and the pages_read_user_content permission. Readable data includes business metadata, public comments and posts.

What is app review in Facebook?

App Review is part of app development that enables us to verify that your app uses our Products and APIs in an approved manner. If your app will be used by anyone without a Role on the app or a role in a Business that has claimed the app, it must first undergo App Review.

What is the function of Facebook API?

The Facebook Graph API is an HTTP-based API that allows developers to extract data and functionality from the Facebook platform. Applications can use this API to programmatically query data, post in pages and groups, and manage ads, among other tasks.

How do I get a Facebook page token?

Obtain User Access Token.

Go to Graph API Explorer..

In Facebook App, select an app used to obtain the access token..

In User or Page, select User Token..

Under Permissions, check ads_read ..

Click Generate Access Token. The box on top of the button is populated with the access token..

Store that token for later use..

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