Reasonable nghĩa là gì

Reasonable Là Gì Be Reasonable Có Nghĩa Là Gì

Reasonable Là Gì Be Reasonable Có Nghĩa Là Gì

Đổi mới vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từ Cambridge.

Bài Viết: Reasonable là gì

Học những từ bạn cần tiếp xúc một phương pháp tự tin.

it is reasonable lớn assume/expect/suppose, etc. According lớn financial experts, it is reasonable lớn expect rates lớn climb lớn 3% over the next year.

Xem Ngay: Hevc Là Gì Chuẩn Nén H

it is reasonable that It seems reasonable that citizens should know whether their taxes are being spent wisely.

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Overall pricing of products should reflect the cost of producing them, along with a reasonable profit margin for the business.
If the latter view is correct, then reasonable but mistaken self-defense does not qualify as an example of legally authorized, private preemption.
Những quan điểm của những ví dụ không hề hiện quan điểm của những căn sửa viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của những nhà cấp phép.
Alternatively, a right lớn a reasonable standard of conduct has the form of a conclusive right though it is not fully specified.
Thus, the one second-order claim on which all reasonable people agree is that unreasonable comprehensive views are false.
If a political justification, for example, required the rejection of one particular reasonable comprehensive view among many, then reasonable people could reject that justification.
As a consequence, there is no latitude for legally permissible but unwanted incursions on the toàn thân based on reasonable apprehensions of consent.
The chapter is reasonable và necessary, but somewhat heavy-going : various arguments are given their due, choices are made among them, và unsettled areas are identified.
Considering the orientation- và size-dependency of recognition performance, the most reasonable strategy is lớn integrate the concept of part-structure into an image-based framework of recognition.
Their formulation, which is entirely reasonable, is lớn encourage research in which normative responding is at least possible.
Their argument that these regularities are a reflection of some basic features of neurogenesis is quite reasonable.

Reasonable nghĩa là gì

Reasonable nghĩa là gì

Reasonable nghĩa là gì

Reasonable nghĩa là gì

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Bài Viết: Reasonable Là Gì Be Reasonable Có Nghĩa Là Gì

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