Trailing stop Options interactive Brokers

Trader Workstation [TWS] supports over 50 order types, from the the most basic limit order to advanced trading to the most complex algorithmic trading, to help you execute a wide variety of trading strategies. Traders can quickly create and transmit orders directly from the TWS Quote Monitor.

  • Limit Risk - Limit your risk by using Bracket, Stop, Trailing and Adjustable Stop orders, and more.
  • Speed Execution - If speed of execution is a priority, choose from the most basic Market orders to Market-If-Touched and Pegged-To-Market orders and more.
  • Provide Price Improvement - IB provides many order types that help you get the most favorable price, including Limit, Box-Top, Limit-On-Close, Limit-If-Touched and more.
  • Allow Privacy - Hide all or part of the quantity of your large volume order from the market using our Hidden or Iceberg/Reserve orders.
  • Time the Market - Control when your order executes using one of these order types and Time-in-Force settings: All-or-None, Good-Til-Canceled, Fill-or-Kill and more.
  • Advanced Trading - TWS includes order types that help you execute more advanced order strategies, such as Basket, Conditional, Spread and Volatility orders.
  • Algorithmic Trading - Need to balance market impact with risk to achieve the best execution for your large volume orders? Try our IBAlgos, advanced trading algorithms that help implement optimal trading strategies in Trader Workstation [TWS] for US Equities and US Equity Options. You can easily set up IBAlgo orders from the TWS Quote Monitor or the Order Ticket.

For complete details on all of our order types, including Order Types in Depth interactive examples, see our Order Types page.

Any trading symbols displayed are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to portray a recommendation.

Interactive Brokers LLC is a member of NYSE, FINRA, SIPC

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