Sách mềm vn lớp 4 tập 1

1. Listen and tick.

  • Tell pupils that they are going to listen to five dialogues and tick the correct pictures.
  • Give them a few seconds to look at the pictures. Ask them to identify the similarities and differences among them (1a. Linda is greeting a boy.  1b. Linda is in bed and saying good  night to her mum. 1c. Linda is saying goodbye to a boy. 2a. Big Ben in London. 2b. The Opera House in Sydney. 2c. The Statue of Liberty in New York.  3a. a calendar sheet of Monday. 3b.   a calendar sheet of Thursday. 3c. a calendar sheet of Sunday. 4a. A calendar sheet of the first of October. 4b. A calendar sheet of the first of December. 4c. A calendar sheet of the first      of September. 5a. A boy is cycling. 5b. A boy is swimming. 5c. A boy is drawing a picture.) Check understanding.
  • Play the recording three times for pupils to listen, do the task and check their answers.
  • Get pupils to swap their answers before you check as a class. Explain the answers and give further support to pupils who got more than half of the answers wrong.

         Key:    1 b         2 b         3 b          4 c        5 a

         Audio script

         1. Linda:       Good night, Mum.

             Mother:    Good night, Linda.

          2. Hoa:        What’s your name?

             Tony:        My name’s Tony.

              Hoa:        What nationality are you?

             Tony:        I’m Australian.

         3. Mr Loc:          Good morning, class.

            Class:            Good morning, Mr Loc.

            Mr Loc:          What day is it today? Boy:  It’s Thursday.

         4. Girl:          When’s your birthday?

            Boy:          It’s on the first of September.

         5.  Boy:          Who’s that?

              Girl:          It’s my brother.

             Boy:          What can he do?

             Girl:          He can ride a bike.