Send keys to remote Desktop

I'm trying to send Control-C and Control-V to the remote device (Windows 7) but the "Control" seems to be being ignored. What am I missing?

Raw AppleScript sends them OK...

tell application "Microsoft Remote Desktop" activate tell application "System Events" -- type Square brackets key code 33 key code 30 -- type curly brackets key code 33 using {shift down} key code 30 using {shift down} keystroke "testing" -- type 3 shift left arrows (select last 3 characters) key code 123 using {shift down} key code 123 using {shift down} key code 123 using {shift down} key code 123 using {shift down} -- copy and paste 3 times key code 8 using {control down} key code 9 using {control down} key code 9 using {control down} key code 9 using {control down} key code 36 --return key code 48 --tab keystroke "finished" end tell end tell

But is seems like KM is not sending any modifier strokes
@gravejd asked a similar question in March with no resolution.
