policys là gì - Nghĩa của từ policys

policys có nghĩa là

An obscure cult with its own distinct language understood only by members. The members speak incredibly quickly and think even faster. They tend to also be motivated students and often exhibit a mild form of OCD.

Such debaters engage in conversation with each other on a much higher level than the average human, both in and out of round. The student government and honor roll within a school typically consist mostly of debaters. 80% of congress debated in high school.

Membership in the cult lasts from 9th grade through 12th grade and sometimes through college, but the mannerisms and knowledge gained from it manifest themselves in all aspects of the current or former debater's life for the better.

Policy debate kicks aff.


I spent all last weekend hitting people, cutting and spewing. We broke and all the judges picked me up, but this one lay judge dropped me. I also got top speaks. Now I'm going to do uniqueness updates for my disad, then cut some a2 perm cards on the counterplan and come up with a kritikal aff so I can win framework.

I finally mastered the pen flip!

A: Did you hear so-and-so got into all 7 ivy's?
B: Really? he must be a debater.

Policy debate is SHITS (Significance, Harms, Inherency, Topicality, Solvency)

If you understood all the above, you're a policy debater.

policys có nghĩa là

*noun*, efforts by the government to intentionally run a deficit in order to stimulate the economy during a recession. Loosely associated with Keynesian economics.

According to basic economic theory, recessions occur because there is a basic mismatch between aggregate demand and potential output. One approach for solving this is for the government to buy more goods and services than it has revenues to cover, thereby creating conditions in which effective demand is greater than the stock of goods currently in business inventory (given recessionary prices).

Under a stimulus, the jolt of extra money in circulation creates inflation, which has the effect of lowering real prices. Customers then respond to the {de facto} price reduction by buying more, which leads to more hiring, thence to more effective demand, thence to economic recovery.

Another reason fiscal policy stimulates the economy is that the private sector is not investing or consuming its own output. Increased taxes would simply reduce private consumption, so those cannot be increased; but spending is increased to fill the breach.


I think it is possible that fiscal policy will have even more 'oomph' in this situation," Christina Romer, who heads the Council of Economic Advisers, told an economics conference.

"When households and businesses are liquidity-constrained by reduced lending, any money put in their pockets is more likely to be spent," she said.

--Reuters, "White House's Romer: Stimulus may pack more punch" (3 March 2009)

policys có nghĩa là

1. A legitimate purpose.


#1 - Dude, that guy has no policy.

#2 - What's the policy here?

policys có nghĩa là

An excuse to do what you want to do, regardless how senseless it is.


All you have to do is get a committee to approve it.

policys có nghĩa là

A sad husk of debate. Once consisting of eloquent remarks and compelling speeches, it has turned into a glorified research session in which kids present their months of research on how pretty much anything the other side does will lead to nuclear war in a span of eight minutes. While many policy debaters boast about their ability to speak at speeds unimaginable to the average person, this may be considered a sign of denial; after all, if speaking so no one can understand you is the only element of debate you have, it's not much of debate, is it?


Tim: Hey Jim, did you see that policy round? Jim: Yeah, what the fuck were they talking about? Tim: All I could understand was that helping stop global warming leads to nuclear war. They were talking so quickly. Jim: Yeah, no one wants to hear that shit.

policys có nghĩa là

The slang term used by a group of gay men who have yet to come out of the closet. Used as a cover to remind each other who they really are.


"Dude, that chick is really hot, you should go for it!"
"But what about policy?"
"Oh yeah, I'll pass."

policys có nghĩa là

has been approved by default.


I hear Vox Gold is SO Policy 31. :smirk:

policys có nghĩa là

A relationship between two people defined by extreme politeness, and an aversion to offense of and kind-real or perceived.
Superficial, this may or may not lead to deeper friendship.


Marc pondered on the high level of policy in his relationship with Chesterfield. They bent over backwards to be nice to each other.

policys có nghĩa là

A relationship between two people. Relationship meaning marriage, boyfriend/girlfriend and so forth.


I'm about to cancel her policy and renew someone elses.

Peter has two policies open at one time.

policys có nghĩa là

(adj.) To describe something as monotonous, senseless, and pointless, something similar to policy debate


Dude, this homework we got is so policy.