latins là gì - Nghĩa của từ latins

latins có nghĩa là

the language of ancient Rome and the Roman Empire


Hey, hola vass! Do you speak Latin?

latins có nghĩa là

A language only sexy people can now speak. Made the object of constant bitching by fucktards who take Latin only to discover that they can't figure out what a grammatical case is if their life depended on it, as they have shit-for-brains.

Fun with Latin [common sayings]:


1] Futue te.

["Go fuck yourself."]

2] Nocte te tangis.

["You touch yourself at night."]

3] Lingua latina bona est.

["Latin is da fuckin' shitz0rz."]

4] Avis in caput magnum futuens tuum cacet.

["May a bird shit on your fucking big head."]

latins có nghĩa là

The primary language of the Ancient Romans. Most retards will say "Oh Latin is so boring", or, "Only nerds and geeks learn Latin". Well, they're wrong. Latin is an amazing language and learning the language can teach you more than speaking it. Many Latin words form the words we use today, making our English grammar much better. Don't like Latin? Futue tu...


Retard: "Latin is for geeks".
Smart guy: "No it's not retard, Latin is awesome".

latins có nghĩa là

A language derived from Italic tribes [A.K.A:”Sermo urbanus”; for French most times although used for other Romance languagesLingua vulgaris”]. This language took its script from the Greek language. The language was widely spoken by the Romans and neighboring tribes, and was used as an universal language in the European Middle ages for the educated class. Romanian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian are languages that come directly from Latin [A.K.A Romance Languages] Latin it is studied for etymology, a better understating of Latin languages and to be able to read roman manuscripts from ancient and medieval times. “Latin people” [Latinos] is an expression mistakenly used only referring to South American people, which should include Western Europeans who inherited the language and some Roman culture. Also means as an historical fact someone who was born and/or lived in ancient Latium in western central Italy. The language it is also used in special Roman Catholic Masses. The word originated before the 12th century from Latin “Latinus” which means of the people of Latium and/or a Roman; from Latium which was an ancient region of western central Italy. To finalize, there are some Latin phrases that are still used today.


-ergo = Therefore; Hence.

-cogito, ergo sum = I think, thefore I am. [From French philosopher Rene Descartes

-status quo = The state in which.

-deus ex machina = A god from the machinery. [An expression that symbolizes an event that resolves an extreme difficulty or a far-fetched event]

latins có nghĩa là

A language which, in being both dead alive, can be likened to a vampire. Yet another similarity with that group, is that as Vampires suck the life from unsuspecting victims, so too does this language. Steer Clear; if you hear the words declension, double dative, or ablative of means, a latin vampire attack may be near.


-I used to have a 4.0. Then I took Latin. -I used to have a soul, then I took Latin

latins có nghĩa là

The language of the ancient Romans that is the mother of Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Romanian. People think it's an easy language to learn and succeed because no one really speaks it. WRONG. Most people can't differentiate between a case and a declension, let alone understand all verb conjugations. So therefore, only intelligent, sexy people can speak it.


I like Latin. It took me a while to figure out how to say these: Futue te ipsum.
[Fuck yourself!] Fella mea mentula!
[Suck my dick!] Tune futuere egeis?
[Wanna fuck?] Tu quam pepedisti oleis!
[You smell like you farted!]

latins có nghĩa là

The language spoken by ancient Romans at the age of the Roman Empire and then spoken as official and literate's language in Italy until 1700 ca. It represents the basement of most modern european languages such as Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Romanian. 80% of english words have derivated from Latin Language [ex. imput, virus, ave, pirate etc.]. It is still studied in Italy in some high schools called "Liceo [Classico, Scientifico, Linguistico]". Latin morphology might be difficult to an unexpert eye, but it is quite simple and schematic :very substanctive has a declension, which is a group of similar words, and every declension has got 6 cases which express grammatical functions such as subject and complements. It is a really nice and fascinating language, though it is quite difficult to many.


"Carpe Diem" - Seize the day, seize the moment
"Roma caput mundi" - Rome is the head of the world
"Habemus papam!" - We have a pope!
"Cogito, ergo sum" - I think, therefore I am
"Romae gloria aeterna est" - The glory of Rome is evergreen ['Of Rome the glory evergreen is' in the latin syntax]

latins có nghĩa là

Latin is a language that was originally the chief language of the Roman Empire. While it shares many etymological similarities with ancient Greek, it is a much more rigidly-structured language as a result of the more military nature of Roman society. Citizens of Rome [both native and naturalized] were expected to speak Latin; not to was a sign of barbarism. Nowadays, other than linguists, the only major two groups that use Latin are the Catholic Church and scientists [usually biologists]. Unfortunately, this has given Latin an unfair image as a language of stuffy intellectuals. This is compounded by the fact that most Latin education programs teach the G-rated version of Latin [i.e. the version without any curses or real Roman history], despite the fact that Latin contains some awesome curses. Some of those are included below.


Claude os tuum, vel tu claudam. - Shut up, or I will shut you up
Mens tuum est similis bombulis infanti. - Your mind is like a farting infant.
Siste loquens! Nobis stultior facis! - Stop speaking! You are making me more stupid!
Volo te claude. - I wish you'd shut up.
Siste legens hoc praeceptum. - Stop reading this motto.
Sororem tuam pedicavi! - I sodomized your sister!
Non certa si troglodytarum aut tantummodo stultius. - Not sure if troll or just stupid.
Mammae aut apage! - Tits or GTFO.
Erada rationem triginta et duo! - Delete System32!
Osores oderit... - Haters gonna Hate
Tu iratus, frater? - UMAD, bro?
Tantum cunnus es. - You are such a c*nt.
Ille culus. - Dat ass
Culum tuum tangere possum? - Can I touch your ass?
Quis culum meum iam tetigit? - Did you just touch my ass?
Rosae rubrae sunt, violae caerulae sunt. Carmini scribere non possum, ita claude. - Roses are red, violets are blue. I can't write poems, so shut up.
Irrumabo usque id amas. - I'll face-fuck you until you like it.
Tua resistentia solummodo meum penem durius facit! - Your resistance only makes my penis harder!
Verpam meam ei ostendere conatus sum, sed cucurristi. - I tried to show her my penis, but she ran.
Hic me est merda dante! - This is me giving a shit!
Qui tuum loqui quaesivit? - Who asked you to speak?
Se futue - Fuck yourself [NOTE: this is the correct Latin. "Te futue" literally means "Go fuck you" [i.e., another person]]

latins có nghĩa là

The language you will take years of and still struggle because there is always new things to learn.


Teacher: There is another case
Any student: What! They only taught us the nominative, genative, dative, accusitive, ablative, and vocative
Teacher: Well there is a locative case
Any student: Smh, I only take Latin because it is a required language.

latins có nghĩa là

not cool, lame, extremely un-awesome.


dave said that the test was not latin, it must be fuckin clown shoes.

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