The special operator used to check whether an attribute value is within a range of values is

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T/F: Database connectivity software is also known as database middleware because it interfaces between the application program and the database. TRUE
T/F: Usually, the native database connectivity interface provided by the vendor is not the only way to connect to a database; most current DBMS products support other database connectivity standards, the most common being ODBC. TRUE
T/F: An API [application programming interface] is defined as a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. TRUE
T/F: The effects of bad database design, implementation, and management are multiplied in an environment in which transactions may be measured in hundreds of thousands per day, rather than in hundreds per day. TRUE
T/F: A database language enables the user to create database and table structures to perform basic data management chores. TRUE
T/F: SQL is considered difficult to learn; its command set has a vocabulary of more than 300 words. FALSE - easy, less than 100 words
T/F: Data type selection is usually dictated by the nature of the data and by the intended use. TRUE
T/F: SQL requires the use of the ADD command to enter data into a table. FALSE - INSERT
T/F: You cannot insert a row containing a null attribute value using SQL. FALSE
T/F: All SQL commands must be issued on a single line. FALSE
T/F: Although SQL commands can be grouped together on a single line, complex command sequences are best shown on separate lines, with space between the SQL command and the command’s components. TRUE
T/F: COUNT is designed to tally the number of non-null "values" of an attribute, and is often used in conjunction with the DISTINCT clause. TRUE
T/F: One of the major advantages of stored procedures is that they can be used to encapsulate and represent business transactions. TRUE
T/F: Stored procedures help reduce code duplication by means of code isolation and code sharing. TRUE
T/F: The DBMS must provide tools that give each level of management a different view of the data and support the required level of decision-making. TRUE
T/F: Having a computerized DBMS guarantees that the data will be properly used to provide the best solutions required by managers. FALSE
T/F: Disaster management includes all the end-user activities designed to secure data availability following a physical disaster or a database integrity failure. FALSE - DBA activities
T/F: Decision support data are a snapshot of the operational data at a given point in time. TRUE
T/F: Once data enter the data warehouse, they are never removed. TRUE
The SQL command that lets you insert rows into a table is ____. INSERT
The SQL command that lets you permanently save data changes is ____. COMMIT
The SQL command that modifies an attribute’s values in one or more table’s rows is ____. UPDATE
When you issue the DELETE FROM tablename command without specifying a WHERE condition, ____. All rows will be deleted from specified table
Which of the following is used to select partial table contents? SELECT cloumnlist FROM tablelist WHERE conditionslist
Which query will output the table contents when the value of V_CODE is equal to 21344? Select P_Descript, P_Indate, P_Price, V_Code From Product Where V_Code=21344
Which query will output the table contents when the value of P_PRICE is less than or equal to 10? SELECT P_Descript, P_QOH, P_MIN, P_Price, P_INdate FROM Product WHERE P_Price

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