Hướng dẫn cài đặt cx one omron lỗi 1628 năm 2024

On occasion you may encounter errors installing Sysmac/CX-ONE and their updates. This guide is targeted at scenarios where a simple uninstall does not resolve the issue and a completely clean installation is required.


Log into Windows as an administrator


This process will remove both CX-One and Sysmac Studio. This is required as the software's have shared dependencies.

Step 1 - Stop processes

  1. Go to the Services dialog. Click Start , click in the Start Search box, type services.msc , and then press ENTER.
  2. Stop the three services below for Ethernet and USB Connection.
    • OMRON Ethernet Direct Connection Manager
    • OMRON USB Connection Manager
    • OMRON USB Serial Connection Manager

Step 2 - Uninstall through Control Panel

  1. Open "the Uninstall or change a program" in the Control Panel.
  2. Select the listed programs, and click Uninstall.
    • Sysmac Studio
    • Communications Middleware
    • OMRON Automation Software Upgrade Utility
    • CX-One
    • CX-Server
    • CX-Server driver control tool
    • Windows Driver Package - OMRON (NSX_CUSB) USB

Step 4 - Reinstall Sysmac/CX-One

  1. Restart the computer.
  2. Install the Sysmac Studio / the CX-One again.
  3. Execute OMRON Automation Software Upgrade Utility brings each Sysmac Studio and CX-One application installed up to date in the online environment.

Advanced Reinstall


Attempt the basic steps 1-4 first before attempting an advanced reinstall.


The below reinstall steps are for experienced users who are familiar with advanced windows functions. Only attempt them if you can't install Sysmac or CX-One after trying steps 1-4. Be careful, as an error may cause your Windows operating system to malfunction.

Step 1A - Basic Uninstall

Complete steps 1-3 from the basic uninstallation process.

Step 2A - Uninstall with Program troubleshooter

  • Communications Middleware
  • All programs whose name begins with "CX" ,"OMRON" or "Sysmac Studio".

Step 3A - Manually remove left over directories

Manually delete folders that were not removed by Remover.

[32bit OS] - C:\Program Files\OMRON - C:\Program Files\Common Files\OMRON - C:\OMRON -> If you want to keep the existing projects, please rename without deleting. - %APPDATA%\OMRON - %APPDATA%\SysmacStudio - %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\OMRON_Corporation (on Vista/7/8) - %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\OMRON_DataGridPersistence (on Vista/7/8) - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\OMRON_Corporation (on XP) - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\OMRON_DataGridPersistence (on XP)

[64bit OS] - C:\Program Files (x86)\OMRON - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\OMRON - C:\ProgramData\SysmacStudio - C:\OMRON->

If you want to keep the existing projects, please rename without deleting. - %APPDATA%\OMRON - %APPDATA%\SysmacStudio - %LOCALAPPDATA%\OMRON_Corporation (on Vista/7/8) - %LOCALAPPDATA%\OMRON_DataGridPersistence (on Vista/7/8) - %PROGRAMDATA%\SysmacStudio (on Vista/7/8) - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\OMRON_Corporation (on XP) - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\OMRON_DataGridPersistence (on XP)

Step 4A - Delete system directories

Delete folders and files.

[32bit OS] Navigate to %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 and delete the following files/folders. - Omron folder - CIP_*.dll - CXSDI_*.dll

[64bit OS] Navigate to %SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64 and delete the following files/folders. - Omron folder - CIP_*.dll - CXSDI_*.dll

Step 5A - Delete Drivers

  1. Open the folder "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\drivers".
  2. Delete drivers.
    • OCATEmu.sys
    • OCUsbCom.sys

Step 6A - Delete update files

Delete the Downloaded Installations for SysmacStudio Version Upgrade.

  1. Open the folder "%SYSTEMROOT%\Downloaded Installations".
  2. There are some folders in your Windows Downloaded Installations folder. Open each folder and check the saved file name.
  3. Delete that folder if there are the files contain the name of "CX" ,"Communications Middleware" or "sysmac".
    • Folder containing the file names that include "CX" ,"Communications Middleware" or "sysmac".

Step 7A - Delete Registry Entries


Registry Edits can cause operating system malfunctions if incorrectly executed, back up the registry in advance and proceed carefully