hate crimed là gì - Nghĩa của từ hate crimed

hate crimed có nghĩa là

when a WHITE PERSON, and ONLY A WHITE PERSON, commits any violent crime against any NON-WHITE(doesn't work the other way around)


black person shoots a white person = possession of a handgun (6 months jail)

white guy shoots a black person = violent HATE CRIME (150 years in jail)

hate crimed có nghĩa là

A term made up by governments so they can tack on extra punishemnts if you do something to someone of a different race.
Killing is killing, it shouldent matter what race the murderer or the dead guy on the floor is.


I shot someone, but he was black so i get an extra 10 years because shooting black people is a 'hate crime'...

hate crimed có nghĩa là

the mistaken belief that crimes committed against special interest groups (e.g. homosexuals, ethnic minorities etc) are somehow worse than the same crimes committed against anybody else, and therefore should be punished more severely. Another example of the insanity of political correctness.


I punched him in self-defence because he tried to molest me; now he's calling it a hate crime!

hate crimed có nghĩa là

Hate Crime: defined by federal or state statutes.
A hate crime occurs when a person commits an act such as assault, battery, criminal damage to property, criminal trespass to property or mob action because of the victim's real or perceived race, religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation or disability. Hate crime laws vary from state to state.


"I hope that was found guilty of committing a Hate Crime rots in jail" said Bob.

hate crimed có nghĩa là

Another word for Thought Crime (read George Orwell's 1984).

One of many control methods used by the Democratic National Party to take away your freedoms, violate your right to free speech, and to impose a totalitarian tyranny.


The day may soon come when Hate Crime will be punsihable by death.

hate crimed có nghĩa là

noun (legalese) A relatively recent reclassification of a wide range of federal, state, county, and municipal statues as new, and almost always more seriously punished, offenses applying to the same individual act and/or acts. Hate crime legislation is directed almost entirely against whites and Christians. Some smaller jurisdictions' statues even include specific language defining exact circumstances under which such offenses can occur, such as "a hate crime has occured when a member of a majority race, religion, or sexual preference etc. wrongs a member of a minority race, religion or sexual preference etc.


When I caught the home invader raping my daughter I shot and seriously wounded the perpetrator. Within 3 days the suspect was acquitted and I was charged with felony hate crime,sentenced to a $500 fine and 90 days in jail and sued for damages of ten million dollars for breach of civil rights by the N.A.A.C.P.

hate crimed có nghĩa là

Generally, a crime committed against one or more individuals for which there is evidence that the motivation was hatred of the race, religion, color, ethnicity, nationality, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity of the victim or victims.


"They tacked extra time on my sentence for a hate crime aggravation because I'm white and the guy I beat up was black. It seems black people get special protection. It's anti-white reverse racism."

"You asshole, three witnesses testified that you were screaming 'N****r, n****r, n****r' while you were kicking the shit out of him. If you'd kept your fucking mouth shut, the court might have gone easier on you. Though your KKK tattoo might still have made the jury suspicious."

hate crimed có nghĩa là

Hate crimes, also known as bias crimes, are crimes committed against people, property, or organizations because of the group to which they belong or identify with, these include race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion and other minority group status.

People are so fucken ignorant, thinking that hate crimes are just crimes against black people because they're black, or white people because they're white. Do your fucken research before you write something as stupid as that the next time.


The most famous hate crime (and WOOPS what do you know, its another black-white crime, boo hoo that means every single hate crime out there is black-white....get a fucken life) I know of is the Jasper, Texas incident. A movie was even made about it.

hate crimed có nghĩa là

noun (legalese )A relatively recent reclassification of a wide range of federal, state, county, and municipal legal offenses as additional, and almost always more seriously punished, offenses applying to the same individual act and/or acts. Hate crimes legislation is directed almost entirely against whites and Christians. Some smaller jusisdictions' statues even include specific lauguage defining exact circumstances under which such offenses can occur, such as "when a member of a majority wrongs a member of a minority race, religion or sexual presuasion, etc."


When I caught the home invader raping my daughter I shot and seriously wounded the purpatrator. Within 3 days the suspect was aquitted and I was charged with felony hate crime,sentenced to a $500 fine and 90 days in jail and sued for damages of ten million dollars for breach of civil rights by the N.A.A.C.P.

hate crimed có nghĩa là

Committing a crime (usually violent) against a person, or group of people, with a different skin color.


Mortimer: "Hey, did you hear about that white guy that killed someone in Harlem?" LaQuintisha: "Gotta be a hate crime! ax anyone! mmmmhmmmm!" " if you want to hurt another human being, you'd better make damn sure they're the same color as you are!" - South Park, Cartman's Silly Hate Crime.