Physical assault là gì

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Bạn đang xem: Assault là gì

Physical assault là gì
Physical assault là gì
Physical assault là gì

Physical assault là gì

assault /ə"sɔ:lt/ danh từ cuộc tấn công, cuộc chợt kíchlớn take (carry) a post by assault: tấn công, chiếm đồnassault at (of) arms: sự tiến công (đấu kiếm); sự tập trận đưa nhằm phô trương (nghĩa bóng) sự công kích thậm tệ (pháp lý) sự hành hungassault và battery: sự đe bắt nạt với hành hung (nói trại) hiếp đáp dâm, cưỡng dâm
Lĩnh vực: xây dựngthốt nhiên kíchassault crafttàu đổ bộ

Thuật ngữ nghành Bảo hiểm


Đe doạ

Hành hễ đe đe, bởi sức khỏe và/hoặc bởi tiếng nói, khiến cho cho người ta Cảm Xúc lúng túng đến mạng sinh sống hoặc sự bình yên. lấy một ví dụ, ví như một nhà vô địch quyền Anh nói rằng anh ta vẫn tấn công một ai kia, điều này vẫn rất có thể tạo nên một bạn bình an cảm giác lo ngại cho việc toàn vẹn thân thể của chính bản thân mình. Trong hầu hết 1-1 bảo hiểm trách nát nhiệm tiêu chuẩn nhỏng Bảo hiểm nhiều rủi ro khủng hoảng quan trọng đặc biệt (Special Multiperil Insurance, SMP) và vào đối kháng bảo đảm nhà tải nhà (Homeowners Insurance Policy) đầy đủ thải trừ trách nát nhiệm của Người bảo đảm đối với hành động này.
Physical assault là gì

Physical assault là gì

Physical assault là gì

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Tra câu | Đọc báo giờ Anh


Từ điển Collocation

assault noun

1 crime of attacking sb

ADJ. brutal, savage, vicious, violent | comtháng (law) | aggravated (law), serious | alleged | attempted | indecent, physical, racial, sexual | police

QUANT. series, wave

VERB + ASSAULT carry out, commit assaults committed by teenagers | be the victim of, suffer

ASSAULT + VERB happen, take place

PREP.. ~ against Better street lighting has helped reduce the number of assaults against women. | ~ on/upon

PHRASES allegations of assault allegations of police assault on the boy | assault & battery (law) More information about CRIMES
CRIMES: be guilty of, commit ~
Two key witnesses at her trial committed perjury.

accuse sb of, charge sb with ~ He has been accused of her murder.

convict sb of, find sb guilty of ~ She was found guilty of high treason.

acquit sb of ~ The engineer responsible for the collapse of the bridge was acquitted of manslaughter.

admit, confess to, deny ~ All three men have sầu denied assault. She admitted 33 assault charges.

plead guilty/not guilty to ~ He pleaded guilty to a charge of gross indecency.

investigate (sb for) ~ She is being investigated for suspected bribery.

be suspected for/of ~ He was the least likely to be suspected of her murder.

be/come under investigation for ~ She was the second minister to come under investigation for corruption.

be wanted for ~ be wanted on charges of ~ He was wanted on charges of espionage.

solve a case, crime, murder, robbery, theft The police và the public must work together to solve the murder.

arrest sb for ~ Jean was arrested for arson.

be tried for, st& trial for ~ to lớn stand trial for extortion

~ case/trial The nurse"s murder trial continues.

~ charge The police agreed lớn drop the conspiracy charges against hyên.

a charge/count of ~ The jury convicted her on two counts of theft.

2 military/verbal attack

ADJ. all-out, direct, frontal, full-scale, major, massive After an all-out assault the village was captured by the enemy. | fresh, further | sustained She used the article lớn make a sustained assault on her former political allies. | successful | air, amphibious, ground air assaults by fighter planes | military | verbal

QUANT. series

VERB + ASSAULT carry out, launch (into), lead, make, mount Enemy troops launched an assault on the town. He launched inkhổng lồ a verbal assault on tabloid journalism. | come under The factory came under assault from soldiers in the mountains | withstvà The garrison was built lớn withstand assaults.

ASSAULT + NOUN course They took part in a vigorous army assault course. | rifle | force

PREP. under ~ Today these values are under assault. | ~ on a series of assaults on enemy targets

assault verb

ADV. badly, brutally, savagely, seriously, violently | indecently, physically, sexually, verbally


cthất bại fighting during the culmination of a military attacka threatened or attempted physical attaông chồng by someone who appears khổng lồ be able khổng lồ cause bodily harm if not stopped


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English Synonym & Antonym Dictionary

assaults|assaulted|assaultingsyn.: attack charge offense onslaught

Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp