Which is the function of the water seal chamber on a closed chest drainage system for a client with Hemothorax?



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Terms in this set (43)

A 5-year-old child is returned to the pediatric intensive care unit after cardiac surgery. The child has a left chest tube attached to water-seal drainage, an intravenous line running of D5½NS at 4 mL/hr, and a double-lumen nasogastric tube connected to continuous suction. A cardiac monitor is in place, as is a dressing on the left side of the chest dressing. What is the priority nursing intervention?
1Auscultating breath sounds
2Testing the level of consciousness
3Measuring drainage from both tubes
4Determining the suction pressure of the nasogastric tube

1Auscultating breath sounds

An infant who underwent open repair of a fractured sternum now has a chest tube. What should the nurse explain to the parents concerning the chest tube?

The infant will not feel any discomfort.
It is inserted to drain the chest cavity of air.
The tube has been inserted in case of an emergency.
It will be removed when the infant tolerates feedings.

It is inserted to drain the chest cavity of air.

A client is admitted to the postanesthesia care unit after a segmental resection of the right lower lobe of the lung. A chest tube drainage system is in place. When caring for this tube, what should the nurse do?

Raise the drainage system to bed level and check its patency.
Clamp the tube when moving the client from the bed to a chair.
Mark the time and fluid level on the side of the drainage chamber.
Secure the chest catheter to the wound dressing with a sterile safety pin

Mark the time and fluid level on the side of the drainage chamber

A client has a chest tube for a pneumothorax. The nurse finds the client in respiratory difficulty, with the chest tube separated from the drainage system. What should the nurse do?

Obtain a new sterile drainage system.
Use two clamps to close the drainage tube.
Place the client in the high-Fowler position.
Reconnect the client's tube to the drainage system.

Reconnect the client's tube to the drainage system.

The parents of a child who is scheduled for open-heart surgery ask why their child must be subjected to chest tubes after surgery. What should the nurse consider before responding in language that the parents will understand?

They will increase tidal volume.
Drainage of air and fluid will be facilitated.
They will maintain positive intrapleural pressure.
Pressure on the pericardium and chest wall will be regulated

Drainage of air and fluid will be facilitated.

A client has chest tubes attached to a chest tube drainage system. What should the nurse do when caring for this client?

Clamp the chest tubes when suctioning.
Palpate the surrounding area for crepitus.
Change the dressing daily using aseptic technique.
Empty the drainage chamber at the end of the shift.

Palpate the surrounding area for crepitus.

A chest tube is inserted into a client who was stabbed in the chest and is attached to a closed-drainage system. Which is an important nursing intervention when caring for this client?

Observe for fluid fluctuations in the water-seal chamber.
Obtain a prescription for morphine to minimize agitation.
Apply a thoracic binder to prevent excessive tension on the tube.
Clamp the tubing securely to prevent a rapid decline in pressure.

Observe for fluid fluctuations in the water-seal chamber.

During the first 24 hours after open-heart surgery, serosanguineous fluid drains from the client's chest tube. How much drainage should the nurse expect during this period?

100 to 300 mL
400 to 500 mL
750 to 900 mL
800 to 1000 mL

400 to 500 mL

During the first 36 hours after the insertion of chest tubes, when assessing the function of a three-chamber, closed-chest drainage system, the nurse identifies that the water in the underwater seal tube is not fluctuating. What initial action should the nurse take?

Take the client's vital signs.
Inform the health care provider.
Turn the client to the unaffected side.
Check the tube to ensure that it is not kinked.

Check the tube to ensure that it is not kinked.

A client is shot in the chest during a holdup and is transported to the hospital via ambulance. In the emergency department chest tubes are inserted, one in the second intercostal space and one at the base of the lung. What does the nurse expect the tube in the second intercostal space to accomplish?

Remove the air that is present in the intrapleural space
Drain serosanguinous fluid from the intrapleural compartment
Permit the development of positive pressure between the layers of the pleura
Provide access for the instillation of medication into the pleural space

Remove the air that is present in the intrapleural space

A nurse is caring for a client with a pneumothorax that has a chest tube attached to a closed chest drainage system. If the chest tube and closed-chest drainage system are effective, the type of pressure that will be reestablished is:

Neutral pressure in the pleural space
Negative pressure in the pleural space
Atmospheric pressure in the thoracic cavity
Intrapulmonic pressure in the thoracic cavity

Negative pressure in the pleural space

The nurse is caring for a client after the client's open heart surgery (CABG). Serosanguineous fluid drains from the client's chest tube. The nurse expects what volume of drainage from the tube during the first 24 hours after the surgery?
100 to 300 mL
400 to 500 mL
750 to 900 mL
800 to 1000 mL

400 to 500 mL

A client who sustained trauma to the chest as a result of an injury has chest tubes inserted and is attached to a closed-chest drainage system. When caring for this client, the nurse should:

Palpate the area around the tubes for crepitus
Clamp the chest tubes when suctioning the client
Empty the drainage chamber at the end of the shift
Change the client's dressing daily using aseptic technique

Palpate the area around the tubes for crepitus

To evaluate the effectiveness of a chest tube inserted in a client with a pneumothorax, the nurse assesses for:

Productive coughing
Return of breath sounds
Increased pleural drainage in the chamber
Constant bubbling in the water-seal chamber

Return of breath sounds

A client with a spontaneous pneumothorax asks, "Why did they put this tube into my chest?" The nurse explains that the purpose of the chest tube is to:

Check for bleeding in the lung
Monitor the function of the lung
Drain fluid from the pleural space
Remove air from the pleural space

Remove air from the pleural space

The nurse is providing postoperative care to a client with cancer of the lung that had a lobectomy. The client has a chest tube attached to suction. Which assessment finding includes a complication?

Clots in the tubing during the first postoperative day
Bloody fluid in the drainage-collection chamber on the first postoperative day
Subcutaneous emphysema on the second postoperative day
Decreased bubbling in the water-seal chamber on the third postoperative day

Subcutaneous emphysema on the second postoperative day

A client has a chest tube inserted to treat a right hemopneumothorax. In which position should the nurse place the client to facilitate chest drainage?

Left Sims
Right side-lying

Right side-lying

A nurse is providing immediate postoperative care to a client that had a lung resection for a malignancy. The client has a closed chest tube drainage system connected to suction. Which assessment finding requires additional evaluation by the nurse?

A column of water 20 cm high in the suction control chamber
75 mL of bright red blood in the drainage collection chamber
An intact occlusive dressing at the insertion site
Constant bubbling in the water seal chamber

Constant bubbling in the water seal chamber

A client tells the nurse that the client's chest tube is scheduled to be removed soon. Before it is removed, the nurse is aware that:

The drainage system will be disconnected from the chest tube.
A chest x-ray will be performed to determine lung re-expansion.
An arterial blood gas will be obtained to determine oxygenation status.
The client will be sedated 30 minutes before the procedure.

A chest x-ray will be performed to determine lung re-expansion.

The primary responsibility of a nurse when caring for a client with a chest tube attached to a three-chamber underwater-seal drainage system is to:

Ensure maintenance of the closed system
Maintain mechanical suction to the system
Encourage the client to deep breathe and cough
Keep the client in the dorsal recumbent position

Ensure maintenance of the closed system

A client's chest tube has accidentally dislodged. What is the nursing action of highest priority?

Place the client in a left side-lying position.
Apply oxygen via non-rebreather mask.
Apply a petroleum gauze dressing over the site.
Prepare to reinsert a new chest tube

Apply a petroleum gauze dressing over the site.

The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client that had a chest tube removed. To promote respiratory exchange, the plan should include:

Careful monitoring for crepitus
Coughing and deep breathing every hour
Bed rest with range-of-motion exercises
Covering the chest tube site with a sterile dressing

Coughing and deep breathing every hour

A client has a chest tube for a pneumothorax. The nurse discovers that the chest tube has become disconnected from the drainage system, and the client is experiencing respiratory difficulty. What initial action should the nurse take?

Obtain a new sterile drainage system
Use two padded hemostats to clamp the drainage tubing
Reconnect the client's tube to the drainage system
Place the client in the high-Fowler position immediately

Reconnect the client's tube to the drainage system

A nurse is caring for a client who experienced a crushing chest injury. A chest tube is inserted. Which observation indicates a desired response to this treatment?

Increased breath sounds
Increased respiratory rate
Crepitus detected on palpation of the chest
Constant bubbling in the drainage collection chamber

Increased breath sounds

After thoracic surgery a client has a chest tube connected to a water-seal drainage system that is attached to suction. When excessive bubbling is observed in the water-seal chamber, the nurse should:

Strip the chest tube catheter
Check the system for air leaks
Decrease the amount of suction pressure
Recognize that the system is functioning correctly

Check the system for air leaks

A client has a closed chest drainage system in place. To determine the amount of chest tube drainage, the nurse should:

Refer to the date and time markings on the outside of the collection chamber
Aspirate the drainage from the collection chamber
Replace the existing system with a new one to access the drainage in the existing system
Clamp the chest tube and empty the fluid from the collection chamber

Refer to the date and time markings on the outside of the collection chamber

A client with a pneumothorax has a chest tube inserted and attached to a closed-chest drainage system. The client asks, "Why is the tube in my chest hooked up to a contraption with water in it?" The nurse explains that the water:

Promotes pleural drainage via gravity
Measures the pressures in the chest wall
Prevents reflux of air back into the chest
Ensures bubbling in the water-seal chamber

Prevents reflux of air back into the chest

A client is admitted to the hospital for a surgical resection of the lower left lobe of the lung. After surgery the client has a chest tube to a closed-chest drainage system. What should the nurse do to determine if the chest tube is patent?

Milk the chest tube toward the drainage unit
Check the amount of bubbling in the suction control chamber
Observe for fluctuations of the fluid in the water-seal chamber
Assess for extent of chest expansion in relation to breath sounds

Observe for fluctuations of the fluid in the water-seal chamber

A client who sustained chest trauma in an accident has bilateral chest tubes inserted. What is the nurse's primary responsibility when caring for this client?

Maintaining a closed system
Placing the client in the supine position
Encouraging deep breathing and coughing
Monitoring the client's oxygen saturation level

Maintaining a closed system

The nurse is caring for a client who had a wedge resection of a lobe of the lung and now has a chest tube with a three-chamber underwater drainage system in place. The nurse considers that the main purpose of the third chamber of the underwater drainage system is to:

Act as a drainage container
Provide an airtight water seal
Control the amount of suction
Allow for escape of air bubbles

Control the amount of suction

While walking in a hallway, a client with a chest tube becomes confused and pulls the chest tube out. What is the nurse's immediate action?

Place the client in the supine position
Spread a clamp in the insertion side to hold the site open
Obtain a sterile Vaseline gauze to cover the opening
Cover the opening with the cleanest material available

Cover the opening with the cleanest material available

A client is scheduled for coronary artery bypass surgery. The nurse explains to the client that chest tubes will be inserted during surgery to:

Prevent atelectasis postoperatively
Drain fluid from the pericardial sac
Reestablish negative intrapleural pressure
Monitor the amount of blood loss after surgery

Reestablish negative intrapleural pressure

A client sustains a stab wound to the chest, and a chest tube is inserted. Later the client's chest tube appears to be obstructed. What is the most appropriate nursing action?

Instruct the client to cough.
Clamp the tube immediately.
Prepare for chest tube removal.
Arrange for a stat chest x-ray film.

Instruct the client to cough.

A nurse is caring for a client with a pneumothorax who has a chest tube in place. What should the nurse do when caring for this client?

Encourage range of motion to the client's arm on the affected side.
Administer the prescribed cough suppressant at the prescribed times.
Empty and measure the drainage in the collection chamber each shift.
Apply clamps below the insertion site when getting the client out of bed.

Encourage range of motion to the client's arm on the affected side.

A nurse is caring for a client who has chest tubes inserted to treat a hemothorax that resulted from a crushing chest injury. A commonality of the various stationary chest tube drainage systems is that the first chamber is designed to:

Collect drainage
Ensure adequate suction
Maintain negative pressure
Sustain a continuance of the water seal

Collect drainage

A nurse is caring for a client with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who develops a pneumothorax and has a chest tube inserted. What is the primary purpose of the chest tube?

Lessens the client's chest discomfort
Restores negative pressure in the pleural space
Drains accumulated fluid from the pleural cavity
Prevents subcutaneous emphysema in the chest wall

Restores negative pressure in the pleural space

A nurse is caring for a client with a pneumothorax who has a chest tube in place with a closed drainage system. Which of these actions by the nurse is correct?

Strip the chest tube periodically.
Administer the prescribed cough suppressant at the scheduled times.
Empty and measure the drainage in the collection chamber each shift.
Keep the drainage system lower than the level of the client's chest

Keep the drainage system lower than the level of the client's chest

An infant who was in a motor vehicle collision has undergone open repair of a fractured sternum and now has a chest tube. What should the nurse explain to the infant's parents about the chest tube?

"The tube doesn't cause discomfort. It's been put in place for emergency use."

"The tube will be taken out once your baby is stable and oral feedings are started."

"The tube has been placed to drain the air that entered the chest cavity during surgery."

"The tube drains the air that accumulated in your baby's chest after the lung was punctured."

"The tube has been placed to drain the air that entered the chest cavity during surgery."

A client who had thoracic surgery is admitted to the postanesthesia care unit. What should the nurse do after the chest tube is attached to a disposable plastic waterseal drainage system?

Ensure the security of the connections from the client to the drainage unit.
Empty the drainage container and measure and record the amount once a day.
Verify that there is vigorous bubbling in the wet suction control compartment.
Check that the fluid level in the water seal compartment increases with expiration

Ensure the security of the connections from the client to the drainage unit.

A client with a chest tube is to be transported via a stretcher. When transporting the client, the nurse should keep the:

Collection device attached to mechanical suction.

Chest tube clamped distal to the water-seal chamber.

Collection device below the level of the client's chest.

Chest tube end covered with sterile gauze pads taped to the client

Collection device below the level of the client's chest

A nurse is caring for a client with a chest tube. How will complete lung expansion be determined before removal of the chest tube?

Return of usual tidal volume
Decreased adventitious sounds
Absence of additional drainage
Comparison of chest radiographs

Comparison of chest radiographs

Immediately after a thoracentesis, a client's right lung collapses. A chest tube is inserted and is attached to a three-chamber closed drainage system. What does the nurse assess about the fluid when the chest tube is functioning properly?

Remains constant in the chest drainage chamber.

Is bubbling gently in the chest drainage chamber.

Is bubbling vigorously in the suction control chamber.

Rises in the tube of the water seal chamber during inspiration

Rises in the tube of the water seal chamber during inspiration

How should the nurse monitor for the complication of subcutaneous emphysema after the insertion of chest tubes?

Palpate around the tube insertion sites for crepitus.
Auscultate the breath sounds for crackles and rhonchi.
Observe the client for the presence of a barrel-shaped chest.
Compare the length of inspiration with the length of expiration.

Palpate around the tube insertion sites for crepitus.

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What is the function of water seal chamber?

The middle chamber of a traditional chest drainage system is the water seal. The main purpose of the water seal is to allow air to exit from the pleural space on exhalation and prevent air from entering the pleural cavity or mediastinum on inhalation.

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This chamber is typically on the far right side of the system (Teleflex Medical Incorporated, 2009). Water-seal chamber: This chamber has a one-way valve that allows air to exit the pleural cavity during exhalation but does not allow it to re-enter during inhalation due to the pressure in the chamber.

What is the function of the water seal chamber quizlet?

What is the purpose of the water seal chamber? Sterile water in the chamber allows air to exit from the pleural space on exhalation and stops air from entering with inhalation.

What is the purpose of a chest tube drainage system for a Hemothorax?

Physicians use a chest tube into create negative pressure in the chest cavity and allow re-expansion of the lung. It helps remove air (pneumothorax), blood (hemothorax), fluid (pleural effusion or hydrothorax), chyle (chylothorax), or purulence (empyema) from the intrathoracic space.