So sánh i5-9400f vs i7 8700 năm 2024

The values for the CPUs below are determined from thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and are updated daily.

  • The first section will show basic information for each CPU selected.
  • The additional graphs shows the CPU Mark and Single Thread values of each CPU selected.
  • An accompany graph, if price data is available, will shows the value for money, in terms of the CPU Mark/Thread Rating per dollar.
  • The last section will show approximate yearly running costs for the CPUs.

1Average user usage is typically low and can vary from task to task. An estimate load 25% is nominal. 2Typical power costs vary around the world. Check your last power bill for details. Values of $0.15 to $0.45 per kWh are typical.

Intel Core i5-9400F @ 2.90GHzIntel Core i7-8700 @ 3.20GHzMax TDP65W65WPower consumption per day [kWh]NANARunning cost per dayNANAPower consumption per year [kWh]NANARunning cost per yearNANA

Shown CPU power usage is based on linear interpolation of Max TDP [i.e. max load]. Actual CPU power profile may vary.

In short — Core i7-8700 outperforms the cheaper Core i5-9400F on the selected game parameters. However, the worse performing Core i5-9400F is a better bang for your buck. The better performing Core i7-8700 is 372 days older than the cheaper Core i5-9400F.

Advantages of Intel Core i5-9400F

  • Up to 46% cheaper than Core i7-8700 - $107.99 vs $200.0
  • Up to 45% better value when playing Grand Theft Auto V than Core i7-8700 - $0.84 vs $1.52 per FPS

Advantages of Intel Core i7-8700

  • Performs up to 2% better in Grand Theft Auto V than Core i5-9400F - 132 vs 129 FPS
  • Can execute more multi-threaded tasks simultaneously than Intel Core i5-9400F - 12 vs 6 threads

This is a free version of Grand Theft Auto V.

Grand Theft Auto V

TOP 5 Games

Geekbench 5 Benchmarks

Intel Core i5-9400F


Intel Core i7-8700

Jan 8th, 2019

Release DateJan 1st, 2018Core i5CollectionCore i7Coffee LakeCodenameCoffee LakeIntel Socket 1151SocketIntel Socket 1151






2.9 GHzBase Clock Speed

3.2 GHz

4.1 GHzTurbo Clock Speed

4.6 GHz

65 WTDP65 W14 nmProcess Size14 nm29.0xMultiplier


NoneIntegrated GraphicsNoneNoOverclockableNo

Builds Using Core i5-9400F or Core i7-8700

Grand Theft Auto V, 1920 x 1080, Ultra

GeForce GTX 1660

Core i5-9400F

8 GB, 240 GB SSD + 1 TB HDD

GeForce RTX 3060

Core i7-8700

32 GB, 2 TB SSD

GeForce GTX 1660

Core i5-9400F

8 GB, 120 GB SSD + 1 TB HDD

GeForce GTX 1650

Core i5-9400F

8 GB, 512 GB SSD

GeForce GTX 1050

Core i7-8700

8 GB, N/A Storage

GeForce RTX 2060

Core i7-8700

8 GB, 240 GB SSD + 1 TB HDD

GeForce RTX 3060

Core i7-8700

32 GB, N/A Storage

Similar CPU Comparisons

Select from the most popular similar processor comparisons. Most compared processor combinations, including the currently selected ones, are at the top.

We compared two 6-core desktop CPUs: the 3.2 GHz Intel Core i7 8700 against the 2.9 GHz i5 9400F. On this page, you'll find out which processor has better performance in benchmarks, games and other useful information.


General overview and comparison of the processors

Single-Core Performance

Performance in single-threaded apps and benchmarks

Multi-Core Performance

Measure performance when all cores are involved

Power Efficiency

The efficiency score of power consumption

NanoReview Final Score

Generic CPU rating

The "iGPU" and "Power Efficiency" have a minor impact on the NanoReview Score when comparing desktop CPUs.

Key Differences

What are the key differences between 9400F and 8700

Advantages of Intel Core i7 8700

  • Has 3072 KB larger L3 cache size
  • Includes an integrated GPU Intel UHD Graphics 630
  • 12% higher Turbo Boost frequency [4.6 GHz vs 4.1 GHz]

Advantages of Intel Core i5 9400F

  • Newer - released 1-year and 3-months later

Test in Benchmarks

Comparing the performance of CPUs across various tasks

Cinebench R23

Reputable cross-platform benchmark for high-performance processors

Cinebench R23 [Single-Core]

Cinebench R23 [Multi-Core]

Submit your Cinebench result

GeekBench v6

The new version of this benchmark emulates common operations often used in real-world apps

Geekbench 6 [Single-Core]

File compression 440.7 MB/sec 449.4 MB/sec Clang compilation 49.1 Klines/sec 34.8 Klines/sec HTML 5 Browser 137.6 pages/sec 127.6 pages/sec PDF Renderer 181.5 Mpixels/sec 141.6 Mpixels/sec Text processing 150.9 pages/sec 142.6 pages/sec Background blur 33.3 images/sec 31.4 images/sec Photo processing 51 images/sec 63.4 images/sec Ray tracing 10.6 Mpixels/sec 6.9 Mpixels/sec

Sources: GeekBench [1], [2]


Synthetic test that focuses on raw computational performance for low-level functions

Passmark CPU [Single-Core]

Passmark CPU [Multi-Core]

Integer math 44.9 GOps/sec 26.3 GOps/sec Floating point math 27.9 GOps/sec 22.5 GOps/sec Find prime numbers 35M Primes/sec 38M Primes/sec Random string sorting 24.3M Strings/sec 16.6M Strings/sec Data encryption 4.6 GBytes/sec 2.9 GBytes/sec Data compression 189.2 MBytes/sec 133.9 MBytes/sec Physics 737 Frames/sec 651 Frames/sec Extended instructions 12.5B Matrices/sec 11.7B Matrices/sec

Sources: PassMark [3], [4]

Value for money

Enter the current prices of the CPUs and click "Calculate" to determine which one has a better value-to-performance ratio.

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