Hey say jump ryosuke yamada the top secret

I already posted these on twitter, but posting them here so they are all in one place. Still haven’t proofread the document. Hopefully there aren’t too many errors.

  1. Recent hobby? - To steep myself in games. I’ve been playing RPG games.
  2. Top 3 favorite foods? - 1: eggplant, 2: yakiniku [grilled meat], 3: yakitori [grilled chicken]. For eggplants, my no. 1 favorite is fried eggplant. I make it myself sometimes.
  3. Top 3 favorite animals? - 1: dog, 2: sloth, 3: monkey. There are 2 dogs at my parents’ place. Sloths I’ve liked for a while. Although I’d like to keep one, it’s impossible to have a tropical animal [lol]. Maybe I like these types of “relaxed” animals.
  4. Shower guy? Bath guy? - Shower.
  5. Source of energy? - Food!
  6. Describe a moment when your excitement level is high? - During live concerts, the moment when I see the audience from the stage. “It’s so great that I’m working in this job” will pop into my head, it’s the happiest moment in my life.
  7. Describe a moment when your excitement level is low? - When I’m playing games at home. I’m just quietly playing, and I don’t want anyone to see how I look at that time.
  8. What do people say [to / about you] that will make you happy? - “Gakkoi”
  9. Favorite color? - White. I have a lot of white t shirts.
  10. Where do you want to go? - Salar de Uyuni [Salt Flats] in Bolivia.
  11. Frequent dreams? - Dream of teeth being pulled out.
  12. Best number of hours of sleep? - About 7 hours.
  13. Dog guy? Cat guy? - Dogs.
  14. Do you believe in ghosts? - I believe in them. But I do not like them.
  15. Do you believe in fortune telling? - Basically no.
  16. Do you think there are aliens? - There aren’t any, right? But I don’t think I want to meet them. Because I don’t know what they’ll do to me, it’s scary [lol].
  17. What do you like most about your looks? - Nose. Although I used to have a complex about it, everyone kept telling me “you have a great nose”, so I started thinking “it’s a great nose!” and start liking it.
  18. What do you like most about your qualities? - Stubbornness. I think being able to advocate for my beliefs without bending my will is quite useful in this job.
  19. What is one thing you can change about your appearance? - My height. I want an extra 10 cm.
  20. What’s one personality trait you’d like to fix? - My sharp tongue [lol].
  21. What other job would you pick? Nursery school teacher. I love kids.
  22. What is the last meal you want to eat in your life? - My mother’s meat & potato stew. The potatoes are soft and flaky and so delicious.
  23. What kind of attitude do you bring to work? - I’ll be my natural self.
  24. What do you think fans “got it all wrong!”? - How do the fans think of me? Since I don’t know, I can’t answer!
  25. What are the types of people you admire? - Someone who has personal magnetism and is able to have an unyielding heart in whatever situation.
  26. The type of girl you like? - Family minded. It’ll be nice if she can cook and also likes kids.
  27. When you are in a relationship, do you want to spoil her? Or do you want to be spoiled? - I do not want to be spoiled. If we are talking about [my girlfriend] wanting me to spoil her, I don’t like acting all lovey-dovey in front of everybody. [So I guess the implication is that he’ll spoil his girlfriend, but only in private.]
  28. Soba guy? Udon guy? - Soba. I don’t eat a lot of udon.
  29. Favourite drink? - Cola.
  30. Will you believe in love at first sight? - Yes!
  31. Which piece of furniture in your room are you fond of? - Sofa. It’s custom made, so I fussed about the size, material, firmness, and width quite a bit.
  32. What are you like in a relaxed state? - At home lying on the sofa.
  33. Within Johnny’s, who are you friends with outside of the members? - Ninomiya-kun and Yamashita-kun. I always go bother Ninomiya-kun at his home. As for Yamashita-kun, I have gone to Disneyland with him and another guy.
  34. What is your dream / vision for the group’s future? - Thanks to everyone’s support up to now, Hey!Say!JUMP is able to continue on as a group. After this, I want to see each member holding their own solo concert.
  35. What’s your personal dream / vision? - I want to always work steadily as an actor.
  36. What motto do you live by? - “Even if there is just 1% chance, I will never give up.”
  37. What is your schedule like for when you have a day off? - Basically I stay at home, then when night falls, I tend to go out to eat. At home, I’ll play games then sleep [lol].
  38. When you don’t feel like you’re in good spirits, what do you do to encourage yourself? - Take a stroll.
  39. With which member will you go to the themed park together? - Actually, I hate themed parks. I am really bad with rollercoasters, so knowing that I can’t go on any rides, I don’t really want to go with anybody [lol].
  40. With which member will you go to the public bath house together? - Yuya and Inoo-chan. I had gone with other members before, but I have never gone with those two. It should be pretty leisurely to spend time with them.
  41. With which member will you go to karaoke? - Chinen. We go together all the time.
  42. With which member will you go to hanami [flower viewing]? - I am allergic to pollen and there are lots of bugs, so I don’t go to hanami.
  43. With which member will you go to the pool? - I won’t go to the pool. I cannot swim.
  44. With which member do you want to spend Halloween? - Dai-chan. He’ll entertain me.
  45. With which member do you want to go to have nabe [hot pot cuisine]? - Since we’ll eat delicious rice, Inoo-chan. He’ll probably say “yummy, yummy” when he eat, you know.
  46. What place do you feel most relieved / relaxed? - My parents’ place.
  47. What do you do to keep yourself healthy? - I will drink supplements.
  48. Are you someone who arrange your bills in one direction? Or not? - I will arrange the bills with the face at the bottom.
  49. What’s the best trip you had so far? - I was able to go to Paris and Los Angeles for work. I thought that was such a treat [lol]. I was able to take in the nature in Los Angeles, and in Paris, I saw the buildings on the streets and had fun eating and getting on stage.
  50. Top 3 favourite movies? - 1: “The Great Gatsby”, 2: “About Time”, 3: “[Leon] The Professional”.
  51. Do you have a favourite book? - Not really. While I read manga, I don’t read a lot of books.
  52. How about [your favourite] home cooked dish [mom’s cooking]? - Meat and potato stew.
  53. When you wake up, what’s the first thing you do? - First I turn on the vacuum, then I go brush my teeth. [Does he have a robot vacuum?]
  54. At night, what do you do before going to bed? - Brush my teeth [lol]. I brush my teeth then get in bed, I’ll fiddle with my phone for a bit before going to bed.
  55. What do you wear when you go to sleep? - Basically, I wear a pair of underwear! I definitely don’t wear a t-shirt. Even in winter, I do not wear pants. Instead, I wear a fluffy parka like thing. [So like a fleece sleep dress? :] ]
  56. What do you treasure? - The trophies I get due to my acting jobs. They are displayed at my parents’ place.
  57. How do you de-stress? - I go drinking with my friends.
  58. Favourite scent? - Lemongrass. When I see it on my travels, I’ll definitely buy some.
  59. What is the thing you most want right now? - Items in the game that lets me teleport! I don’t really have any material needs.
  60. What must you have in your bag? - Toothbrush and cologne.
  61. If you can only eat 1 thing for an entire month, what will it be? - Chicken breast strip. Although it is mild tasting, it is not harmful to the body.
  62. Favourite number? - 4. That is my lucky number.
  63. In terms of meat, what is your favourite? - Beef. But I like grilled meat more than steak.
  64. When you enter into a relationship with your lover, what special favours will you do for her? - I’ll clean her room! For girls who are not good at housecleaning, this is a pretty good favour.
  65. What is the 1 thing you’ll bring to a deserted island? - Lighter.
  66. Tell us 1 secret! - Right now, I’m at the heaviest weight in my life. It’s not muscle but fat… [lol]. [Em - we saw the calendar. Didn’t you have a 6 pack?]
  67. If you have a chance for a redo in life, what age will you go back to? - 10 years old. The year I joined Johnny’s & Associates. That said, I don’t want a redo.
  68. If you have to give a title to [your life story], what will it be? - “There are peaks and valleys”.
  69. What will you do if you have to spend 1 million yen in 1 day? - I will take all the staff who is working on my project out for dinner.
  70. What you will say to your 100 year old self! - “You don’t have to try so hard already!” [lol].
  71. What will you do if the world will end in 3 days? - Even though it’s impossible, I want to have 1 live concert.
  72. What is a small problem that’s bugging you right now? - I can’t beat the boss in the game. I tried more than 15 times but I couldn’t do it at all.
  73. If you can use magic? - I’ll go see the world heritage sites. I’ll immediately fly to the ones that people said will be destroyed imminently.
  74. If 100 points is the perfect score, how many points are you? - Around 50 points. When I need to get to 100%, I will go at it with all my might, but when I’m unwinding, I will use close to 0% of energy to unwind.
  75. What are you addicted to? - Cleaning. Although I love cleanliness, when people come over for dinner and spilled stuff, I also don’t care. That’s because I love to put away the mess. However, I hate having dirty stuff lying around, so when everyone’s relaxing, I’ll start vacuuming. Perhaps I’m an annoying host [lol].
  76. Do you have a collection of things? - No.
  77. In 2019, what wish do you want to come true? - I want to have a live tour. I think I definitely want to have 1 tour each year. Privately, I want to go overseas for vacation.
  78. What do you think you’ll be like in 10 years? - I think I’ll have a beard. I’ll probably appear in the “mature male roles” in dramas, won’t I? I can’t keep going on as the present “Yamada Ryosuke” without changing, you know.
  79. What is Hey!Say!JUMP missing [not have enough of] right now? - Composure.
  80. What’s your go to song at karaoke? - JUJU-san’s “Kiseki wo Nozomu Nara…” [If you want a miracle…”
  81. A memory of karaoke-ing with a member? - There was a time when I went to karaoke with Chinen or someone almost every day and we will compete for the most points. I was very happy when I got my highest point of 96.8.
  82. What is your role in the group? - No matter when, I am usually the first one to speak. Since the members also wait for me to speak, and the staff-san will ask me questions first, I ended up with this role.
  83. What advice will you give to yourself at debut? - “Your face is going to change, you know! It’ll become a little thinner.”
  84. What is the most memorable thing during the “Heisei” era? - Being part of a group called Hey!Say!JUMP.
  85. What moment did you feel that you have become an adult? - When I stopped being angry [easily].
  86. Tell me Chinen’s weakness! - Knit.
  87. Tell me Nakajima’s weakness! - Dirty things. [Literal meaning.]
  88. Tell me Arioka’s weakness! - Belly button. He hates it when people touch it.
  89. Tell me Takaki’s weakness! - He can’t handle high calorie foods.
  90. Tell me Inoo’s weakness! - Exercise.
  91. Tell me Yaotome’s weakness! - He can’t remember anything.
  92. Tell me Yabu’s weakness! - Tomato.
  93. Tell me Chinen’s allure! - There are so many. He’s a genius. He face the world as a guy who can do do anything and has a very good understanding of himself, which is very good.
  94. Tell me Nakajima’s allure! - He can do anything. He is high-spec [top notch], but he is also hardworking.
  95. Tell me Arioka’s allure! - He’s a positive, bright person. You’ll feel happy just being together with him.
  96. Tell me Takaki’s allure! - Very gentle. Comparing to before, he has a great love for JUMP, he kept talking about “JUMP, JUMP” wherever he goes.
  97. Tell me Inoo’s allure! - Talk power. He honed those skills through “Mezamashi TV”. It feels very comforting to go on location shoots with him in the variety programs.
  98. Tell me Yaotome’s allure! - His “ojisan-like” personality. He can take a nap wherever he goes. There are moments when that side of him will shine spectacularly as an item [special feature?] of JUMP, so in that sense, he is very reliable.
  99. Tell me Yabu’s allure! - Although he is the oldest, he doesn’t act like “I need to get a hold of myself” a lot. Because of that, the people who are younger than him can feel at ease. Because we have Yabu-chan, we are able to things confidently, he is truly a reliable bigger brother.
  100. Send a message to Okamoto Keito! - Keito, when are you coming back? How is winter in New York? It’s probably very cold, right? I want to tell you about the live tour, and I also want to hear about your New York life!

yamada ryosuke, hey!say!jump, calendar, 2019-2020, q&a, translations,

Who is Yamada Japanese singer?

Nobuo Yamada [Japanese: 山田 信夫, Hepburn: Yamada Nobuo, born January 20, 1964], also known by the name NoB, is a Japanese singer. He is the former lead singer of the band Make-Up and a Project.

Who is Yamada Japanese artist?

Takahiro Yamada is a painter and draftsman based in Japan whose works have been featured in solo exhibitions nationally, as well as in South Korea and the United Arab Emirates. Through his realistic animal compositions, which often depict cats, he endeavors to translate the energy of his subjects.

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