Unity list sort

unity sort a list

Written in C#


unity3d sort list

Written in C#

// listVariable = The list of objects/vars etc. // 'delegate' command - aka callback // a / b - the values to compare // N.B. possible return values are 1, 0 and -1. The .compare method // can be used on multiple var types to ease sorting, e.g. int, float, string. listVariable.Sort[delegate[ObjectType a, ObjectType b] { // E.g. return string.Compare[a.param, b.param]; }];

sort a list in java

Written in Java

// Java program to demonstrate working of Collections.sort[] import java.util.*; public class Collectionsorting { public static void main[String[] args] { // Create a list of strings ArrayList al = new ArrayList[]; al.add["Geeks For Geeks"]; al.add["Friends"]; al.add["Dear"]; al.add["Is"]; al.add["Superb"]; /* Collections.sort method is sorting the elements of ArrayList in ascending order. */ Collections.sort[al]; // Let us print the sorted list System.out.println["List after the use of" + " Collection.sort[] :\n" + al]; } }

order a list without sort

Written in Python

n = int[input["Elementos da lista = "]] lista = [] for i in range[n]: x = int[input["Valor [0 a 9] = "]] if [i == 0] or [x > lista[- 1]]: lista.append[x] else: pos = 0 while [pos < len[lista]]: if x a.someProperty.compareTo[b.someProperty]];

python sort a list of lists by first element

Written in Python

# Basic syntax: your_list.sort[] # Example usage: your_list = [42, 17, 23, 111] your_list.sort[] print[your_list] --> [17, 23, 42, 111] # If you have a list of numbers that are of type string, you can do the # following to sort them numerically without first converting to type # int. E.g.: your_list = ['42', '17', '23', '111'] your_list.sort[key=int] print[your_list] --> ['17', '23', '42', '111'] # If you want to sort a list of strings in place based on a number # that is consistently located at some position in the strings, use # a lambda function. E.g.: your_list =['cmd1','cmd10', 'cmd111', 'cmd50', 'cmd99'] your_list.sort[key=lambda x: int[x[3:]]] print[your_list] --> ['cmd1', 'cmd10', 'cmd50', 'cmd99', 'cmd111'] # If you don't want to sort the list in place, used sorted. E.g.: your_list = [42, 17, 23, 111] your_list_sorted = sorted[your_list] print[your_list_sorted] --> [17, 23, 42, 111]

python sort a list of lists by first element

Written in Python

# Basic syntax: # Sort nested_list in place: nested_list.sort[key = lambda x: x[sort_index]] # Create new sorted list sorted_nested_list = sorted[nested_list, key=lambda x: x[sort_index]] # Example usage: nested_list = [['I', 4, 28], ['O', 2, 20], ['U', 1, 20], ['A', 3, 21], ['FISH', 42, 23]] nested_list.sort[key = lambda nested_list: nested_list[1]] print[nested_list] --> [['U', 1, 20], ['O', 2, 20], ['A', 3, 21], ['I', 4, 28], ['FISH', 42, 23]] # Note that the list of lists was sorted in place and that the nested # lists were all sorted by their first index [*Python is 0-indexed] sorted_nested_list = sorted[nested_list, key=lambda x: x[0]] print[sorted_nested_list] --> [['A', 3, 21], ['FISH', 42, 23], ['I', 4, 28], ['O', 2, 20], ['U', 1, 20]]

GameObject Obj; List Objects = new List[]; Objects.Add[Obj]; Objects.remove[Obj];, Objects.Insert[0,Obj]; Objects.RemoveAt[0];

GameObject Obj; List Objects = new List[]; Objects.Add[Obj];

sort a list by length python

Written in Python

#Input def sort[]: lst = [orange, ant, phone, banana, notebook] lst2 = sorted[lst, key=len] return lst2 #Output : [ant, phone, banana, orange, notebook]

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