carpetbagger là gì - Nghĩa của từ carpetbagger

carpetbagger có nghĩa là

Carpetbaggers have a long history. The first Carpetbaggers came to the South from Yankee states after the Civil War to make a quick buck. Later Carpetbaggers moved to the South in the 1970s when the big 3 automakers in Detroit started to fail. Modern-day Carpetbaggers primarily move to 5 cities in Texas [El Paso, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas] to escape the wretched economic prospects of their home states [usually California and Yankee states]. They will take jobs from Texans and are generally ungrateful bastards, frequently calling Texans rednecks and complaining about how it sucks here as compared to their squathole in Mexifornia or New England. If Texas sucks so much, then why are you here?


The most famous modern-day Carpetbagger is Joseph Stack, the guy who rammed his plane into the IRS building in Austin. Get out of Texas, carpetbagger!

carpetbagger có nghĩa là

1. One who is somewhere they do not belong.
2. One who moved South after the Civil War to get rich. They take over all jobs, land, money, offices, and tell everyone how to live.
3. My neighbors. See "soccer mom" and "yuppie."


The carpet baggers say we can't say "black" anymore because it's PC.

carpetbagger có nghĩa là

When northern people came to the south to take advantage of their poor situation when they were vulnerable. This was after the Civil War and people were upset about it.

There is a modern day version which does not occur too much. See example for more.


Hillary Clinton. She came to New York from out of state, not knowing much. Bill tried to be cool and get an office in Harlem, but not one person bought that and saw through his attempts to conceal his non-new yorker self. You can't just go to another place and act like you own it. Con artists are good at this, and that is how she won.

For years, and even today, [real] New Yorkers have held signs and had bumper stickers saying things such as "Hillary GO HOME"

It is commonly understood that Hillary Clinton is not a New Yorker. However, it is equally understood that as she changes her mind on issues in a matter of minutes or depending on the audience, that she may change who she is [for example: saying she is from New York to New Yorkers, when she really is not. She could learn some lessons from Obama [a real democrat] who is consistent and does not tell lies.

What made hillary a Carpetbagger?: she took advantage of New York and her fame and ran for Senator. She was elected after her strong opposition was diagnosed with prostate cancer and was forced to drop from the race. After she was elected, it was clear she had no real interest in New York, and she was going to simply use it to run for President down the line. She knew it was impossible to beat President Bush in 2004, so she waited until now, and here she is. If she was serious about New York, she would do more than vote for $1 million in Tax funds for the hippie Woodstock concert museum, but the majority of New York's fire and ambulance services are volunteer and don't have enough federal funding. This shows her lack of genuine interest in New York.

carpetbagger có nghĩa là

A lesbian who is sexually promiscuous.


Yo that carpetbagger stole my bitch!

carpetbagger có nghĩa là

One who journeys deep into teabagger-controlled territory to provide basic education in history [focusing on the lost decade, 2000-2010, which most teabaggers slept through, the bipartisan history of presidential advisers--aka czars, and the evolution and definitions of basic political terms], economics and government finance 101, geography, and critical thinking skills.


Dude, what are you gonna do when you graduate? I dunno man, I thought about being a carpetbagger. What's a carpetmuncher?
No, carpetbagging! You know, joining Americorps and teaching uneducated people in FEMA re-education camps.
Oh great! How noble of you!

carpetbagger có nghĩa là

one who moves from the north to south or from the south to the north that moves in a carpet-bag


Wow you carpetbagger go back to the north

carpetbagger có nghĩa là

A girl who turns out to be worth dating. The opposite of a scalywag, a carpetbagger generally has a good sense of morals, esteem, and beauty that make her worth dating.


He got bagged by that carpetbagger.
Hell yeah . . . take her out dude! She's a definite carpetbagger.

carpetbagger có nghĩa là

Someone who brakes into your house, or room, and steals as many valuables as quickly as they can.


Last night i went to the bathroom and when i came back some carpetbagger had taken my laptop, camera, and cellphone.

carpetbagger có nghĩa là

Ppl who didnt have money for suitcase and used carpet to pack around their stuff and hanged in a stick.


when tom hangs his stuff on the stick when leaving home its called carpetbaggers

carpetbagger có nghĩa là

A bringer of freedom, civilization, and AMERICA to the south and other retarded places in order to help with their growth. Hated by traitors and hicks they raise the standard of living in the south and have throughout its history expanded the rights of all men in the south and brought FREEDOM there.


A carpetbagger is the best thing a man can aspire to be, bringing freedom and civilization not from a distance but going directly to the lacking states putting his life at risk from the cuckfederates, and planthold in order to elevate them to the level of the superior north.

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