So sánh export premiere và encoder năm 2024

Hi everyone, this video we are going to cover the differences between exporting your video via Adobe Media encoder and Premiere Pro. So I've closed down that throw-away project from the last video, and I've opened up our XD, so our XD Intro course, we're going to export this one. So when it comes to exporting, what are the differences? Let's show you how to get to the choice, and then I'll show you what the differences are.

So we're going to export our XD Intro. You'll find it in your 'Project Window', open up 'XD Intro'. It could be any footage, doesn't really matter. Now for this Export to work, you either need to have it selected here, in the Properties Panel, sorry, the Project Panel, or you need to have it selected down here in the Timeline. If you don't have either of those selected it will freak out, because it doesn't know which one you mean, because we know now there was a couple of different sequences we could export. So let's have this one selected, and let's go to 'File', let's go to, I can never remember what it is, because I usually use the shortcut of 'Command M', So it's 'Export Media', or 'Ctrl M' on a PC, give that a click.

This is where you get your choice. Up until now what we did is we just went 'Export', because there's an mp4 in this case. The difference here is this Q, if you hit 'Q', it's going to open up Adobe Media Encoder. It's something that's already pre-installed on your machine, if you install Premiere Pro, just comes along for the ride, and it should open up, and it will load it into here. Basically that's-- they do a very similar job, they're about exporting the footage. The difference really here is, let's have a look. If I export it again in Premiere Pro, see this little window, I'm inside Premiere Pro, I'm exporting, and if I hit 'Export' it starts doing it.

In here-- in Media Encoder, if I click on any of these kind of words, either this one or Match Source, that same window appears, so you're telling it to do the exact same job. So why would you bother going to Media Encoder? Two main reasons, one is, whilst Media Encoder is running, you can still, if I hit 'Play' now-- I'm going to stick this where, I'm going to stick this in my Draft folder, so-- where are we, 'Exercise Files', we're working in 'Project 3'. Remember, my renders, I'm going to stick it in here, So there goes my renders, and I'm going to hit 'Play', and it's going to go through it, but the nice thing is I can jump back into Premiere Pro and keep working, keep messing around with my project, whereas before, when I export from Premiere Pro, it stops Premiere Pro from working, and you can't carry on, but in the background, old Media Encoder is doing its thing. There it is there, it's finished.

You end up with the same product at the end, exact same quality. Just means you can have, you know, if this is a really long render, it's got some animations in it, it can take forever, that means you can keep working. That's probably one of the really big perks. Another one is you can have more than one sequence exported. So let's say we select both of these. I can go to 'Command M', 'Ctrl M' on a PC, export, where are we? So I'm going to have you, I'm going to go to 'Export', I'm going to go to 'Export Media', because I have both of them selected, it's only giving me my Queue option. So I can do more than one sequence at a time.

So it's jumped out to Media Encoder, where is he, there he is. So that one's grayed out because it's done, these two here are about to be done. So now I can hit-- let's say I've got, I've shown you that video I had earlier, had like hundreds of sequences. So I can load them all up in here, and then, maybe when I go to lunch, or go on my break, or it's night time, I can hit 'Play', and it goes through all of them, you see, it's doing this first one, and because, remember, I can keep working in Premiere Pro, keep doing stuff, change things, Media Encoder is working in the background There he is there, tickity tick, they're all done.

So those are the two main perks, is I can keep working in Premiere Pro, and I can export more than one sequence at a time. Now just as a little side note, is I often get a file footage that I need to convert. So I might get an MOV or an AVI, or some sort of footage that I need to change. So this one here is m4a, and I'm like, "Ah!" The little bit of software that I'm using, doesn't allow me to use m4as for some reason, I need an mp3, so it's dumped that in here. I'm just dragging it into this, you can use the more official way, and go to 'File', 'Add Source', and all appear in this list. You can say, "What do you want to convert it to?", and I say, "You used to be m4a", it was just typically a PC kind of audio format, and I want it to be mp3, and I can hit 'Play', and it will convert it for me.

Same thing if I've got an MOV, so this is what I did for you, in your 'Exercise Files' I've got a whole bunch of MOVs. I converted them to be mp4s just to make them smaller, but there might be just some footage that-- like, you know, you've been asked for, "Can you send us an mp4, or MOV, or AVI." or some other video format, and you can just use Media Encoder, excluding Premiere Pro, can be opened just by itself. You just dump it in, and say, "Actually you're no longer an MOV, you are an mp3," and that will be cool, will just pull out the audio from it, but let's say I want it to be an mp4. So remember, we're going to use this codec, H2.64, and now that's going to convert it from MOV to an mp4, there he is there.

So it's very good, if you've ever had to convert footage, and you've done it through some sort of online thing, you sigh because you've probably done it, some sort of weird ad based convert, video online thing, it's painful. Median Encoder has been around since the dawn of Adobe. It's been around a long time, and probably been on your machine, which sucks, if you've been doing it the other way. I know because I did it the other way for a long time before I found this, I'm like, "Oh, that's what it does, encodes media." So that's a brief introduction about what Media Encoder does, and what it's used for. It would be very common though, I guess I showed it to you, this part of the course, because most people using Premiere Pro, I say most, use Media Encoder, instead of just exporting straight from Premiere Pro. All right, that is going to be it for this video. I'll see you in the next one.