dubya là gì - Nghĩa của từ dubya

dubya có nghĩa là

1] How rural Americans [including George W. Bush] pronounce their w's.
2] George W. Bush, the worst president in America's history.
3] The biggest embarrasment to my country.
4] A reason to move to Canada.
5] A loser who likes oil and money.
6] A daddy's boy.
7] A monkey.
8] A racist freak.
9] A homophobic asshole.
10] The reason Clinton's surplus has become a huge deficit.
11] Do you really want me to continue?


I love America, I just can't stand Dubya.
Did you ever realize that the first letter of war is Dubya!

dubya có nghĩa là

Someone who puts his country to shame


Three neurosurgeons, a german, a british and an american, are bragging about their achievements. The german: I removed half of a patients brain and he was able to go look for a job in 3 months! The brit: The last patient I lobotomized was able to join the army in less than six weeks. The american: I have a patient from Texas, Dubya, with no brain at all, and since he's in the whitehouse, one half of the nation is looking for a job and the other half is in the army!

dubya có nghĩa là

Noun- One who practically destroys the stockmarket, fights illegal wars, or turns America from a prospering country to millions of dollars in debt.


"We have reason to believe that all these countries have nooklalur weapons."

dubya có nghĩa là

American "president" [well, I do admit that he won his second term fair and square-- which makes me want to move to someplace sane like Nigeria] who seems to think that America should be run by rules that worked extremely well for a band of pastoral nomads in the Middle East a couple thousand years ago. Also tends to make speeches in which he uses words like "freedom" and "liberty" a lot without really appreciating what they actually mean. Makes me think of a cross between the medieval Norwegian religious fanatic King Olaf the Lawbreaker and "Big Brother" from Orwell's 1984.


Dubya is a doubleplusgood duckspeaker.

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.

dubya có nghĩa là

dubya - nickname for George W Bush, the President of the US.
President Dubya is the son of the former head of the secret police [CIA], who was also formerly president of the US, AND a former vice-president.
His questionable victory in the US was partially due to the voter results in a state where his brother was govenor. Also, the lack of voter participation by potentially democratic or independent voters helped the more organized Republicans tip the scales. [along with a little trickery]
Being Mad at Dubya is like being mad at the wall during a shadow puppet performance. He can't even language correctly. He provides enormous amounts of entertainment with his lack of speaking ability and obvious lack of intelligence.

While self-admittedly not one of the great linguists, he has provided us with such treasures as:

"They misunderestimated me"

"Reading is the basics for all learning".

"Clearly it's a budget, it's got a lot of numbers in it."

"As you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say"

"Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning"

"I admit it, I am not one of the great linguists"


There's Dumb, Dumber, then there is dubya.

dubya có nghĩa là

Puppet-Jackal manipulated and orchestrated by Dick & Rummy. The most costly, damaging, pathetic and embarrasing person ever to be appointed to the Oval office.


"People call me Dubya, 'cause of my daddy... heh heh heh."
"My budget reflects the largest increase in spending in two decades."
"There ought to be limits to freedom."
"You're working hard to put food on your family."
"In 1994, there were 67 schools in Texas that were rated "exemplorary" according to our own tests."

dubya có nghĩa là

to desert from the military


If the Chimp wants to start another oil war and calls for a draft, I'm pulling a dubya!

dubya có nghĩa là

dubya: A slang term generally referring to an especially bad case of incompetence in an important job.

1]someone who has progressed to a position in life well beyond their competence.

2]someone in a position of great authority and responsibility whose simplistic notions of complex issues lead to disasterous results.

3]someone who stubbornly sticks to ideas that do not work. Also, someone who stubbornly and irrationally remains loyal to people that have fubared their jobs.

4]someone incapable of realizing when their ideas [or the ideas of others that they have put in place by virtue of their authority]are producing results contrary to the goals set or even sanity. Stubbornly sticking with such ideas. Also, an actioned idea with said results that nonetheless continues to be pursued with vigor.

5]a person in a position of leadship who takes his organization or country down a financial path that would otherwise require he or she get credit counselling on an urgent basis.

6]someone in a position of authority who believes he/she is the "decider" or some other description of what a leader should be, constantly asserts this, but is really being manipulated by subordinates for the subordinates personal agenda and exersize of power.


1]The 43rd president of the United States of America is a dubya of monumental proportions.

2]The new CEO of our company has a dubya like grasp of our business.

3] why would the board of directors elect a dubya to run the company? It is incomprehensible.

4]What a dubya. He came in with ideas many people believed in, but that everyone now realizes, under the circumstances, just aren't working; they aren't apprpropriate, yet he keeps pursuing them. This is a disaster, and its only getting worse.

5]She is a confirmed dubya when it comes to the finances of this company. We are sinking fast and instead of bailing, she is taking on more ballast. She can't retire fast enough to save us.

dubya có nghĩa là

Noun: Colloquialism used to refer to an individual who shares any of the following characteristics with the United States 43rd President:

1/ Is educationally subnormal

2/ Is incapable of using basic English

3/ Has an armadillo fetish

4/ Believes themselves to be the second coming of our lord Jesus Christ [amen]

5/ Someone who severely over-uses the phrase "God Bless America! [and fuck everyone else]"

6/ Someone with the perpetual look of a confuzzled muppet on their face

7/ Someone who cannot rationally debate with their 5th grade teachers about Evolution and Charles Darwin, yet feels the needs to argue with them anyway

8/ Someone who feels obliged to systematically nuke every developing country that didn't send the U.S. a Christmas card last year

And so the list goes on...


"Did you know Cletus' front porch collapsed yesterday? Killed 15 dogs. What a Dubya."

dubya có nghĩa là

1] Nick-name for the war-mongering, incompetent, facist tool that somehow managed to usurp the United States Presidency two terms in a row from 2002-2008.

2] An idiot from Maine who's claimed Texas residency for most of his adulthood because of Texas doesn't have a state income tax. Having a summer home/ranch [whatever] in Crawford DOES NOT make one a Texan.

3] A political puppet who's mindlessly tossed the Bill of Rights in the toilet, murdered hundreds of thousands of people, and caused all manner of suffering for millions of others.


Dubya's grasp of the English language is pathetic enough to make a four year old groan!

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