What number must be subtracted from 186039 so that the number is exactly divisible by 328?

First, let us divide 13601 by 87

Here, remainder = 29

Subtract 29 from 13601 to get a number exactly divisible by 87

13601 – 29 = 13572

To find the number divide 13572 by 87

∴ To make 13601 exactly divisible by 87, 29 is subtracted from 13601


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Review from Google Play

What number must be subtracted from 13601 to get a number exactly divisible by 87?

So we do, ⇒ 13601 ÷ 87 will give you the quotient 156 and remainder 29. So, 29 is the least number subtracted from 13601 to get the number which is completely divisible by 87.

What least should be subtracted from 10004 to get a number exactly divisible by 12?

So, 8 should be subtracted from 10004 to get the number exactly divisible by 12. Hence, 9996 is exactly divisible by 12.

Which number should be subtracted from 876905 so that it can be divisible by 87?

Answer is "1"

What least number must be subtracted from 13294 so that the remainder is exactly divisible by 97?

This is Expert Verified Answer So, let dividend is 13294 and divisor is 97 . therefore, we can conclude that, if we subtract the remainder 5 from 13294 , the number 13289 is exactly divisible by 97 . Hence, required number is equal to 5 .

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