What is the focus of the psychoanalytic approach to personality psychology quizlet?

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What is the focus of the psychoanalytic approach to personality psychology quizlet?


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What is the focus of the psychoanalytic approach to personality psychology quizlet?


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What is the focus of the psychoanalytic approach to personality psychology quizlet?

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What is the focus of the psychoanalytic approach to personality psychology quizlet?

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What is the focus of the psychoanalytic approach to personality psychology quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

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Recommended textbook solutions

What is the focus of the psychoanalytic approach to personality psychology quizlet?

Social Psychology

10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson

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What is the focus of the psychoanalytic approach to personality psychology quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

955 solutions

What is the focus of the psychoanalytic approach to personality psychology quizlet?

Social Psychology

10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson

525 solutions

What is the focus of the psychoanalytic approach to personality psychology quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

2nd EditionDavid G Myers

900 solutions

Sigmund Freud

Austrian physician whose work focused on the unconscious causes of behavior and personality formation; founded psychoanalysis.

Freud viewed the mind as ____________?

Energy System:

Flow of psychic energy drives behaviour.

Try to maintain equilibrium (dynamic).

According to Freud, mind energy is provided by ____________?


Libido/Eros (life instinct);

Thanatos (death instinct).

Structure of Personality according to Freud

personality is formed around three structures (ID, Ego, Super ego)

Mind-iceberg analogy


a reservoir of unconscious psychic energy that, according to Freud, strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives. The id operates on the pleasure principle, demanding immediate gratification.


the largely conscious, "executive" part of personality that, according to Freud, mediates among the demands of the id, superego, and reality. The ego operates on the reality principle, satisfying the id's desires in ways that will realistically bring pleasure rather than pain.


the part of personality that, according to Freud, represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment (the conscience) and for future aspirations

According to Freud, what causes anxiety?

Intra-psychic conflict

According to Freud, how can we reduce anxiety?

Defence mechanisms

Defence Mechanisms

Unconscious, distortions of reality

Two functions:

Protect ego;

Minimise anxiety & distress.

Balance between healthy adaptation &
mal-adaptation .

Usually use several at same time

Shape behaviour.

Examples of Defence Mechanisms


Define the term: psychosexual stages of development

Psychoanalytic concept of the sequence of phases a person passes through during development. Each stage is named for the location on the body where id gratification is maximal at that time.

Each stage defined by erogenous zone on which libido is focused.

Conflict at each stage, stages determined by biology.

If not resolved → fixation → maladaptation later in life.

Parent-child interaction.

According to Freud, "Adult personality firmly shaped and crystallised by _________ year of life".


What are the 5 stages of psychosexual development?

1. Oral stage 0-2yo,
2. Anal stage 2-4yo,
3. Phallic stage 4-6,
4. Latency 6-12,
5. Genital stage 12-18

conflict of oral stage


Fixation in adulthood:

Oral incorporative behaviour;

e.g. smoking, overeating, gullible, trusting.

Oral aggressive (or sadistic) behaviour;

Hostile, argumentative.

conflict of anal stage

Potty training

Anal retentive personality:


Anal expulsive personality:

Sloppy, dirty.

conflict of phallic stage

Awakening of sexual feelings

Sexual desire directed to parent of opposite sex:

Boys: Oedipus complex → castration anxiety;

Girls: Eletra complex → Penis envy.

conflict of latency stage

No further psychosexual development takes place during this stage (latent means hidden). The libido is dormant. Freud thought that most sexual impulses are repressed during the latent stage, and sexual energy can be sublimated (re: defense mechanisms) towards school work, hobbies, and friendships.

conflict of genital stage

revival of sexual interests
establishment of mature sexual relationships

No conflict.

Genital personality type.

What are the 3 goals of Psychoanalysis?

1. Make unconscious conscious.
2. Locate Fixations
3. Achieve Catharsis (Understanding & Resolution)

What are the methods used by Psychoanalysis?


Parapraxes (Freudian slips)

Analysis of dreams.

Analysis of transference

Patients relive old relationships with therapist

Projective techniques

What is an ideal Analyst like, according to Freud?

Detached - Physically.

e.g. Sitting behind the patient

No visual contact - no/minimal influence

Detached - emotionally.

Not engaging in human sympathy.

To assist understanding.

What is an ideal Patient like, according to Freud?

Educated & reliable.

Suffering from neuroses (not psychosis.)

Between early adulthood & 50 years.

Primary aim: understanding unconscious.

Case Study Method of Psychoanalysis

Subjective, non-systematic, not able to duplicate or verify.

Observations only made during therapy session.

Freud made notes several hours after seeing patients.

Interpretations (not observations) as evidence.

Small, unrepresentative sample.

Positive aspects of Freud's Theory?

Huge impact;

Comprehensive and parsimonious;

Emphasised importance of early development and unconscious processes;

Inspired other viewpoints;

Some concepts uncontested;

Some evidence, subliminal messages?

Negative aspects of Freud's theory?

Unsystematic data collection; Limited, biased sample;

Concepts difficult to operationalise;

Too deterministic & pessimistic;

Sexist and homophobic;

Little relevance to current research in personality psychology;

Not all evidence supportive.

To what extent is personality stable across the lifespan?
- According to Freud

Mostly stable after 5 years, but can change through therapy.

To what extent can we choose our personality?
- According to Freud

Our personality and behaviour are determined by unconscious drives, the
structure of the personality and our psychosexual development.

Where does the Freudian Psychoanalytic Approach lie on the 3 spectrum of psychological debates? (Free Will vs. Determinism, Nature vs. Nurture, Stability vs. Change)

Free Will vs. Determinism = Determinism
Nature vs. Nurture = More in the Middle
Stability vs. Change = More in the Middle

What is the focus of the psychoanalytic approach to personality psychology?

The primary assumption of psychoanalysis is the belief that all people possess unconscious thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories. The aim of psychoanalysis therapy is to release repressed emotions and experiences, i.e., make the unconscious conscious.

What is the focus of psychoanalysis quizlet?

Psychoanalytic theory focuses on the role of a person's unconscious in affecting conscious behavior, as well as early childhood experiences, and this particular perspective dominated clinical psychology for several decades.

What is the main idea of psychoanalytic approach?

The psychoanalytic theory says that our childhood experiences and unconscious desires influence behavior. So this is a key word for this theory, "unconscious." So our personalities have memories, beliefs, urges, drives, and instincts that we are not always aware of and that make up this unconscious.

What is psychoanalytic theory in psychology quizlet?

Psychoanalytic theory. Focuses on childhood experiences, unconscious thoughts/motivations and conflicts to explain personality, motivation, and psychological disorders. Psychoanalysis. "Talking cure" used to cure anxieties, obsessions and fears. You just studied 30 terms!