Personal injury attorney near me reviews

When someone’s negligent, reckless, or careless behavior injures another person, they can be held legally responsible for the victim’s damages. If you suffered harm in an accident caused by another party, you have the right to hire a New York personal injury lawyer to assist you in filing a claim or lawsuit.

Our attorneys could help you recover your pain, medical bills, missed paychecks, and other losses. Morelli Law Firm offers a free consultation to start, in which we will review your case and discuss our services with you. If you choose us to represent you, we will handle everything else at no out-of-pocket cost.

Cases a New York Personal Injury Lawyer Can Take On

According to the New York civil justice system, you can pursue legal action against the party who caused your losses. Doing so allows you to receive compensation for any current and future losses the accident caused you to suffer.

Many accidents fall under personal injury law. Examples of cases that our accident team handles include:

  • Car accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Railroad accidents
  • Medical malpractice
  • Nursing home abuse
  • Defective product
  • Defective drug
  • Construction accident

If your accident results in loss of life, the victim’s surviving next of kin can seek compensation for damages like loss of consortium and lost income. A New York wrongful death lawyer from our firm will stand by you throughout the entirety of your case so that you do not have to face the legal process alone.

New York Law’s Definition of a Severe Injury

Injury victims often struggle with emotional, physical, and financial challenges for weeks, months, or even years. When seeking compensation in New York, the state’s law defining “severe injuries” could come into play.

According to NY ISC § 5102[d], severe injuries significantly affect an individual’s life for 90 days or more within a six-month period after an accident. The statute further outlines the following severe injury categories:

  • Dismemberment
  • Notable disfigurement
  • Bone fractures
  • Miscarriage
  • Impairment or loss of a body organ
  • Limitation to the normal functioning of a body part, organ, or system
  • Dangerous health conditions that result in the loss of life

If you or a loved one sustained these or similar catastrophic injuries, a New York personal injury lawyer can help you on your road to recovery. We will discuss these losses and your legal options for free today. Once we’ve learned more about your accident, we’ll help you file a personal injury claim for damages.

Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law


Damages a New York Personal Injury Lawyer Can Pursue

Recovering from physical ailments caused by an accident can feel like an uphill battle. You might be dealing with chronic pain, steep medical expenses, property damage, and emotional distress. To give you the support and financial security you need to make it through this time, our legal team can pursue monetary damages.

If your lawsuit or claim is successful, you may receive compensation for the following losses:

Medical Care Costs

We are committed to getting injured parties the compensation they need to afford quality medical care. Our team will work tirelessly to get reimbursement for your treatments, hospital care, doctor’s appointments, prescriptions, medical devices, and physical therapy sessions.

Physical and Emotional Pain

A serious injury can cause unbearable physical and emotional pain. If you’ve experienced severe pain or emotional distress due to your accident, we can add these damages to your claim.

Property Damage

If your car or another piece of your property was damaged in the incident, you might be eligible to receive compensation for repairs or replacements. An attorney can use relevant evidence, such as auto body repair invoices and other bills to get you the reimbursement you deserve.

Lost Wages

Certain accident-related health conditions may prevent you from working for an extended period of time after your accident. Even if you’re back on your feet and working in a week, you’ll still have missed a few wages. Luckily, a personal injury attorney in New York City can recover a portion of your lost wages. They’ll use your pay stubs to get you the correct amount of compensation for the paychecks you’ve missed.

Decreased Ability to Earn Money

If your injuries have reduced the amount of money you’re able to earn, you have the right to pursue compensation from the responsible party. If your lawsuit or claim is successful, you can get compensation for your decreased earning ability.

Loss of Enjoyment of Life

If the defendant displayed gross negligence or extreme disregard for your safety, you might also receive punitive damages. These damages can punish the guilty party for their actions and afford you some extra support on your journey to recovery.

We’ll Negotiate With the At-Fault Party’s Insurance Company

To get you the financial compensation you’re owed, a New York personal injury lawyer must file an insurance claim and meet with the at-fault party’s insurers to negotiate a settlement offer. Unfortunately, insurance providers are rarely willing to make a fair offer right away.

The good news is that our accident attorneys are skilled communicators and highly effective negotiators. They’ll use their impressive legal knowledge and the evidence from your case to convince adjusters that you deserve maximum compensation for your losses and pain.

Damages You Can Receive by Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in New York

Sadly, personal injury incidents like car crashes and medical malpractice can lead to fatal injuries and untimely death. If your loved one has passed away in an accident caused by a negligent motorist, medical professional, or another party, you have the right to file a wrongful death claim.

A successful wrongful death claim can give you and your family the financial support you need to handle your tragic loss. Our legal team will offer compassionate counsel and aggressive representation to help you get the peace of mind you need to stay sane during this difficult time.

If your wrongful death lawsuit yields compensation, you may receive the following economic and non-economic damages:

  • Decedent’s medical expenses
  • Loss of income from the decedent
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium

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What to Expect from Working With a Lawyer in New York

If you don’t have a background in law, filing a personal injury lawsuit might sound like a nerve-wracking and almost impossible task. At Morelli Law Firm, we understand how you must be feeling. That’s why our personal injury lawyers in New York City are ready to do whatever it takes to make this process as easy as possible for you.

Our team will take several steps and measures to ensure you have the best chance possible at receiving a fair settlement or jury award. Here’s what we’ll do to make your case successful:

  • Listen to your testimony
  • Collect evidence of your accident
  • Assess your losses and calculate your case’s value
  • Construct a strong claim and argument as to why you deserve compensation
  • File paperwork and submit court documents
  • Negotiate with insurers
  • Represent your best interests in court

The Cost of Hiring an Attorney

Securing legal representation through Morelli Law Firm is 100 percent risk-free. You won’t have to make any upfront or out-of-pocket payments when you hire an attorney from our firm. That’s because our team works on a contingency-fee-basis.

Instead of charging you a fee at the beginning of your case, our lawyers will take an agreed-upon portion of the money you receive from your settlement. That way, the cost of your attorney won’t add to the financial stress you’re already dealing with. If we don’t win your case, there’s no fee.

The Process of Filing a Personal Injury Claim in New York

It may take several weeks, months, or even years to recover from severe losses and those who suffer from traumatic brain injuries [TBIs] or paralysis experience lifelong effects. However, it’s best not to wait to seek compensation as your medical bills continue to grow and the time to file a lawsuit shrinks.

Once our team reviews your case, we will explain your legal options and take immediate action on your behalf. We may be able to negotiate a settlement with the liable party to address your damages, or our attorneys will fight for your financial recovery in court. The earlier you contact us, the more time we will have before the state’s filing deadline arrives.

New York’s Personal Injury Statute of Limitations

Under CPLR § 214, you have three years from the date of your accident to submit a personal injury lawsuit. If you wait too long to take legal action, you could miss your filing deadline and miss out on the compensation you need to pay your medical bills.

Get in touch with our team today to get your suit filed before it’s too late. Our attorneys can work quickly and efficiently to meet the deadline that applies to your case. If your deadline has passed, you should reach out to a lawyer anyway to find out what your other options are.

Feedback from Our Personal Injury Clients

Our personal injury attorneys in New York City, NY, do everything they can to obtain hefty settlements and verdicts for the victims they represent. Over the years, we’ve delivered an impressive number of favorable verdicts and positive case results.

Clients are always thankful when we help them get back on their feet after a serious accident. See for yourself by reading our client testimonials. When you take a look at the kind and grateful words that our past clients have said, you’ll realize why our firm is one of the most trusted in the state.

Schedule a Case Review With a Personal Injury Lawyer in New York

At Morelli Law Firm, we have a team of legal professionals ready to help you hold the liable party accountable for your injuries. A New York personal injury attorney can walk you through the legal processes in your pursuit of justice.

Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation. A friendly representative from our firm will answer any questions and help you determine your best course of action moving forward. We look forward to representing you.

What percentage do most personal injury lawyers take?

In most cases, the personal injury contingency fee percentage is between 10% to 45% of the final amount, with the average being 33%. Cases that go to court may incur other common costs, such as filing fees, creating copies of legal documents, witness fees, records requests, and more.

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