What is the CLI command of the router to show the interface status and configuration?

# Display the running status, basic configuration, and packet forwarding on Layer 2 Ethernet interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1.

 display interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 current state : UP                             
Line protocol current state : UP                                              
Switch Port, PVID :    1, TPID : 8100[Hex], The Maximum Frame Length is 9216    
IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is 1047-80ac-cc60 
Last physical up time   : 2012-02-10 01:46:35 UTC+08:00                         
Last physical down time : 2012-02-10 01:46:30 UTC+08:00                         
Current system time: 2012-02-11 11:11:36+08:00                                  
Port Mode: COMMON COPPER                                                        
Speed : 1000,  Loopback: NONE                                                   
Duplex: FULL,  Negotiation: ENABLE                                              
Mdi   : AUTO                                                                    
Last 300 seconds input rate 80 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec                          
Last 300 seconds output rate 152 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec                        
Input peak rate 57064 bits/sec,Record time: 2012-02-10 07:43:17                 
Output peak rate 39872 bits/sec,Record time: 2012-02-11 11:11:36                
Input:  71004 packets, 9224321 bytes                                            
  Unicast:              20023,  Multicast:               49102                  
  Broadcast:             1879,  Jumbo:                       0                  
  Discard:                  0,  Total Error:                 0                  
  CRC:                      0,  Giants:                      0                  
  Jabbers:                  0,  Throttles:                   0                  
  Runts:                    0,  Alignments:                  0                  
  Symbols:                  0,  Ignoreds:                    0                  
  Frames:                   0                                                   
Output:  20221 packets, 1679706 bytes                                           
  Unicast:              19989,  Multicast:                   0                  
  Broadcast:              232,  Jumbo:                       0                  
  Discard:                  0,  Total Error:                 0                  
  Collisions:               0,  ExcessiveCollisions:         0                  
  Late Collisions:          0,  Deferreds:                   0                  
    Input bandwidth utilization threshold : 100.00%                             
    Output bandwidth utilization threshold: 100.00%                             
    Input bandwidth utilization  : 0.01%                                        
    Output bandwidth utilization : 0.01%                                        

Table 5-2  Description of the display interface command output



current state

Current interface status:

  • DOWN: indicates that the interface is disabled.
  • UP: indicates that the interface is enabled.

Line protocol current state

Link layer protocol status of the interface:

  • DOWN: indicates that the link layer protocol of the interface fails or no IP address is assigned to the interface.
  • UP: indicates that the link layer protocol of the interface is running properly.


Interface description.

To configure the description for an interface, run the description command.

Switch Port, PVID

Default VLAN ID of the interface.


Indicates the type of frames that are supported on the interface.

By default, TPID is displayed as 0x8100, indicating an 802.1Q frame.

This field is displayed only when the interface is a Layer 2 interface.

The Maximum Frame Length

Maximum frame length allowed by the interface.

IP Sending Frames' Format

Format of the frame contained in the sent IP packet, which can be PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Ethernet_802.3, or Ethernet_SNAP.

Hardware address

MAC address of the device.

Last physical up time

Last time the interface went Up physically. If this field displays "-", the physical status of the interface does not change.

Last physical down time

Last time the interface went Down physically. If this field displays "-", the physical status of the interface does not change.

Current system time

Current system time.

Port Mode

Working mode of the interface:

  • COMMON COPPER: The interface works as an electrical interface.
  • COMMON FIBER: The interface works as an optical interface.


Current rate of the interface.


Loopback configuration of the interface. The loopback command configures loopback on an interface.


Duplex mode of the interface.


Auto-negotiation mode of the interface.


Network cable type of the interface.

Last 300 seconds input rate

Incoming packet rate [bits per second and packets per second] within the last 300 seconds.

Last 300 seconds output rate

Outgoing packet rate [bits per second and packets per second] within the last 300 seconds.

Input peak rate

Maximum incoming packet rate.

Output peak rate

Maximum outgoing packet rate.


Total number of received packets.


Total number of sent packets.


Number of unicast packets received or sent by the interface.


Number of multicast packets received or sent by the interface.


Number of broadcast packets received or sent by the interface.


Number of jumbo frames received or sent by the interface.


Number of packets discarded by the interface during physical layer detection. These packets are discarded because the interface is congested.

Layer 2 Ethernet interfaces of the device do not support this statistical item.

Total Error

Number of error packets found during physical layer detection.


Number of CRC error packets received by the interface.


Number of jumbo frames with correct Frame Check Sequence [FCS] received by the interface.


Number of jumbo frames with incorrect FCS received by the interface, including alignment errors [the number of bytes that a packet contains is not an integer].


Number of undersized frames with incorrect FCS received by the interface. Undersized frames are the frames that are shorter than 64 bytes and have the correct format and valid CRC field.


Number of undersized frames with correct FCS received by the interface. Undersized frames are the frames that are shorter than 64 bytes and have the correct format and valid CRC field.


Number of received frames with alignment errors.


Number of received frames with coding errors.


Number of received MAC control frames with OpCode not being PAUSE.


Number of packets with incorrect 802.3 length.


Number of frames that the interface stops sending when conflicts are detected during transmission.


Number of frames that experience more than 16 consecutive conflict events and fail to be sent.

Late Collisions

Number of frames that experience conflict events and are delayed. The first 512 bits of these frames have been sent but these frames are delay because conflicts are detected.


Number of packets delayed because conflicts are detected before transmission.

Input bandwidth utilization threshold

Threshold for inbound bandwidth usage.

Output bandwidth utilization threshold

Threshold for outbound bandwidth usage.

Input bandwidth utilization

Inbound bandwidth usage.

Output bandwidth utilization

Outbound bandwidth usage.

What is the command to view the interface status of the router?

Use the show interfaces EXEC command to display statistics for all interfaces configured on the router or access server.

What is command line interface CLI in router configuration?

The Cisco IOS command-line interface [CLI] is the primary user interface used for configuring, monitoring, and maintaining Cisco devices. This user interface allows you to directly and simply execute Cisco IOS commands, whether using a router console or terminal, or using remote access methods.

How can I see the configuration of my Cisco router?

1. Type "pager 0" in priviledged mode to set your terminal to display without any breaks. 2. Type "show run-config" to display the config.

What is the CLI command of the router to exit from configure mode?

To exit line configuration mode and to return to global configuration mode, use the exit command. To exit line configuration mode and to return to privileged EXEC mode, enter the end command, or press Ctrl-Z.

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