How to ignore non numeric data in Excel

We have learned how to strip numeric values from a cell in excel 2016 and older. The formulas we used were a little bit complex but now Excel 2019 and 365 are in the game. 

Excel 2019 and 365 introduce some new functions that ease the task of removing non numeric characters and retrieve only numeric values in a new cell. We will use formulas that can help us in doing so, more conveniently. 

Generic Formula

Jumbled_text: This is the source text from which you want to extract all numeric values.

NumChars: This is the total number of characters you want to process. The jumbled_text should not have more characters than this number [chars and numeric combined].

Let’s see an example to make things clear.

Example: Remove Non Numeric Characters and Extract all Numbers

So here we have some jumbled text. This text contains some numbers and some non numeric characters. I need to get rid of non numeric characters and get numeric values only in the D column.

I don't expect the total number of characters in jumbled text to be more than 20. So the value of NumChars is 20 here. You can increase this number if you need to.

Apply the above generic formula here to strip out the non numeric characters.

And when you hit the enter button. You get all the non numeric characters removed. Drag down this formula to remove characters from string from all the cells in column C3.

How does it work?

First let's see how this formula is solved step by step.

2-> TEXTJOIN["",TRUE,IFERROR[MID["12asw12w123",{1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20},1]+0,""]]
3-> TEXTJOIN["",TRUE,IFERROR[{"1";"2";"a";"s";"w";"1";"2";"w";"1";"2";"3";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";""}+0,""]]
4-> TEXTJOIN["",TRUE,IFERROR[{1;2;#VALUE!;#VALUE!;#VALUE!;1;2;#VALUE!;1;2;3;#VALUE!;#VALUE!;...;#VALUE!}+0,""]]
5-> TEXTJOIN["",TRUE,{1;2;"";"";"";1;2;"";1;2;3;"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";""}]
6-> "1212123"

As you can see, the formula starts solving from the inside. At first the SEQUENCE function is solved. Since we have passed 20. It returns an array of numbers starting from 1 to 20.

This array is served to the MID Function as the starting number. The mid function goes to each index in string and splits each character. You can see that in step 3.

Next we add 0 to each character. In excel if you try to add number to non numeric characters, it results into #VALUE! Error. So we get an array of numbers and #VALUE! Errors. The non numeric characters are gone now.

Next IFERROR function replaces all #VALUE errors with "" [blank]. Now we are left with numeric values and spaces.

Finally, this array is served to TEXTJOIN Function. The TEXTJOIN function concatenates them and we get the a string that only contains numbers in it.

Enhancing the Formula

The above formula used a hard coded number for processing the number of characters [we took twenty]. But you may want it to be dynamic. In that case, you guessed it right, we will use the LEN function. It will take an exact number of characters for processing. So the formula will be.

Here, the LEN function will automatically detect the exact number characters in the alphanumeric string. This will relieve the burden of determining the maximum number of characters.

Alternative of SEQUENCE function

If you do not want to use the SEQUENCE function then you can use a combination of ROW and INDIRECT function  for generating sequential numbers.

The INDIRECT will convert the text ["1:20"] into actual range and then the ROW function will list all row numbers from 1 to 20. [20 is just for example. It can be any number].

So yeah guys, this is how you can rip off the non numeric characters from an alphanumeric string in excel. I hope I was explanatory enough and this article helped you. If you have any questions regarding this topic or any other excel/VBA topic. Till then keep Excelling.

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