What is the best way to prevent the download of viruses and other malicious code?

How can we protect ourselves?

While the best way is antivirus software, operating systems already come with programs like Windows Defender and Windows Security. There are also other, free programs like Avast and Kaspersky.

They may seem simple, but they’re highly effective at destroying Trojan horses, worms and spyware. It’s also important to keep on top of updates. There are other ways to prevent viruses infecting your devices:

  • Take special care on social media. Never open files without checking their source.
  • Close websites when the browser tells you they’re not secure.
  • Do not accept files from people you don’t know.
  • Back up your files regularly.

1. Install antivirus or anti-malware software

It might seem obvious, but many home computers don’t have this protection. It's essential to keep your PC virus free.

2. Keep your antivirus software up to date

Protective software is one thing; but keeping it up to date is another. While free antivirus software is better than nothing, it’s not the best solution. Microsoft has a free security package if you operate with Windows, even though you would’ve already paid for the Windows licence. Many people don’t know about it; but, actually, it’s a good form of protection.

3. Run antivirus scans regularly

This might also go without saying, but we often forget to do it. Adjust the settings so scans run at regular intervals [like once a week]. Using the device while antivirus software is running can be challenging. Try running it at night when the computer is idle. Because we usually turn our devices off at night, we tend to overlook scans. Set the antivirus software to run on a specific night and only leave the computer on at that time. Make sure it doesn’t switch off automatically or go into hibernation mode.

4. Keep your operating system up to date

Whether you use Windows, Mac OS X, Linux or another operating system, always keep it up to date. Developers regularly release patches to plug security leaks. The patches will help keep your system safe. You should also keep your antivirus software up to date. New viruses and malware are emerging constantly. Their software scanning is as sophisticated as their databases, so make sure you’re on top of things.

5. Protect your network

Many PCs connect to files, printers and the Internet via Wi-Fi.  Make sure the network requires a secure password and never browse on open networks.

Use WPA or WPA2 encryption. PME is no longer secure enough. Expert hackers can circumvent it in minutes. It's also a good idea not to disclose the name of your Wi-Fi network [the SSID]. You can connect to the network manually on your device by typing in the SSID and password. If you usually let guests use your Internet, give them an alternative SSID and password just in case. 

We'd like to believe the Internet is a safe and honest place for everyone, but there's no denying that online criminals and hackers are lurking out there, trying to stir up trouble. One way they cause trouble is by spreading malware. You can protect yourself by learning what malware is, how it spreads, and how to prevent it.

What's malware?

"Malware" is any kind of software that's designed to harm a computer. Malware can steal sensitive information from your computer, gradually slow down your computer, or even send fake emails from your email account without your knowledge. Here are some common types of malware you might have heard about:

  • Virus: A harmful computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer.
  • Worm: A malicious computer program that sends copies of itself to other computers via a network.
  • Spyware: Malware that collects information from people without their knowledge.
  • Adware: Software that automatically plays, displays, or downloads advertisements on a computer.
  • Trojan horse: A destructive program that pretends to be a useful application, but harms your computer or steals your information after it's installed.

How malware spreads

Malware can get onto your computer in a number of different ways. Here are some common examples:

  • Downloading free software from the Internet that secretly contains malware
  • Downloading legitimate software that's secretly bundled with malware
  • Visiting a website that's infected with malware
  • Clicking a fake error message or pop-up window that starts a malware download
  • Opening an email attachment that contains malware

There are a lot of different ways that malware can spread, but that doesn't mean you're powerless to stop it. Now that you know what malware is and what it can do, let's go over some practical steps you can take to protect yourself.

How to prevent malware

  1. Keep your computer and software updated

    Microsoft and Apple often release updates for their operating systems, and it's a good idea to install these updates when they become available for your Windows and Mac computers. These updates often include fixes that can improve the security of your system. Some operating systems also offer automatic updates, so that you can automatically get updates soon after they're available.

    Windows users can install updates using a feature called "Windows Update," while Mac users can install updates using a feature called "Software Update." If you're not familiar with these features, we encourage you to search the Microsoft and Apple websites for more information on how to install system updates on your computer.

    In addition to your computer's operating system, your computer's software should also be kept up to date with the latest versions. Newer versions often contain more security fixes to prevent malware attacks.

  2. Use a non-administrator account whenever possible

    Most operating systems allow you to create multiple user accounts on your computer, so that different users can have different settings. These user accounts can also be set up to have different security settings.

    For example, an "admin" [or "administrator"] account usually has the ability to install new software, while "limited" or "standard" accounts usually don't have the ability to do so. When doing day-to-day web browsing, you probably don't need to install new software, so we suggest that you use a "limited" or "standard" user account whenever possible. Doing this can help prevent malware from getting installed on your computer and making system-wide changes.

  3. Think twice before clicking links or downloading anything

    In the real world, most people would probably be a little suspicious about stepping into a shady-looking building with a sign that says "Free computers!" in flashing lights. On the web, you should adopt a similar level of caution when entering unfamiliar websites that claim to offer free things.

    We know it might be tempting to download that free video editing program or role-playing game, but do you really trust the website that's offering it? Sometimes it helps to leave that website and search for reviews or information about that website or program before downloading or installing anything. Downloads are one of the main ways people get malware, so remember to think twice about what you're downloading and where you're downloading it from.

  4. Be careful about opening email attachments or images

    If a random person sends you a box of chocolates in the mail, would you open it and scarf it down without any hesitation? Probably not. Similarly, you should be wary if a random person sends you a suspicious email containing attachments or images. Sometimes, those emails might just be spam, but other times, those emails might secretly contain harmful malware. If you use Gmail, report those emails as spam so that we can better weed out emails like this in the future.

  5. Don't trust pop-up windows that ask you to download software

    When surfing the web, you might come across sites that show pop-up windows, making you believe your computer has been infected and asking you to download some software in order to protect yourself. Don't fall for this trick. Just close the pop-up window and make sure you don't click inside the pop-up window.

  6. Limit your file-sharing

    Some sites and applications allow you to easily share files with other users. Many of these sites and applications offer little protection against malware. If you exchange or download files using these file-sharing methods, be on the lookout for malware. Malware can often be disguised as a popular movie, album, game, or program.

  7. Use antivirus software

    If you need to download something, you should use an antivirus program to scan that download for malware before opening it. Antivirus software also allows you to scan your entire computer for malware. It's a good idea to run regular scans of your computer to catch malware early and prevent it from spreading. Google doesn't make any antivirus software, but the following article contains a list of antivirus software that you might want to consider: Removing malware from your computer.

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How can you avoid download malicious?

How can you avoid downloading malicious code?.
Avoid browsing unsecured websites. ... .
Filter traffic at the level of the DNS. ... .
Identify malicious links ahead of clicking. ... .
Take a pass on free software downloads. ... .
Do not engage with suspicious emails. ... .
Use an advanced email security solution. ... .
Block pop-up ads [and other ads].

What are the best practices to prevent viruses and malware?

5 Best Practices To Avoid Malware Attacks.
Updated Browsers. Outdated browsers have various vulnerabilities that cyber criminals exploit to access private data. ... .
Safe Browsing. IT teams should train employees on safe browsing practices. ... .
Layered Security. ... .
Watch Out for Social Engineering. ... .
Avoid A Costly Data Breach..

What helps prevent your computer from becoming infected with malicious code?

Antivirus software, antispyware software, and firewalls are also important tools to thwart attacks on your device..
Keep up-to-date. ... .
Antivirus software. ... .
Antispyware software. ... .
Firewalls. ... .
Choose strong passwords. ... .
Use stronger authentication. ... .
Be careful what you click. ... .
Shop safely..

What is a way to prevent the download of VIR?

Antivirus software is the first security software to preventing and detecting malware and virus. The Antivirus software helps to protect your computer when downloading documents or files from internet. It scans every file to your computer and prevent from malware such as viruses, worms and Trojan horses.

How can computer viruses be prevented?

1. Install antivirus software. Let's call a spade a spade: if you want to avoid getting a virus on the internet, antivirus software is an essential solution. Cyberthreats have evolved and everyday activities like online banking, shopping and browsing can make you more vulnerable to cyberthreats.

What software is used to block harmful and malicious sites?

Antivirus / Anti-malware software Anti-malware [sometimes also called antivirus] programs block and remove some or all types of malware. For example, Microsoft Security Essentials [for Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7] and Windows Defender [for Windows 8, 10 and 11] provides real-time protection.

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