When we organize information based on things that are physically close together this is called?

Static and Moving Patterns

Colin Ware, in Information Visualization [Fourth Edition], 2021


The Gestalt principle of continuity states that we are more likely to construct visual entities out of visual elements that are smooth and continuous, rather than ones that contain abrupt changes in direction. [See Fig. 6.6.]. The principle of good continuity can be applied to the problem of drawing diagrams consisting of networks of nodes and the links between them. It should be easier to identify the sources and destinations of connecting lines if they are smooth and continuous. This point is illustrated in Fig. 6.7. A graph drawing method known as a confluent diagram [Bach, Riche, Hurter, Marriott, & Dwyer, 2017] combines link bundling with the principle of continuity to make paths between nodes clear and unambiguous [Fig. 6.8 illustrates].

Figure 6.6. The pattern on the left [a] is perceived as a smoothly curved line overlapping a rectangle [b] rather than as the more angular components shown in [c].

Figure 6.7. In [a], smooth continuous contours are used to connect nodes in the diagram; in [b], lines with abrupt changes in direction are used. It is much easier to perceive connections with the smooth contours.

Figure 6.8. Confluent diagram from Bach et al., 2017. Smooth continuity makes it clear that there is no direct path from S to c even though they are connected by short lines. In contrast there are clearly direct paths from d to e and d to c.

From Bach et al., 2017.

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Our Vision is Optimized to See Structure

Jeff Johnson, in Designing with the Mind in Mind [Second Edition], 2014

Gestalt Principle: Proximity

The Gestalt principle of Proximity is that the relative distance between objects in a display affects our perception of whether and how the objects are organized into subgroups. Objects that are near each other [relative to other objects] appear grouped, while those that are farther apart do not.

In Figure 2.1A, the stars are closer together horizontally than they are vertically, so we see three rows of stars, while the stars in Figure 2.1B are closer together vertically than they are horizontally, so we see three columns.

FIGURE 2.1. Proximity: items that are closer appear grouped as rows [A] and columns [B].

The Proximity principle has obvious relevance to the layout of control panels or data forms in software, Web sites, and electronic appliances. Designers often separate groups of on-screen controls and data displays by enclosing them in group boxes or by placing separator lines between groups [see Fig. 2.2].

FIGURE 2.2. In Outlook’s Distribution List Membership dialog box, list buttons are in a group box, separate from the control buttons.

However, according to the Proximity principle, items on a display can be visually grouped simply by spacing them closer to each other than to other controls, without group boxes or visible borders [see Fig. 2.3]. Many graphic design experts recommend this approach to reduce visual clutter and code size in a user interface [Mullet and Sano, 1994].

FIGURE 2.3. In Mozilla Thunderbird’s Subscribe Folders dialog box, controls are grouped using the Proximity principle.

Conversely, if controls are poorly spaced [e.g., if connected controls are too far apart] people will have trouble perceiving them as related, making the software harder to learn and remember. For example, the Discreet Software Installer displays six horizontal pairs of radio buttons, each representing a two-way choice, but their spacing, due to the Proximity principle, makes them appear to be two vertical sets of radio buttons, each representing a six-way choice, at least until users try them and learn how they operate [see Fig. 2.4].

FIGURE 2.4. In Discreet’s Software Installer, poorly spaced radio buttons look grouped in vertical columns.

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Our Vision is Optimized to See Structure

Jeff Johnson, in Designing with the Mind in Mind [Third Edition], 2021

Gestalt Principle: Continuity

Several Gestalt principles describe our visual system’s tendency to resolve ambiguity or fill in missing data so we perceive whole objects. The first such principle, the principle of Continuity, states that when visual elements are aligned with each other, our visual perception is biased to perceive them as continuous forms rather than disconnected segments.

For example, in Fig. 2.9A, we automatically see two crossing lines—one blue and one orange. We don’t see two separate orange segments and two separate blue ones, and we don’t see a blue-and-orange V on top of an upside-down orange-and-blue V. In Fig. 2.9B, due to the vertical alignment of the pieces and the fact that they are spaced to match the curvature of the visible pieces, we see a sea monster in water, not three pieces of one. If we misaligned the pieces or spaced the pieces further than the curvature suggests, the illusion of continuity would disappear.

Figure 2.9. Continuity: Human vision is biased to see continuous forms, even adding missing data if necessary.

A well-known example of the use of the continuity principle in graphic design is the IBM logo. It consists of disconnected blue patches, and yet it is not at all ambiguous. The blue rectangles are stacked vertically with horizontal space between the stacks, so we see three bold letters, perhaps viewed through something like venetian blinds [see Fig. 2.10].

Figure 2.10. The IBM company logo uses the Continuity principle to form letters from disconnected patches.

Slider controls are a user-interface example of the Continuity principle. We see a slider as depicting a single range controlled by a handle that appears somewhere on the slider, not as two separate ranges separated by the handle [see Fig. 2.11A]. Even displaying different colors on each side of a slider’s handle doesn’t completely “break” our perception of a slider as one continuous object, although ComponentOne’s choice of strongly contrasting colors [gray vs. red] certainly strains that perception a bit [see Fig. 2.11B].

Figure 2.11. Continuity: we see a slider as a single slot with a handle somewhere on it, not as two slots separated by a handle: [A] Mac OS and [B] ComponentOne.

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Our Vision is Optimized to See Structure

Jeff Johnson, in Designing with the Mind in Mind, 2010

Gestalt Principle: Figure/Ground

The next Gestalt principle that describes how our visual system structures the data it receives is Figure/Ground. This principle states that our mind separates the visual field into the figure [the “foreground”] and ground [the “background”]. The foreground consists of those elements of a scene that are the object of our primary attention, and the background is everything else.

The Figure/Ground principle also specifies that the visual system’s parsing of scenes into figure and ground is influenced by characteristics of the scene. For example, when a small object or color patch overlaps a larger one, we tend to perceive the smaller object as the figure and the larger object as the ground [see Fig. 2.16].

Figure 2.16. Figure/Ground: When objects overlap, we see the smaller as figure on ground.

However, our perception of figure vs. ground is not completely determined by scene characteristics. It also depends on the viewer’s focus of attention. Dutch artist M. C. Escher exploited this phenomenon to produce ambiguous images in which figure and ground switch roles as our attention shifts [see Fig. 2.17].

Figure 2.17. M. C. Escher exploited figure/ground ambiguity in his art.

In user interface and Web design, the Figure/Ground principle is often used to place an impression-inducing background “behind” the primary displayed content [see Fig. 2.18]. The background can convey information—e.g., the user’s current location—or it can suggest a theme, brand, or mood for interpretation of the content.

Figure 2.18. Figure/Ground is used at AndePhotos.com to display a thematic watermark “behind” content.

Figure/Ground is also often used to pop up information over other content. Content that was formerly the figure—the focus of the users' attention—temporarily becomes the background for new information, which appears briefly as the new figure [see Fig. 2.19]. This approach is usually better than temporarily replacing the old information with the new information, because it provides context that helps keep people oriented regarding their place in the interaction.

Figure 2.19. Figure/Ground is used at GRACEUSA.org to pop up a photo “over” the page content.

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Visual Objects and Data Objects

Colin Ware, in Information Visualization [Fourth Edition], 2021

Static Links

When text is integrated into a static diagram, the Gestalt principles discussed in Chapter 6 apply, as Fig. 8.24 shows. Simple proximity is commonly used in labeling maps. A line drawn around the object and text creates a common region. A line or common region can also be used to associate groups of objects with a particular label. Arrows and speech balloons linking text and graphics also apply the principle of connectedness.

Figure 8.24. Gestalt principles used to guide the linking of text and graphics: [a] Proximity. [b] Continuity/connectedness. [c] Common region. [d] Common region combined with connectedness.

[G8.20] Use Gestalt principles of proximity, connectedness, and common region to associate written labels with graphical elements.

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Static and Moving Patterns

Colin Ware, in Information Visualization [Third Edition], 2013

Gestalt Laws

The first serious attempt to understand pattern perception was undertaken by a group of German psychologists who, in 1912, founded what is known as the Gestalt school of psychology. The group consisted principally of Max Westheimer, Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang Kohler [see Koffka, 1935, for an original text]. The word Gestalt simply means “pattern” in German. The work of the Gestalt psychologists is still valued today because they provided a clear description of many basic perceptual phenomena. They produced a set of Gestalt laws of pattern perception. These are robust rules that describe the way we see patterns in visual displays, and, although the neural mechanisms proposed by these researchers to explain the laws have not withstood the test of time, the laws themselves have proved to be of enduring value. The Gestalt laws easily translate into a set of design principles for information displays. Eight Gestalt laws are discussed here: proximity, similarity, connectedness, continuity, symmetry, closure, relative size, and common fate [the last concerns motion perception and appears later in the chapter].


Spatial proximity is a powerful perceptual organizing principle and one of the most useful in design. Things that are close together are perceptually grouped together. Figure 6.2 shows two arrays of dots that illustrate the proximity principle. Only a small change in spacing causes us to change what is perceived from a set of rows, in Figure 6.2[a], to a set of columns, in Figure 6.2[b]. In Figure 6.2[c], the existence of two groups is perceptually inescapable. Proximity is not the only factor in predicting perceived groups. In Figure 6.3, the dot labeled x is perceived to be part of cluster a rather than cluster b, even though it is as close to the other points in cluster b as they are to each other. Slocum [1983] called this the spatial concentration principle; we perceptually group regions of similar element density. The application of the proximity law in display design is straightforward.

Figure 6.2. Spatial proximity is a powerful cue for perceptual organization. A matrix of dots is perceived as rows on the left [a] and columns on the right [b]. In [c] we perceive two groups of dots because of proximity relationships.

Figure 6.3. The principle of spatial concentration. The dot labeled x is perceived as part of cluster a rather than cluster b.

[G6.1] Place symbols and glyphs representing related information close together.

In addition to the perceptual organization benefit, there is also a perceptual efficiency to using proximity. Because we more readily pick up information close to the fovea, less time and effort will be spent in neural processing and eye movements if related information is spatially grouped.


The shapes of individual pattern elements can also determine how they are grouped. Similar elements tend to be grouped together. In Figure 6.4[a, b] the similarity of the elements causes us to see rows more clearly. In terms of perception theory, the concept of similarity has been largely superseded. The channel theory and the concepts of integral and separable dimensions provide much more detailed analysis and better support for design decisions. Two different ways of visually separating row and column information are shown in Figure 6.4[c] and [d]. In Figure 6.4[c], integral color and grayscale coding is used. In Figure 6.4[d], green is used to delineate rows and texture is used to delineate columns. Color and texture are separate channels, and the result is a pattern that can be more readily visually segmented either by rows or by columns. This technique can be useful if we are designing so that users can easily attend to either one pattern or the other.

Figure 6.4. [a, b] According to the Gestalt psychologists, similarity between the elements in alternate rows causes the row percept to dominate. [c] Integral dimensions are used to delineate rows and columns. [d] When separable dimensions [color and texture] are used, it is easier to attend separately to either the rows or the columns.

[G6.2] When designing a grid layout of a data set, consider coding rows and/or columns using low-level visual channel properties, such as color and texture.


Palmer and Rock [1994] argued that connectedness is a fundamental Gestalt organizing principle that the Gestalt psychologists overlooked. The demonstrations in Figure 6.5 show that connectedness can be a more powerful grouping principle than proximity, color, size, or shape. Connecting different graphical objects by lines is a very powerful way of expressing that there is some relationship between them. Indeed, this is fundamental to the node–link diagram, one of the most common methods of representing relationships between concepts.

Figure 6.5. Connectedness is a powerful grouping principle that is stronger than [a] proximity, [b] color, [c] size, or [d] shape.

[G6.3] To show relationships between entities, consider linking graphical representations of data objects using lines or ribbons of color.


The Gestalt principle of continuity states that we are more likely to construct visual entities out of visual elements that are smooth and continuous, rather than ones that contain abrupt changes in direction. [See Figure 6.6.] The principle of good continuity can be applied to the problem of drawing diagrams consisting of networks of nodes and the links between them. It should be easier to identify the sources and destinations of connecting lines if they are smooth and continuous. This point is illustrated in Figure 6.7.

Figure 6.6. The pattern on the left [a] is perceived as a smoothly curved line overlapping a rectangle [b] rather than as the more angular components shown in [c].

Figure 6.7. In [a], smooth continuous contours are used to connect nodes in the diagram; in [b], lines with abrupt changes in direction are used. It is much easier to perceive connections with the smooth contours.


Symmetry can provide a powerful organizing principle. The symmetrically arranged pairs of lines in Figure 6.8 are perceived more strongly as forming a visual whole than the pair of parallel lines. A possible application of symmetry is in tasks in which data analysts are looking for similarities between two different sets of time-series data. It may be easier to perceive similarities if these time series are arranged using vertical symmetry, as shown in Figure 6.9, rather than using the more conventional parallel plots.

Figure 6.8. The pattern on the left consists of two identical parallel contours. In each of the other two patterns, one of the contours has been reflected about a vertical axis, producing bilateral symmetry. The result is a much stronger sense of a holistic figure.

Figure 6.9. An application designed to allow users to recognize similar patterns in different time-series plots. The data represents a sequence of measurements made on deep ocean drilling cores. Two subsets of the extended sequences are shown on the right.

To take advantage of symmetry the important patterns must be small. Research by Dakin and Herbert [1998] suggests that we are most sensitive to symmetrical patterns that are small, less than 1 degree in width and 2 degrees in height, and centered around the fovea. The display on the right in Figure 6.9 is far too large to be optimal from this point of view.

We more readily perceive symmetries about vertical and horizontal axes, as shown in Figure 6.10[a, b]; however, this bias can be altered with a frame of reference provided by a larger-scale pattern, as shown in Figure 6.10[c] and [d]. See Beck et al. [2005].

Figure 6.10. Because symmetries about vertical and horizontal axes are more readily perceived, [a] is seen as a square and [b] is seen as diamond. [c, d] A larger pattern can provide a frame of reference that defines the axes of symmetry; [c] is seen as a line of diamonds and [d] as a line of squares.

[G6.4] Consider using symmetry to make pattern comparisons easier, but be sure that the patterns to be compared are small in terms of visual angle [

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