Lỗi reading one or more pack descriptions failed keil năm 2024

I have not come across this before. Which SDK version do you use? Do you have the nRF Device Family pack installed [check in Project -> Manage -> Pack installer]? And what does it look like if you check Project -> Manage -> Run Time Environment... ? It should look something like this automatically if you open a SDK 17.1.0 project:

  • Hi, I use nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560 with the example located at examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_blinky\pca10040\s132\arm5_no_packs. My Keil installation is Version 5.30. When I try to open the project it does not open but presents me this error:
    After clicking "OK" I cannot access the Pack installer and the Run Time Environment, because the project could not be loaded.
    This happens only for nrf52 projects. All our other projects open without any issues. regards Alex
  • Hi Alex, I see. Looking t the lower screenshot it does not look like the project was opened, probably due to the error message. I don't understand why you got that, though. How did you open the project? And does it help using a clean Keil install? [I don't have very specific suggestions unfortunately, as I have not been able to reproduce or find older descriptions about this issue].
  • I see. How did you open the example project? Can you try simply to double-click on the .uvprojx file? packChk is a utility for validation of a Software Pack. It operates on the unzipped content of the Software Pack and is located in the directory .\CMSIS\Utilities of the ARM::CMSIS Pack. packChk is available for Windows and Linux operating systems. Short Name Description -i Check component dependencies Reference PDSC file[s] used to resolve component dependencies in conditions. -n Write Pack file name Write a standardized name for the Software Pack to the specified ASCII file. -s Verify SVD files Each SVD file referenced in the *.pdsc file is validated with SVDConv. With this option set, SVDConv.exe is invoked from the same directory as packChk. -u Pack Server URL Verifies that the specified URL matches the element in the *.pdsc file. -v Verbose Prints extra process information. -x Suppress Suppress all listed validation messages. You can separate the values with blanks to create a list or repeat the option. Ranges are not allowed. Suppressing validation messages does not affect error and warning counters. For a list of messages refer to . -h/-? Help Show help. Run packChk on the package description file called MyVendor.MyPack.pdsc. packChk verifies the file against the Software Pack that is located in the same directory. Run packChk on the package description file called MyVendor.MyPack.pdsc in the current directory and try to resolve conditions using the ARM.CMSIS.pdsc file based in another directory. Run packChk on the package description file called MyVendor.MVCM3.pdsc, verify SVD files, verify the URL to the Pack Server, and generate a ASCII text file with the standardized name of the Software Pack. Run packChk on the package description file called MyVendor.MVCM3.pdsc. Suppress validation messages M304 and M331. The following table shows the errors and warnings issued by packChk. Message Number Type Description Action M500 TEXT RTE Model reports: MSG Error while preparing data. See massage for more details. M502 TEXT RTE Model reports:

    error NUM: NAME : MSG Additional software components required. M504 TEXT RTE Model reports: MISSING: – SPACE NAME Add the missing component.

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