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Looking solution for the “Elementor Editor Not Loading” problem on your site? Elementor Editor may not load for several reasons. This can be caused by your web hosting server issues, lack of PHP memory limit, other plugin conflicts, and many more.

If you are having trouble loading your Elementor Editor and want to get rid of it, the following guide will save you.

In this blog, we are going to show you 8 possible ways to solve the Elementor Editor not loading problem.

Let’s follow this step-by-step guide.

7 Reliable Ways To Fix Elementor Editor Not Loading Errors

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Here are the 7 possible ways to fix Elementor not loading issues and errors-

  1. Enable Switch Editor Loader
  2. Check Other Plugin Conflicts
  3. Update PHP Version & Increase PHP Memory Limit
  4. Update Elementor Latest Version
  5. Check .htaccess File
  6. Increase Apache Service Limit
  7. Change Your Current Theme

Bonus: Use Well-coded Elementor Addons to avoid any type of issues

1. Enable Switch Editor Loader

The Elementor editor is not loaded due to server configuration conflicts. Likely Elementor gives an option to solve this issue. You can fix it by going to Elementor–>Settings-Advanced area. Here, you need to Enable the Switch Editor Loader Method.

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After enabling this option, check again if it solved the problem.

2. Check Other Plugin Conflicts

Elementor editor is sometimes unable to work due to other plugins conflicts you have used for WordPress websites. That’s why you should check every plugin. You can deactivate all the plugins except Elementor. Then Activate one by one and watch carefully which plugin causes the error.

If you find a plugin, deactivate the plugin again and contact the plugin company to resolve the issue.

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Be sure to keep all your plugins up-to-date. Because this is another factor that may fail the Elementor editor to load.

3. Update PHP Version & Increase PHP Memory Limit

Your Elementor widgets panel is not loaded due to some of the common WordPress errors like not updating your server PHP version or increasing PHP memory limit. So whenever you create a WordPress website you should update the server PHP version as well as improve the PHP memory limit.

To update your server PHP version, first, login to your cPanel account then find the Select PHP Version and open it.

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On the following page, you’ll get the option to update the latest PHP version.

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You can increase the PHP memory limit by editing the wp-config.php file using your cPanel. After login to your cPanel account, go to the public_html->yourwerbsite->wp-config.php.

Finally, you need to paste the below code.

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

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4. Update Elementor Latest Version

This is not a major cause, but sometimes a lower version of the Elementor plugin can prevent the editor from loading. So, it’s best practice to use the latest version of Elementor and update it regularly whenever it needs an update.

You can easily update your Elementor plugin by going to Dashboard–>Plugins–>Installed Plugins area. Then find the plugin and click the Update Now link to get the job done.

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5. Check .htaccess File

The .htaccess (Hypertext Access) file is the Apache distributed server configuration file that is used to set the server configuration for a specific directory. Using this file, you can make necessary changes such as error-handling, redirects to specific URLs, user permissions, authorization, & more on your website.

Well, the incorrect settings in the .htaccess file can also fail to load your Elementor editor panel. You can solve this issue by creating a new .htaccess file with the default content. But make sure that you back up the existing .htaccess file.

Check this guide and learn more about the .htaccess file.

6. Increase Apache Service Limit

If your website exceeds the Apache server limit, your Elementor editor may not load properly. By adding the following code to the .htaccess file, you can increase the limit of your Elementor site’s Apache server and solve the issue.

SubstituteMaxLineLength 30m

LimitRequestBody 9999999

7. Change Your Current Theme

Like the plugins, your current activated theme also can be the reason for the Elementor loading problem. If you try the other ways but are not able to solve the problem then you should change your current theme and active a default WordPress theme.

Go to your website backend area Dashboard–>Appearnnce–>Themes. And change your current theme. Here, you notice that we’ve used the Neve theme and we need to change it and active the Twenty Twenty-One theme.

Hướng dẫn fix lỗi elementor learn more

It’s is recommended by Elementor to use the Hello Elementor theme if you are planning to create your website using Elementor.

Read more about the Elementor Hello Theme and find out why Elementor is recommended.

Bonus: Use Well-coded Elementor Addons

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If you need other Elementor addons for designing your website then you should choose the best one. Because sometimes your Elementor editor may not load due to using the third party addon widgets & features.

Happy Addons is one of the suitable Elementor addons that helped more than 200,000+ users all over the world to build their dream website. This powerful add-on comes with 97+ widgets and 20+ problem-solving features. You also get 70+ premade templates and 400+ readymade blocks that are easy to implement on your site.

To make a better user experience, Happy recently improved its setup wizard. With its Dashboard–>Analytics feature, you can efficiently manage all the free & pro widgets. You can turn on & off unused widgets with a single click.

So try this clean-coded and lightweight Elementor addon and make your error-free website like a pro.

Also, learn How to Solve WordPress Block Editor Not Working: Step by Step Guide.

Solve Your Elementor Editor Not Loading Error with Ease

Website errors are an important factor that increases bounce rates, has a detrimental effect on search engines, and ultimately loses your website ranking or even product conversions. For this reason, you should always maintain your website and try to make it error-free.

In this guide, we’ve shown 8 proven ways to solve Elementor editor not loading error. Keep patience and try to undertake each of the ways. Find out which reason prevents your Elementor site loading and solve it properly.

If this guide solves your problem, please share this blog on your social channels. And don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for useful free WordPress and Elementor tutorials.

Why HappyAddons Pro is your ideal Elementor companion!

HappyAddons vs. The Rest: Unmatched Features and Stellar Support for your design journey

  • 150+ exclusive collection of customisable widgets
  • 20+ feature set to unleash your potential
  • 500+ premium templates for inspiring designs
  • Our expert support team is always at your service
  • 14-Days Money back. Peace of Mind Guaranteed

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16 Responses

  • Followed all your instructions and still not able to edit on elementor unless I deactivate your plugin. So my question is, what to do if nothing of these suggestions works? Thank you. AM
  • Hello AM, Sorry for the inconvenience. In this article, we have covered the most common issues and solutions. We have plenty of integrations. It’s really tough to understand without checking the site from the backend to find what is causing the issue. Can you please contact us here ? We need to check it from your environment. Thanks. Gobinda, Team HappyAddons.
  • Hi! Tried all the possible solutions, but it only loads once I deactivate the happy addons plugin. Are you sure the plugin is still compatible with the latest version of Elementor/WordPress/WooCommerce? Kind regards, Eduard
  • Hi Eduard, Gobinda here from team HappyAddons. We made compatible with the latest versions of Elementor and WordPress. And tasted with the latest WooCommerec no issue at our end. If you still are facing the same problem please email us at . Thanks and regards, Gobinda Product Coordinator HappyAddons
  • appreciate the tips, but nothing works. Uninstalled every plugin and it doesnt work. this is a new site, new wp install, new astra and new elementor install. If it doenst work right out of the gate with its own demo content, mek. Why bother with it?
  • Hello Didier, Thanks for stopping by. In your suggested use case, it could be a possible solution for a certain time being. A fresh start is always a great way to avoid errors. But it’s not the actual solution. The site owner should find out the root cause. Otherwise, the owner has to face the issue in the near future again. Then there is no way to roll it to the new installation. Thanks, Gobinda Team HappyAddons.
  • Thank’s for all very good tutorial
  • Thanks Jupiter for sharing your opinion. It inspires us to create more content. Regards, Gobinda. Team HappyAddons
  • An amazing write-up. The guidance in this article helped me a lot to improve my website.
  • Thanks, Javed for confirming that our shared solutions helped in your project. Stay tuned. Regards, Gobinda Team HappyAddons
  • thank you!!! this worked for me
  • Wow, Crumpled. Thanks for sharing your feedback. Regards, Team HappyAddons
  • Thank you so much for this article and your help! I was so nervous when Elementor didn‘t stop loading! Updating the php-Version helped me. Have a great Day! 🙂
  • Wow, Tina, great job. Happy Elementoring… Regards, Team HappyAddons

Hi, when I post a new article in my blog it is not showing here: getwebexperts/blog but when I enter any category it is show that category new post. What is the problems and how can I solve it? Thanks in advance.