Cloud desktop google

itopias cloud automation and orchestration software enables organizations to deliver Desktop as a Service (DaaS) to thousands of workers located across the globe in as little as one day. The rapid provisioning process of Microsoft RDS environments is made possible by itopias intuitive, wizard-based control panel in the browser.

From itopias unified console, Tier 1 sysadmins with virtually no training can spin up Windows virtual desktops and apps for a variety of use cases in minutes from light workloads of productivity apps, to heavier graphical and media applications. itopias automation platform makes this possible with easy-to-add custom images, intelligent user routing to nearest GCP data centers to ensure low latency, all delivered from a unified point-and-click console in the browser.

Our software enables the security policies, rules, and permissions from your on-premises AD and readily extends it into Google Cloud with a secure AD Trust. This trust acts as a bridge so that theres no compromise in the security profile of the environment.

Finally, itopia leverages GCP snapshots to maintain robust data redundancy and provide instant disaster recovery. By equipping your workers with remote desktops and apps hosted on Google Cloud, your workforce has secure access to their familiar business apps and corporate data on any device, accessible anywhere.