Bring sb down là gì

bring down

phrasal verb
phrasal verb
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Phrasal Verbs

    bring somebodydown

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  1. 1to make someone lose power or be defeated The scandal may bring down the government.
  2. 2(in sports) to make someone fall down He was brought down in the penalty area.

    bring somethingdown

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  1. 1to reduce something We aim to bring down prices on all our computers.
  2. 2to land an aircraft The pilot managed to bring the plane down in a field.
  3. 3to make an aircraft fall out of the sky Twelve enemy fighters had been brought down.
  4. 4to make an animal or a bird fall down or fall out of the sky by killing or wounding it He brought down the bear with a single shot.
See bring down in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary