In what year did Texans elect their first Republican governor since Reconstruction?

Except for an interlude during Reconstruction, the Democratic party was the leading political party in Texas until the 1960s. In the nineteenth century, however, the Whig, American (Know-Nothing), Republican, Greenback, and People's parties provided at different times a formidable opposition, so that Texas did not become a real one-party state until after 1900, when the Republican party sank into insignificance and minor parties largely disappeared. In the first half of the twentieth century Texas voters came to look upon the Democratic primary as the real election, because its nominees were largely unopposed in the general election and because Democratic factionalism in the primaries in reality substituted for party politics. During the New Deal period Texas Democratic factions began to develop in a more pronounced form and to take on a definite pattern of conservatism versus liberalism (see GREAT DEPRESSION). In the 1930s and 1940s minor parties developed both to the left and to the right of the state's Democratic party-Jeffersonian Democrats in 1936, Democrats for Wilkie in 1940, Texas Regulars in 1944, and the States' Rights or Dixiecrat party in 1948. Texas support for Republican presidential candidates grew after 1932. Such supporters came to be called Presidential Republicans because they still voted in Democratic primaries and for Democratic candidates for state office. In 1954 a Dallas Republican, Bruce Alger, was elected to Congress, and in a special election in 1961 the first Republican United States senator since Reconstruction, John G. Tower, was elected. In 1978 William P. Clements became the first Republican governor since Reconstruction. Republican strength continued to grow in the 1980s and 1990s, and in 1994 Republicans held both senatorial seats and the governorship. While the Democratic party still held on to much-reduced majorities in the state legislature and still had a higher turnout in primary elections, Texas was clearly a two-party state, with many predicting that the Republican party would hold majority status by the turn of the century. See also RAZA UNIDA PARTY, SOCIALIST PARTY, AFRICAN AMERICANS AND POLITICS, TEJANO POLITICS, WOMEN AND POLITICS, MEXICAN-AMERICAN ORGANIZATIONS, WOMAN SUFFRAGE, and PROHIBITION.

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  • Citation
  • Published

The following, adapted from the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, is the preferred citation for this entry.

Anonymous, “Political Parties,” Handbook of Texas Online, accessed November 22, 2022,

Published by the Texas State Historical Association.


Original Publication Date: 1976 Most Recent Revision Date: July 21, 2021

In what year did Texans elect their first Republican governor since Reconstruction?

William Clements with his wife, Rita, in 1975. He was elected governor of Texas in 1978, marking a comeback for the GOP there.


  • William Clements was an oil-field roughneck and entrepreneur
  • He was elected Texas governor in 1978, and ousted four years later
  • George W. Bush remembers him as a "great man" and "political pioneer"
  • Gov. Rick Perry calls Clements "the father of the modern-day Republican Party"

(CNN) -- William Clements, the first Republican governor of Texas since Reconstruction, died Sunday at the age of 94.

Two of his successors in Austin -- George W. Bush and Rick Perry -- were among those expressing sympathy at the Dallas native's death, with the former president calling him "a great man."

"He was a political pioneer who served Texas and our country with distinction," Bush said in a statement. "Most of all, he was a friend who will be missed."

An oil-field roughneck before attending college, Clements first made his name and fortune as a co-founder of SEDCO, the world's largest offshore drilling company, according to his biography on the Texas State Library's website. He then served as a deputy U.S. secretary of defense under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

He scored a surprise victory in 1978 to become Texas governor. Still, his time was short-lived as voters ousted him four years later in favor of Mark White.

Perry, the Lone Star State's current governor, remembered Clements as a "larger-than-life entrepreneur, public servant ... a mentor (and) the father of the modern-day Texas Republican party." He ordered flags throughout the state lowered to half-staff in Clements' honor.

"Gov. Clements is responsible for the growth, success and election of Texas Republicans in every corner of our state," Perry said. "Today, Texans and Americans have lost a leader whose leadership, service and patriotism were unparalleled."

In what year did Texans elect their first Republican governor since Reconstruction?

In what year did Texans elect their first Republican governor since Reconstruction?

When did Texas have its first governor?

Governors of Texas.

Who was the governor of Texas in 1845?

The election was held in preparation for the annexation of Texas by the United States and resulted in the election of James Pinckney Henderson, who received 82% of the vote and became the first governor of the new state.

Who was the first Republican governor of Texas after the Civil War?

Edmund J. Davis: Civil War General, Republican Leader, Reconstruction Governor (Texas Christian University Press, 2010) 352 pages. Biography.

When did Texas switch from Democratic to Republican?

For about a hundred years, from after Reconstruction until the 1990s, the Democratic Party dominated Texas politics. In a reversal of alignments, since the late 1960s the Republican Party has grown more prominent. By the 1990s, it became the state's dominant political party and remains so to this day.